
just another sieg

@sparsyle-blog / sparsyle-blog.tumblr.com

art and stuff - I take requests! ♀ - INTJ - Dec 26 - Capricorn

Theories & Analyses (with sparsyle)

So today @sparsyle and I finally had a chance to talk about the most recent chapter (490) and it resulted in a fairly lengthy theorizing session about fairies, Zera, Yuri, Mavis, Gajeel, Erza/Eileen, the next chapter, and more. (Like I said, it’s kinda lengthy, so I’m putting it under a cut)

Also, featuring SIEG’s beautiful fairy Gajeel sketch she did in a car earlier today while we were doing this


Tagged by @blade-of-hope Thanks myst.

RULES: List 10 ships without looking at the questions and then answer them.


2. Gajevy

3. Jerza

4. Gratsu

5. Chendy

6. Stingue

7. Grayza

8. Nalu

9. Gruvia

10. Brax (max x broom ;’))

1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6?

It was more of tumblr that inspired me to ship these two. Welcome Home Frosche is of course a great stingue one, as well as in the GMG arc when they fought the two dragons together (that ones a bit more angsty than the former).

2. Have you ever read a fic about 2?


3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screensaver/profile pic/tumblr?

unfortunately not a profile pic, but TOOOO MANY backgrounds :’D

4. If 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be?

They were never really together... but yeah that would suck...

5. Why is 1 so important?


6. Which one has the strongest bond?

I would say Lyredy because I’m incredibly biased, but they don’t canon-ically know each other well enough for me to say so without guilt (yet). The main four obviously are all quite close and share strong bonds, so that is also another to be taken into consideration. Chelia and Wendy spent a year together and grew incredibly close, so I could say that they share the strongest bond, but at the same time other characters have known each other for a longer time, like Gray/Erza and Natsu/Gray. The twin stings of stingertooth are also another valid option, as those two have been showcased as having one the strongest bonds of the entire series, especially with their unison raid. However, after careful consideration of all of the options, I’m going to have to go with Brax. Those two have been together through thicc and thin, through the Tartaros Arc and everything in between. Those two are the most canon and the most likely ship to become reality.

7. Which ship has lasted the longest?



that rhymed.



(good! sieg)

8. How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up?

I have no idea. They’ve had their squabbles in the past, but I’ve never seen a real DIE HARD breakup (except for maybe in the spinoff).

9. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive?

Brax, obviously. God, consider the options. This one is clear.

10. Did 7 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason?

Grayza? maybe I’m not sure. I mean, they did seem to have some momentum in the beginning of the series, especially in the phantom lord arc. perhaps they were something back in the day ;)

we’ll never know.

11. Is 4 still together

Gratsu? yes.

12. Is 10 canon?

I mean

I think that answers that.

13. If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win?


14. Has anyone ever tried to sabotage 5?

only satan

15. Do you spend hours a day going through 3’s tumblr tag?

not as much as you would think. Maybe only like 13-14 hours?

16. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all up, which ship would you SINK?

As terrible as it is to pick my ultimate gr99 OTP of all OTPs, it looks like it would have to be brax :((((((

I tag anyone else who feels like doing it!!!!


Tagged by @boogey56​ and @blade-of-hope

The Rules:

1. Go to this website. WWW.RANDOM.ORG/LISTS/ 2. Pick 15 characters from any fandom or whatever you’re into. 3. Tag five or more people. 4. Have fun!

1. Mom/Dad: Asuna (she’s very mom-y. It works. I’m satisfied. and she’s a gr8 spicy big dad) 2. Your sibling: Yukine (I mean I thought he was my child but this is fine too.) 3. Your Grandma/Grandpa: Sting (not from Asuna’s side of the fam I’m assuming) 4. Haunts you: Nub Kirito (his nub of a hand sure does) 5. Your boyfriend/girlfriend: Romeo Conbolt

6. Your ex: Orga Bananagear Nanagear (I think I should’ve stuck with him...) 7. Your best friend: GRAHAM GUREI Gray Furubasuta (okay I deserved a good(!) one after those two doozies) 8. Proposed to you: Rogue (I’m running away with him...) 9. Your boss: Ul (she’s a boss ass bitch) 10. The random person you met at the bar: Hedgehog (if you don’t know who this is then I’m ashamed) 11. Your (love) Rival: Meredy (adorable merry child) 12. Gave you your first kiss: Hiyori (not bad) 13. Drunk and singing karaoke with: Ultear (her voice would lull me into euphoria) 14. Played 7 minutes in heaven with: lector


15. Gave you your favorite dessert: Yato (k)

I tag anyone who wants to do this!!! Please never ever use Lector in this god forsaken shit fest of a tag :):):):):)))))))))))


Some thoughts about Gray and Lyon in chapter 483

I’ve thought so much whether to write this post or not and I’ve finally decided to do it. Besides being so proud about Kagura’s character development, the part that got me right in the feels were the scenes between Ur’s children: Gray and Lyon. 

