
Legalize Ranch :/

@ranchofficial / ranchofficial.tumblr.com

i actually fckn hate ranch// she/her/ pronouns

i miss my therapist i forgot how desperately i need someone to listen to me vent al my failures to


Joe Biden is so oblivious to culture war bullshit it makes him an ideal counter to DeSantis.

DeSantis: "We have to deathpill woke moralists"

Joe Biden: What? .... Anyway, back in Scranton we would make our own concrete out of tiny sea shells.


full offense but none of you would have ever survived fanfiction.net in 2009

remember when writers had to be all like: “omg omg lemon starts HERE” y’all are lucky that ao3 has tags and filters you can set

Sometimes shit was marked “lemon” and it’d just be them making out, and sometimes they’d just start pissing on each other

No rules, no laws, you took your life into your hands opening fics

A/N: this contains SLASH, that means TWO MEN, if that makes you uncomfy, DON’T READ!

A/N: please don’t sue me, o anime overlords, I’m not making any money off of this! I’m just a broke student! I don’t have any money!

A/N: I totally wrote this while high off 10 Red Bulls wheeeeeee!!!!!

A/N: COMMENT if you want me to continue the next chappy!!!

No, no, no

remember when there’d be interactions with the author and the characters?

InuYasha: I don’t get why I have to be here for this

A/N: Because it was in your contract!!1!1 *revs chainsaw*

god those were lawless times. 

“Flames will be fed to my dog!”


Something I found on Twitter that really puts things in perspective as a creator.

Nice sentiment but why did it start by telling us that our readers can die

to remind you to be niceys to them

They regularly threaten to hunt me for sport

hunt them back. they can die.

Patreon tier where the reward is that I stop hunting you for sport

Imagine 30 people in your house with PvP enabled


im so bad at complimenting art i go “OOGGGH” and “THAT IS SO EPIC” which is not enough but i mean those so genuinely


The male feminist look

his body has suffered for equality

This is actually exactly what I wear every single day except for the shoes are different, I hold the period blood holders too

Pretty impressive beard for a guy with zero testosterone.

Just bc he doesn’t use his genitals doesn’t mean he doesn’t have testosterone… Don’t worry, one day he’ll be cleansed of all that toxic masculinity if only he Checks His Privilege at appropriate intervals.

Why are anti SJWs shitting on this picture of andrew hussie do any of you know who this man is

this is the funniest post ive ever seen in my life

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