
Circus Society

@circus-society / circus-society.tumblr.com

♠ WEIRD LOVE ♥ I'm just an actor/singer that loves the Circus and other odd things.

I’m still here, I’m still alive, but using Tumblr on a slow internet connection is actually painful. Hence why I’ve posted 3 things in 2 years. I’ll post more in the future maybe, keep on clowning. - Nate


The Greatest Showman has constantly messed with me cause the concept of a freak show in a circus is to benefit off the prejudice of people not the diversity of the people in the show. When you’re in a freak show people are laughing at you or examining you as an other, not celebrating you. Also Barnum was like a racist

Historically speaking disabled people have always been abused and exploited, even now I deal with prejudice on account of my being physically disabled, however the sad truth is that a freak show was one of the few places where disabled people were safe, and could make a living, not to mention be around other disabled people.  Later on many disabled performers were actually well treated simply because they drew a large audience, and troupes would actually be hindering that if they abused them.  It wasn’t perfect, and many times it was downright horrible, but being disabled in the 19th century was regardless of where you lived or what you did, but to ignore the supportive communities that popped up around the circus scene would be doing a disservice. Lastly modern day freak shows are still a thing, and due to disability rights laws are a much better place to work.


with huge noses and over lined lips



You know why

clowns actually originated in egypt to entertain royalty- they wore weird masks and imitated gods.  there were also clowns in ancient china, greece, and italy. it wasn’t “black face and then switched to white face” like i saw in the notes– the clown white paint was invented in 1801

the big, red nose is associated with alcoholism/being drunk (heavy alcohol usage can lead to severe rosacea and swelling of the nose), because drunkards in ye olde times were seen as fun for the whole family. the overlined lips create an exaggerated smile). curly or big hair was seen as whimsical and fun, as was a lack of hair (if you look up ‘vintage clowns’, you’ll see their hair is puffed out to the sides or upwards. nowadays, people probably wear afros because they’re cheap, and don’t involve lots of styling. 

i am passionate about clowns

They are a terrifying breed of monster, and must be eradicated from the face of the earth, but it’s relieving to know they weren’t born from a place of racial prejudice.

No clowns were funny. That was the whole purpose of a clown. People laughed at clowns, but only out of nervousness. The point of clowns was that, after watching them, anything else that happened seemed enjoyable. It was nice to know there was someone worse off than you. Someone had to be the butt of the world.

Terry Pratchett, “Men at Arms” (via noirandlicoricescotties)

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