I have to say that from the very start I fell in love with their tragic story and I’ve always wished that, for once and all, they could have the character development they’ve deserved. Gray achieved it in the Tartaros’ arc, but Lyon got somewhat left behind. I was always afraid that Mashima would do an “Ultear” to him and make him sacrifice himself or simply kill off before getting what Gray had achieved. Luckily, I was wrong. 

This is going to get long so I’ll continue under the cut. ^^ 


Ficlet: Lyredy - Capes and Layers

A/N: Dedicated to @blamedorange, @sparsyle, @blade-of-hope and @tbehartoo for the hilarious conspiracy theories about Lyon’s atrocious and mysterious fashion sense.

Slamming her hands on either side of his head, Meredy leaned in, invading the man’s personal space. Mostly, she did it because she lost her balance. and she had been attempting to right herself by grabbing her boyfriend. But what she intended and what actually happened weren’t quite the same thing.

And she was okay with that.

Because she was pressed up against a very alarmed, but also a very turned on, Ice Mage, who wasn’t sure what to make of the situation. At least his first head was; his second head was clearly not having the same problem, given she was leaning against him hard.

It was hard to keep her balance, and she was leaning against him hard, and he was thinking too hard, and he was definitely hard. There was a lot of hard in this scenario.


Sloppily, she tried to put a finger to his lip because she just didn’t want to hear one of his… whatever they were. Those… things. The word wasn’t coming to her, but those long winded talks he had when his brain was spinning like a hamster wheel and his oh-shit alarm was going off.

This was not an oh-shit moment. This was an oh-yes moment.

Granted, she did miss his lips but just a little, stabbing him in the nose, but it had the desired results; his mouth snapped shut cutting off his excuses.

Fumbling with the strange clasp on his cape, her fingers couldn’t find the edge. After several moments of puzzlement, a fingernail caught on the edge, snapping it off with a soft click, sending the vampire cape tumbling to the ground. Great, now she could just pull off his shirt and…

“Lyon,” she blinked hazily, “Why?”

“Well, you see, I must be dress for any occasion…”

“No, stop, don’t care,” she mumbled, taking the second cape – a strange black thing with triangles cut into the seams – off a little more harshly than the first.

Now for the shirt…

“Again?” this time her voice was getting edged with both annoyance and disbelief. Under the vampire cape and the strange pyramid cape, there was a normal white trimmed uniform jacket of sorts.

With buttons.

Well, not anymore. She felt her buzz diminishing with each ping as they hit the floor.

“That was expensive!” Lyon yelped at the crass treatment of his buttons, which were now scattered around their feet. Meredy ignored his protests, her horniness being edged out by her irritation. This was ridiculous.

Now for the shirt…

“LYON! YOU ARE AN ICE MAGE!” she screeched at discovering yet another layer, and she hadn’t even gotten to the man’s pants yet. It was like one of those prank boxes your friends gave you on your birthday with a box in a box in a box. And then you finally get to the center and throw the gift in the trash because you’re done. “Why aren’t you melting?”

“Yes, but I do not wear clothing for warmth, Meredy,” he started matter-of-factly, her question turning his brain back on, and the literal answer tumbling out of his mouth compulsively, “Actually, there is a story behind how this happened and…”

That’s it; in the trash he was going.

“You are not a gift box!” she retorted, eyes flashing, fully more furious than flirty at this point.

“Ah, but I am a gift…”

Meredy’s unamused glower cut off the rest of his sentence, and he gulped slowly, pressing up against the wall. She wasn’t often cross with him, but he’d been on the wrong end of her temper enough times to know he was in trouble.

Her voice dropped, each word enunciated perfectly, “Put them back on, now.”

Lyon hastily did what she said as she stood back, arms crossed under her breasts in annoyance. He redressed a lot faster than the time it took her to undress him. Pausing to mutter about buttons and then to straighten his collar – the one she did like to tug on, don’t get her wrong, it was a nice handle to pull him down by – he straightened to look at her for further instructions.

“Okay, Mr. Stripper Ice Mage, you better make it up to me and give me a good show to make up for the killed excitement. And none of that weird throwing stuff. Nice… and… slow. Lots of fanservice… and I might give you a generous tip.”

Catching her meaning, he gulped again, looking far more excited this time.

He bent over to reach for his boots.

“Nope, not there,” Meredy purred, a wicked gleam in her eye, good humor being restored at his compliance coupled with a nice view when he bent over, “I want to see the booty shorts, so those stay on. Cape first.”



"B-but don't you see? It's called FASHION." [Hedgemuffs for the five sentence meme :D]


Nothing those two do can be called fashion.

