
far from perfect

@katiemats / katiemats.tumblr.com

@katiematlin: some people can't learn from others' mistakes. they have to make them on their own.
does the “i slept with you the other day and i didnt know we had a mutual friend and now we’re sitting across each other for brunch and it’s awkward because i ran out when you were asleep” au exist bc i need that fic

list of plots i would be D O W N to do:

* &. SECRET RELATIONSHIP: muse a isn’t exactly the most popular person around school. didn’t have many friends, stayed out of the limelight, never attended parties but instead stayed home watching netflix alongside their hot box of pizza. but muse b is the star player of the soccer team, everybody’s best friend, and always in the public eye. they were polar opposites. so who would have ever guessed that muse a and muse b were together behind closed doors. their relationship worked well, the two were a great pair. but as the secret relationship lingered on, muse a was starting to want more from muse b. a label on their relationship. (based on the tv show awkward.)
* &. DELINQUENT x OUTCAST: around town, everyone had a label. muse a was known as the outcast. sarcastic, witty, and abrasive. muse a chose their own path. very similar to muse b, the delinquent. intimidating, ill-tempered, and rumors flooding around them like crazy. one day, muse b was bragging about their capabilities of making absolutely anyone swoon. muse b’s friends challenged that statement, betting muse b that they were incapable of getting muse a to fall for them. muse b didn’t hesitate for a second. muse b persistently asked out muse a, although they had been rejected multiple times. while it started as a bet, muse b was slowly developing feelings for muse a. but what happens when muse b wins the bet and muse a discovers how their relationship really started? (based on the movies 10 things i hate about you and she’s all that.)
* &. CHILDHOOD FRIENDS: ever since 7th grade, muse a and muse b had been inseparable. the two knew each other like the back of their hands. they saw each other run through petty middle school crushes, family hardships, and more. they argued, they laughed, they did absolutely anything and everything together. however, they were always just friends. freshman year of high school muse a had confessed the crush they developed on muse b. that confession changed their entire relationship. the summer into their sophomore year, muse b stopped talking to muse a. their friendship ended within a blink of an eye. they didn’t talk for years. until senior year, muse a got into a relationship. muse a’s significant other took them to a party where muse a would be introduced to a “very important person,” the best friend. muse a was nervous, hoping and praying for the approval. when they arrived, muse a was shocked to see that the infamous best friend was muse b. (based on shit that went down this one time.)
* &. HATE/LOVE RELATIONSHIP: life for muse a and muse b consisted of constant bickering, malicious scheming, and an overall disastrous relationship. the two despised one another. muse a was cocky, flirtatious, and a heart breaker. but also charming, charismatic, and unpredictable at best. muse b was cynical, stubborn, and had a “say it how it is” mindset. but they were also intelligent, kindhearted, and beyond talented. people understood why the two were always butting heads and would often times joke that the two would end up getting married one day. taking into consideration they already acted like a married couple. muse a would gag and muse b would respond with a remark to bash on the other. people would always question why they wouldn’t just stay away from each other. but neither of them had an answer for that question. they always gravitated back to each other, even if they didn’t want to. (based on chair aka blair and chuck.)

sms → katie matlin.

Drew: sounds perfect.
Katie: Perfect. So, I'll see you at Little Miss Steaks at 5 tomorrow?


It didn’t take long for Owen to forget his intent to get to the field. He was a natural people watcher. He’d always done better observing-and judging-others than getting terribly close to them. This was one more scenario of that trait. Out of all the to-do, he could make out the word ‘cops’, the threat immediately freezing him in place. He was nosy enough to continue eavesdropping, but unwilling to inch closer and give away his position to whomever it was causing the commotion. It was the next string of words that had him worried; the cops he could handle, he was an innocent bystander, and unless they were doing random drug testing all of a sudden, Owen was in the clear. But the voice he recognized as belonging to a female seemed to be in trouble, and for as tough as his exterior stood, he had a decently sized guilt complex which would be exacerbated by knowing there was something about to happen and he hadn’t done anything but listened. 

