

@jimmmypie / jimmmypie.tumblr.com

i stand in a valley watching it and you are not there at all

[image description: 5 gifs of Evan Buckley with lyrics from Mitski’s “A Burning Hill”

gif 1: from season 4 episode 5. In a flashback, a younger Buck rides his bike and cries. The text reads, “and i’ve been a forest fire”

gif 2: from season 4 episode 4. Buck shouts at his parents that nothing he ever did was good enough for them. The text reads, “i am a forest fire”

gif 3: from season 4 episode 14. Buck grins as he climbs the ladder The text reads, “and i am the fire”

gif 4: from season 4 episode 5. In the middle of the factory fire, Buck pulls the rope and loses his footing on the slippery floor. The text reads, “and i am the forest”

gif 5: from season 4 episode 14. Sitting on Eddie’s hospital bed, Buck looks at Eddie as he talks about how Buck had wished he had been the one to get shot instead. The text reads, “and i am a witness watching it” 



Steve and Peter have liked each other for a while, but their first date in public is still SUPER awkward.


Tom looks like my hamster eyeing his mealworm


They literally just said that RDJ is a top and Tom Holland is a bottom 😅


they really said rdj is the TOPPEST of the tops and tom is the BOTTOMEST of the bottoms


If bras hurt your shoulders and make your pain worse, don’t wear them. If that itchy sweater your grandma gave you aggravates your sensory problems, thank her for it, but don’t wear it. If heels make your feet ache or make your dysautonomia flare, wear flats to parties. You shouldn’t follow any social conventions that make your symptoms worse, let alone ones related to something as insignifcant as the clothing you put on your body. 

I completely agree that your health, comfort and safety are more important than social conventions.

But I will say that sometimes bras can make your back and shoulders hurt because they aren’t the right size, so if you want to wear bras and they hurt check to make sure that you’re wearing the right size


There's no right size bra. The best fitted bra is no bra.

Anonymous asked:

What just happened on CNN? Im at work and so wasn’t somewhere I could watch

Sure I’ll sum up.

So there was a very good peaceful protest by.... Lafayette Park? Right outside the White House. They were chanting, they had multiple reporters in the crowd, it was fucking CHILL, people were waiting for Trump to do a speech in the Rose Garden.

Then, out of nowhere, truly NOWHERE, the cops closed in from three directions and threw gas into the crowd. They used rubber bullets on the crowd IMMEDIATELY. One dude told the reporter “They don’t care about new, move.” They drove out the totally fucking peaceful, pre-curfew protestors.

They moved them all out, and Trump started speaking, and you could hear the fucking gas going off over his speech. CNN fucking did a splitscreen to show the peopple being shoved back as the motherfucker stood up there and said he would protect our rights and would mobilize the military against people.

Then back to the reporters, and everyone was forced further and further away. One woman on a bike told the reporter “They are getting the water cannons ready, you wanna move.”




Even CNN is calling him a dictator, at 7PM.

Then the Illinois governor came out and called him a racist, xenophobic, misogynistic failure.


Oh my fucking god


To all my black followers and friends, stay safe.

Also, I would like to add that black lives have always mattered, will always matter.

It’s awful that we even have to say that because it should be a given. However, we need to say it loud and clear for the racists.

We cannot be silent. 


“My body, my choice” only makes sense when someone else’s life isn’t at stake.

Fun fact: If my younger sister was in a car accident and desperately needed a blood transfusion to live, and I was the only person on Earth who could donate blood to save her, and even though donating blood is a relatively easy, safe, and quick procedure no one can force me to give blood. Yes, even to save the life of a fully grown person, it would be ILLEGAL to FORCE me to donate blood if I didn’t want to.

See, we have this concept called “bodily autonomy.” It’s this….cultural notion that a person’s control over their own body is above all important and must not be infringed upon. 

Like, we can’t even take LIFE SAVING organs from CORPSES unless the person whose corpse it is gave consent before their death. Even corpses get bodily autonomy. 

To tell people that they MUST sacrifice their bodily autonomy for 9 months against their will in an incredibly expensive, invasive, difficult process to save what YOU view as another human life (a debatable claim in the early stages of pregnancy when the VAST majority of abortions are performed) is desperately unethical. You can’t even ask people to sacrifice bodily autonomy to give up organs they aren’t using anymore after they have died. 

You’re asking people who can become pregnant to accept less bodily autonomy than we grant to dead bodies. 

reblogging for commentary 

But, assuming the mother wasn’t raped, the choice to HAVE a baby and risk sacrificing their “bodily autonomy” is a choice that the mother made. YOu don’t have to have sex with someone. Cases of rape aside, it isn’t ethical to say abortion is justified. The unborn baby has rights, too. 

First point: Bodily autonomy can be preserved, even if another life is dependent on it. See again the example about the blood donation. 

And here’s another point: When you say that “rape is the exception” you betray something FUNDAMENTALLY BROKEN about your own argument.

Because a fetus produced from sexual assault is biologically NO DIFFERENT than a fetus produced from consensual sex. No difference at all.

If one is alive, so is the other. If one is a person, so is the other. If one has a soul, then so does the other. If one is a little blessing that happened for a reason and must be protected, then so is the other. 

When you say that “Rape is the exception” what you betray is this: It isn’t about a life. This isn’t about the little soul sitting inside some person’s womb, because if it was you wouldn’t care about HOW it got there, only that it is a little life that needs protecting.

When you say “rape is the exception” what you say is this: You are treating pregnancy as a punishment. You are PUNISHING people who have had CONSENSUAL SEX but don’t want to go through a pregnancy. People who DARED to have consensual sex without the goal of procreation in mind, and this is their “consequence.” 

And that is gross. 

^ THIS. This is this this THIS THIS THIS. THIS!!!!!

This is probably the strongest and well worded/supported argument for abortion that I have ever read.




Yep, this was flagged for me too. Which is why I’m going to reblog it several time until Tumblr implodes.



new york freakin university baby

Doxxing is illegal -_-


so is child trafficking so i guess no ones perfect

“The dataset was compiled by New York-based activist Sam Lavigne, who trawled the professional profile website LinkedIn to identify some 1,600 people working for ICE. The database included public information like job titles or profile pictures of the officers.” all public infos so not illegal lmfao

As stated, doxxing is not illegal. Hacking is illegal. Making threats of violence is illegal. Those are separate things unrelated to the act of sharing information itself. When the person you’re doxxing is an agent of a white nationalist regime which is in violation of human rights and international law, it’s not only legal, but also moral.

Here’s a short list (with sources) of things ICE has recently done which are both illegal and immoral:

When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. Law does not always equal justice. 

If those who create and enforce the law act in an immoral and abusive fashion, there is no moral obligation to follow the laws which they create to protect themselves and cow their victims into obedience.

The argument that one should prioritize law over justice and morality and refrain from standing up against oppression because the oppressor made it illegal is a fallacy, and it makes you complicit. The Holocaust was legal, standing up to the SS was not. If you have to cite law in a conversation about ethics, you’ve already lost.


“I have this great picture of me on the boat. I’m falling asleep on Anton’s lap, and Anton’s with his like sweatshirt, and I can tell he’s like, ‘Goddamn.’ I’ve probably been asleep for like an hour on his lap, and he doesn’t want to move me. It’s pretty cute.”

- Chris Pine, Love, Antosha

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