Gray stared critically at the other Ice Mage, arms folded across his chest, before his gaze shifted to the woman next to him. Flatly, he said one word, “No.”

Meredy made a face at him before saying sweetly, “At least Lyon wasn’t the one trapped on an island for seven years wearing a horrible Hawaiian shirt, Mr. Fashionbuster.”

Gray’s mouth snapped shut.

“Also, pants.”

“Shit!” Gray yelped, scrambling to put his back on while Lyon looked smug.

“Although, the pants might only stay on due to those hideous boots,” Meredy considered before shrugging cheerfully, “They come off when they need to easily enough.”

Gray’s face turned purple and Lyon’s crimson. 


aND GRAY FASHIONBUSTER MAKES AN APPEARANCE this could not have been better

truly meredy has it rough. I commend her for the amount of capes she must have to work through just to find stupid hedgehog.

Haha now I want to write something about the cape and layers. You’d think Frosty there would want less clothing not more.

omg PLEASE do!!

I’m honestly not even sure how his current outfit works. In this image we see a large cape held with a gem of some sort, atop a jacket with a straight hem.

However, in the image below, he no longer has that cape, and is wearing something… different.


However, in the next chapter, this mysterious entity has been vanquished and replaced with his original outfit.


This strange pointed cape has yet to make a reappearance. Its origins and ultimate whereabouts still remain a mystery. Where did it come from? Why did it appear? Is this some kind of special cape magic? Perhaps Lyon’s ice make has evolved to the point where he can create original outfits for himself?

Who knows. All we have left to do at this point is to wonder.


Yet the thing is that the longer jacket with the straight hem is now gone, as of the latest chapter. What happened? Where did it go? 

Lyon clearly has a boot fetish. And why layers? He’s supposed to be a stripping ice mage!

Also, I petition a mandatory requirement for him to wear his earring at all times, even if he’s not wearing anything else.

That is very true. and @dobengal pointed this out a very long time ago, but his current boots... things make him look like he’s wearing booty shorts. :)))))))

oh myy god that tiny little snowflake blob pls bring it back mashima is his AESTHETIC


"B-but don't you see? It's called FASHION." [Hedgemuffs for the five sentence meme :D]


Nothing those two do can be called fashion.

Gray stared critically at the other Ice Mage, arms folded across his chest, before his gaze shifted to the woman next to him. Flatly, he said one word, “No.”

Meredy made a face at him before saying sweetly, “At least Lyon wasn’t the one trapped on an island for seven years wearing a horrible Hawaiian shirt, Mr. Fashionbuster.”

Gray’s mouth snapped shut.

“Also, pants.”

“Shit!” Gray yelped, scrambling to put his back on while Lyon looked smug.

“Although, the pants might only stay on due to those hideous boots,” Meredy considered before shrugging cheerfully, “They come off when they need to easily enough.”

Gray’s face turned purple and Lyon’s crimson. 


aND GRAY FASHIONBUSTER MAKES AN APPEARANCE this could not have been better

truly meredy has it rough. I commend her for the amount of capes she must have to work through just to find stupid hedgehog.

Haha now I want to write something about the cape and layers. You’d think Frosty there would want less clothing not more.

omg PLEASE do!!

I’m honestly not even sure how his current outfit works. In this image we see a large cape held with a gem of some sort, atop a jacket with a straight hem.

However, in the image below, he no longer has that cape, and is wearing something... different.


However, in the next chapter, this mysterious entity has been vanquished and replaced with his original outfit.


This strange pointed cape has yet to make a reappearance. Its origins and ultimate whereabouts still remain a mystery. Where did it come from? Why did it appear? Is this some kind of special cape magic? Perhaps Lyon’s ice make has evolved to the point where he can create original outfits for himself?

Who knows. All we have left to do at this point is to wonder.


"B-but don't you see? It's called FASHION." [Hedgemuffs for the five sentence meme :D]


Nothing those two do can be called fashion.

Gray stared critically at the other Ice Mage, arms folded across his chest, before his gaze shifted to the woman next to him. Flatly, he said one word, “No.”

Meredy made a face at him before saying sweetly, “At least Lyon wasn’t the one trapped on an island for seven years wearing a horrible Hawaiian shirt, Mr. Fashionbuster.”

Gray’s mouth snapped shut.

“Also, pants.”

“Shit!” Gray yelped, scrambling to put his back on while Lyon looked smug.

“Although, the pants might only stay on due to those hideous boots,” Meredy considered before shrugging cheerfully, “They come off when they need to easily enough.”

Gray’s face turned purple and Lyon’s crimson. 


aND GRAY FASHIONBUSTER MAKES AN APPEARANCE this could not have been better

truly meredy has it rough. I commend her for the amount of capes she must have to work through just to find stupid hedgehog.

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