Tentatively his feet shuffled closer to the source of the screeching until he was close enough to make out the bodies. The larger of the two had his back turned to Owen, but the apparent victim in the matter was Katie Matlin. He didn’t know much about her outside of whatever student council nonsense she was cramming down Degrassi’s throat at any given time, but when the male in front of her raised his arm, reeling back, it didn’t matter how little Owen cared for her. Instinct took over, propelling Owen forward towards the perpetrator. “Hey!” He boomed, catching the attention of both and the wrist of one. The other male was facing Owen then in time to be delivered a forceful blow to the face. He went down in one fell swoop and Owen stood awkwardly in the new found silence before glancing up to Katie. “Uh… are you okay?” He asked, wondering whether his help was completely required to begin with, not that an answer would make much difference now.


As the male raised his arm and brought it back, Katie braced herself for the worst; perhaps he would go easy on her if she didn’t struggle. The sound of a third voice caught her attention, and she looked towards the source. What happened next was a blur. One minute, she was close to taking a beating, and the next, her ex was on the floor, presumably out cold. Blue bewildered eyes shifted their focus between the crumpled frame of her ex-lover, and the boy who had just taken him down, her mind still trying to process what just transpired. Her body was trembling, her heart was beating quickly and heavily in her chest, and Owen Milligan (someone she barely knew) was standing there with her after having taken down the person who was causing her trouble. Under any other circumstances, the brunette would have been incredibly upset. It was no secret that she preferred to take care of her own problems, and she rarely ever accepted help from people who weren’t actively involved in the situation at hand. But as she became more aware of the current situation, a feeling of gratefulness came over her. 

Seconds passed before she realized that the athletic male had asked her a question. “Y—Yeah, of course I am,” she stammered, rapidly shaking her head. She pulled the sleeve of her sweater up to reveal the beginnings of a new bruise, wincing as the blue fabric brushed up against the sensitive area. “Thank you for, uh —” she trailed off, gesturing towards the male on the floor, unsure of how to phrase this expression of gratitude. Somehow, 'thank you for knocking my boyfriend out,’ didn’t seem like an appropriate response. She cleared her throat before continuing. “Things would’ve been a lot worse if you hadn’t shown up. So, thank you. I owe you one.”


sms → katie matlin.

Drew: the later the better; i'll probably be hungover.
Katie: Noted. How does 5:00 sound?

Fine. You don’t want to kiss me? Your loss.


“No, that’s not what I’m trying to say, Fi. I just don’t think now is the right time.”


sms → katie matlin.

Drew: oh, yeah, hey babe. i think saturday still works, but fair warning... i'll be pretty hungover. can we meet later in the day?
Katie: That's perfectly fine. What time is best for you?


It was almost last bell on Thursday afternoon and Owen could not be more thankful. The school day had dragged on, and as bad as air he needed it to be time for football practice after school to feel alive and get out all the frustrations that had found him all week. He missed Anya. It had been months since they broke things off, but the sting was as fresh as it was the first day. They didn’t talk anymore, but kept one another on FaceRange, even if out of civility, and the notification of the top of his feed earlier that morning was enough to set the dreary tone for the rest of the day.

Anya MacPherson is in a relationship.

That was the one sign Owen never wanted to solidify that things were not being patched up and that he wouldn’t be getting her back. The theme of the day flip flopped between self pity and anger, the latter consuming him at the moment. He’d slipped out of class early, preparing to drop off his books and head to the field, but the universe had different plans for him this afternoon. He was usually alone in the halls around this time, but now he could hear a faint shuffle across the banks of lockers, hushed voices going back and forth. He wasn’t invested enough to try to make out what was being said, too irritated to care much either way. Reaching his locker, he tugged open the lock, tossing in his textbooks and rounding the hall towards the locker room when the voices began to get louder, more frantic if he wasn’t mistaken. Curiosity consumed him and he slowed his pace, keeping quiet as he searched for the source of the scuffle.


