
you are all things revan, but yet, you are nothing

@littleforestbat / littleforestbat.tumblr.com

fully lost in the moon knight sauce | theo | arospec | 25 | any pronouns (use yours) | naarm | white | we are dishonored stans first and people second

Author Chuck Palahniuk first came up with the idea for the novel after being beaten up on a camping trip when he complained to some nearby campers about the noise of their radio. When he returned to work, he was fascinated to find that nobody would mention or acknowledge his injuries, instead saying such commonplace things as "How was your weekend?" Palahniuk concluded that the reason people reacted this way was because if they asked him what had happened, a degree of personal interaction would be necessary, and his workmates simply didn't care enough to connect with him on a personal level. It was his fascination with this societal 'blocking' which became the foundation for the novel. (x)


— dir. David Fincher.


best burger joint in town got cursed by the wizards last week. instead of playing dad rock the speakers now play IF THE JOKER COULD BEATBOX on repeat all hours of the day. theyve been trying everything they can to fix it but the speakers just keep playing.


Blackout poetry exists on a dual axis from "banal" to "insightful" on the input side and "kind of deep" to "incredibly fucking dumb" on the output side, and while taking something banal and producing something kind of deep is well and fine, for my money taking something insightful and rendering it incredibly fucking dumb is where the real art is.


legitimately so scary that i just made a doctors appointment for 2025. you mean the far distant sci fi future 2025? you mean the pacific rim 2025? you mean i have to go to the doctor while giant robots are fighting the fucking kaiju? fuck all the way offfffffff

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