
She definitely understands what a fucking weirdo I am.


I ship Finn and Brenna so hard. There. I finally said it. 

carlgriming wanted me to make a post concerning that theory going around that tyrell is one of elliot’s personalities so here we go (ill try to keep this concise and readable).
Q: Is Tyrell Wellick simply one of Elliot Alderson’s split personalities, as it has been revealed that the titular character Mr. Robot is?
A: no god thats so fucking stupid and there are so many reasons why.

First of all, it makes perfect sense why Mr Robot ended up being Elliot. I don’t know very much about MPD/SPD other than traumatic events can trigger the split personalities to emerge. Elliot cared very deeply for his father and obviously his death has affected him, so much so that he formed SPD as a way to cope. It also makes sense why that personality was his dad, who took on the role of helping Elliot make decisions and organize his thoughts in a way Elliot Alderson as himself couldn’t. Also, it can be interpreted from the scene in Times Square that he has 2 other personalities, his mother and his younger self. If that’s the case, why would a random Swedish man that has no clear pertinence to him suddenly manifest as one of his personalities? no.

SECOND of all, holy fuck it just makes no sense logistically from what we’ve been shown, both of Tyrell and Elliot’s interactions and Tyrell’s individual scenes. Think about how many people – people Elliot Alderson would have no real business knowing – have seen/talked to Tyrell Wellick. How could Elliot-as-Tyrell have orchastrated that scene where Elliot comes into the conference room FULL OF OTHER PEOPLE to talk to Tyrell about getting a job with E Corp? Was it Elliot that was browsing IG for that gay receptionist, going out to a gay club and seducing said receiptionist, before going back to his very nice and orderly home and having BDSM sex with his pregnant wife? And THEN going in the next day to see that same gay receptionist, who directed him as Tyrell Wellick into that meeting?
In the finale, Elliot went to E Corp to look for Tyrell and it literally had “T Wellick” on a plaque. That is solid evidence of a pre-existing person already, but when Elliot asked Tyrell’s receptionist where he was, she said Tyrell wasn’t there, and why are you looking for him? Don’t you think his own receptionist, who would have seen him every day, would have recognized him and asked why his fired ass was back at the company? Along these same lines, when Elliot went to Tyrell’s house (you: UMMM BUT WHY WOULD ELLIOT KNOW WHERE TYRELL LIVES? CHECKMATE! me: are you forgetting that he fucking hacked all of tyrells goddamn information OF COURSE HE KNOWS HIS ADDRESS), he ran into Joanna, who also didn’t seem to recognize him. Instead, she was playing Elliot for possible information on Tyrell’s whereabouts.
Finally, from a writer’s point of view, it would just be lazy if it turned out to be true, and if there’s one thing this show ISN’T, it’s lazy. They’ve used this reveal once already, so the only reason they would do it again with Tyrell is for the shock factor. But Mr Robot is an intricate, well-planned show that leaves hints in early episodes for the big reveals later on (e.g., Elliot dreaming about child Darlene when he didnt know that they were related yet). It would be one hell of a stretch to claim Tyrell as Elliot, one that I don’t believe has been backed up at ALL from what we’ve seen in the past 10 episodes.
In conclusion, please stop fantasizing these random theories out of thin air. Mr Robot is a beautifully told story with lots of twists and turns, but they’re twists and turns that make sense when you go back in the plot. Nothing they do is without reason. 

Nice well said


Confessions of a College Commuter

Yes, I make up a small percentage of the minority commuter population at Santa Clara University and what can I say? It has its own pros and cons. Okay, I absolutely LOVE the feeling of having my own room and not having to share it with anybody. I don't have to worry about my roommate's rowdy, noisy friends coming over to hang out for a little longer than I would like them to and move-in was a piece of cake because I pretty much didn't have to! I just got up from my bed at 7am on the first day of school, drove over to my university and just walked right into my first class which was "Introduction to Physiology: Biology 21" lecture. Anyway, so comfort of your own home and support of family is definitely a BONUS for a commuter like me, but like I said, this can have its own perks. First of all, it's a bit more difficult to find friends because you don't have any networking of people handy with you. For example, if you were to dorm then you could be friends with your roommate and meet her friends and the friends of her friends and so on and so forth - you get my point. I had to make a bit of an effort to go up and introduce myself to a lot of people in my classes and try to make a connection with them. Also, it's a LONG day for me five days a week every week. It takes me about 30 minutes to drive there and back to my university and I have to stay between 9am -6pm on average every day, maybe more if I have late club meetings or events going on. So when I get back home, I am TIRED AS HELL and I don't have a lot of time to finish my homework. Therefore, I have to finish most of my homework during my free hours at school at the library. Also, I wish I had my own car so I wouldn't still have to drive back home with my parents in the car, but I definitely save a lot of gas because my mom and I go to school and work at the same time - we carpool. :) 

Anyway, SCU is a pretty cool college. People are incredibly nice to talk to and get along with. I take four classes so my workload is somewhat intense, but not too hard that I die from piles of hw (probably just a little more hectic than MV, which was quite a lot, haha). I eat lunch there 3 days a week, and eat from home the other days because the meals are a little too expensive sometimes. Speaking of expenses, my course textbooks totally ripped me off!! I bet most of you will probably agree to this statement. 

I guess I just have to start accepting that this is my life for the next four years and adjust to it. You know the transition from high school to college can be kind of rough especially since you are in a new environment. I still miss you guys SOO incredibly  much, I can't even tell you how much! I hope you are enjoying your lives and probably have more exciting things to talk about on your blog than being a commuter so please WRITE WRITE WRITE and spill all your thoughts. I would love to continue hearing from all of you. As always, I wish you best of all luck in your college journeys. Good luck with your studies, but remember to leave some time everyday to just breathe and enjoy life as well. Okay, now I sound like some life motivational speaker so I will stop. 

P.S. It's my birthday tomorrow and I am turning 18. WHEEEE...officially an adult and ready to take on life. Give me everything you got!! LOL

Much love,

Shreshtha XOXO

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