It started off as a civil classroom discussion about Henry VIII. To be more specific, the treatment of his wives. All was well until Katie’s ex-boyfriend decided tried to sympathize with him, and Katie respectfully disagreed. From there, the discussion escalated into a two-sided debate, which turned into a more personal dispute; never being the type to interrupt class on her own accord, Katie was the retaliator. An exasperated Perino referred them both to Principal Simpson’s office to calm down and resolve their differences, but that didn’t do much to help the situation. They argued as the older male asked them to leave. They argued as they walked out the door. Now, they were having it out in the hallway, causing students in surrounding classrooms to turn their heads and watch as the broken couple passed by. Her cheeks were red from frustration and embarrassment, and her head hurt. No matter how much faster she tried to walk, and no matter how many times she tried to get him to drop the conversation, the male persisted, his comments only becoming more caustic as they made their way to the principal’s office. Then, they took a threatening turn.

Katie tried to brush him off, since they were getting close to Simpson’s office and she didn’t want to give the authority figure any reason to look down on her. Besides, because she was the retaliator, she could still escape punishment, and she would use her status to her advantage. However, she knew things were going to be as simple when the male grabbed her wrist and pulled her back towards him. She winced as pain shot up her arm, and immediately remembered what led her to break up with the male in the first place. She promised herself that she would never let this happen to her again, but it was now obvious that she had failed. “Let me go!” she shrieked, trying to escape his grasp, but to no avail. His grip on her was too strong, and no amount to twisting, turning, or tugging could get him to release it. “I’ll call the fucking cops on you. Let me go!” she repeated, this time, with more desperation in her voice.


a plot where an award winning magazine writer is tasked with penning an article trying to better the image of a typical douche bag singer / band member, and he’s so against it. He thinks, based on what he’s heard, the person is pretty much a fame-whore, steals other people’s work, and yeah. But, plot twist, the singer / band member is actually really the kindest soul who is force by their management to act terrible, and make a comeback as the nice one, but there’s a lot of soul searching and lies and bonding, and they bond, and yeah. It could go anywhere, tbh. 


a plot where muse a is this anxious, quiet new kid at this huge boarding school who suffers from something like ocd or basically any other anxiety disorder, and muse b is this spontaneous firecracker already going there who’s pretty much the polar opposite of muse a and the exact type of person who should scare the shit out of them, but instead muse a feels drawn to their electricity. and almost immediately, they become the type of friends who tease each other continuously. muse a will go on and on about how annoying and loud muse b is and muse b will ruffle muse a’s hair and hug them always because they know how much muse a loves it, even if they insist they hate physical contact because muse b has become an easy exception to that rule. and whenever muse a has bad days muse b will miss all their classes to sit with muse a and help them relax and feel better, and eventually, it becomes a thing that they do even when muse a isn’t having bad days. they sit and cuddle and watch movies and muse a will stare at muse b for minutes on end until muse b says, “What?” and muse a will always say, “Nothing,” and turn away. it isn’t until months into their friendship that muse b says, “What?” and muse a says, “I love you.”


so i just want one of those cliche college plots where there’s some smart-alecky kis who keeps being obnoxious in class and asking dumb questions cus they think they’re funny but another kid is SO ANNOYED by them that after class one day they totally call them out on it and are like you’re not funny??? shut the fuck up??? and the other kid is like whoa alright and they think well that’s the end of that but they keep running into each other on campus or maybe they have to work together on group projects and the first kid likes to be a smartass because it riles the other one up and the other one is like yOU ARE GETTING UNDER MY SKIN YOU ARE THE WORST STOP!! but then somewhere along the way feelings happen?? drunk makeouts too?? things change??? idk just give me a cliche plot like this please

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