
Tell Drake My Ass Is Waiting

@drakecareofyou / drakecareofyou.tumblr.com

Orisa/Zari (she)

Toddlers are so pure. She doesn’t understand that we help her with certain things because she’s little. She thinks that everyone just helps each other like that. So she tries to blow on my food and cut it up for me and tries to help me put on my shoes.

i was giving little wagon rides to a baby around the backyard one day and all of a sudden she hops off and slaps the seat of the wagon telling me to get on because it was my turn and i was like no it’s ok im too heavy and she was like NO ITS UR TURN and kept tugging on my hand so i would sit down. eventually i got on and it was just a little 2 year old trying so hard to push me around on a wagon not understanding why it wouldn’t budge but still so determined to let me have my turn lol


my mom kept complaining that our cat was getting too fat and it was my fault because I’m spoiling her

a few months later I won this particular argument

thanks mate for helping me out, you’re a good bean


Pro-child labor propaganda, USA 1915

Pro-child labor propaganda, USA 2016


If you’re a man and you don’t love your girlfriend a lesbian will

Consider it a Threat AND a Promise


ive never been more confused in my entire life

DONT plarp his BEES……what is so difficult to understand about that……..

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