
a clown, thats clown shit

@allegedlyqueer / allegedlyqueer.tumblr.com


this is actually true! there have been multiple studies that show that millennials are better at identifying fraudulent links than other generations, and one theory is that rickrolling taught us to be cautious about what links we click!

it’s fascinating to see how much memes have shaped our lives over the years!


reading the wiki for the american psycho movie every single thing it’s saying about christian bale has me in tears ........ he literally wanted the role so bad he got that buff in two weeks, rejected every other offer for 9 months while the producers tried to get dicaprio to be patrick bateman bc bale knew dicaprio would chicken out, went to dinner with the director and the guy who wrote the novel IN CHARACTER apparently scaring the shit out of the novelist, took the role for $50k, and then made all his costars think he was a giant freak bc he never fucking broke character, and APARENTLY LITERALLY HAS CONTROL OVER HIS SWEAT GLANDS AND USED THIS IN THE BUSINESS CARD SCENE

ok thanks for the info wiki


i’m a firm believer that leap day should be a free day no matter what. i don’t care if it’s a thursday everything is put on pause for everyone and we all get to hang out and enjoy the extra day that only comes once ever four years. peace and love on planet earth.


u ever see someone with extremely fucked up views (or actions) and think wowww if a couple of things in my life went the tiniest bit differently that would have been me


I think most people would benefit from reflecting on how this might be true for them

Sometimes people bitch about media, both fiction and nonfiction, that they think "humanizes" bad people, especially bigots fascists Nazis et cetera. And I'm just like. Hey. Hey. The problem is. They ARE human. HUMANS did that. Your next door neighbor could do that. Your grandma could do that. You could do that.

"No I'm a good person" why? Because you've gotten lucky and not seen propaganda yet that perfectly hit your buttons? Because you had people to correct you when you fucked up? Idk man I don't think we're all so different from the bad people. We're all just people.

Reminding ourselves of our shared humanity with terrible people does NOT serve to justify their actions. It serves to remind us that the seeds of what happened to them could get into us as well, or might already have. It reminds us to be vigilant and interrogate the hatred inside us.

If you convince yourself that you're just an Inherently Good Person who would never believe hateful things well. Now any little hateful thing that makes its way inside you undetected is never going to be interrogated. It will be left to grow undisturbed.

If you remember that those things can get into anyone, you know to look out for them, and weed them out when they appear, and take the criticism when others point them out in you. So remember, that could have been you. If you forget, maybe it will be.


genuinely one of the worst things that’s happened to television in the last few years (exacerbated by streaming services) is death of Filler. going from 20 episodes to 8 because “we didn’t really need that episode where the main characters went to the beach right? it had no long lasting effect” but we DID!!! we needed to see how they act without the Big Bad Plot and to establish the dynamics between the characters and lay in the sun (do they forget sunscreen? how do they react to a thieving seagull? do they get buried in the sand or do they do the burying?). the plot isn’t everything. the action doesn’t hit as hard without the quiet moments. give us character development and our little scenes back


Today I introduced my sister to “the problem of Susan” and I had to explain to her that Susan was left out of Narnia cuz she liked boys and lipstick now and without missing a beat she said but what about Peter? Does Peter not like girls? And I knew she was pointing out the inherent misogyny at the center of the “the problem of Susan” but the implications of that question are a source of much hilarity to meeee LMFAO like Does Peter not like girls? Does he like boys? Is he Gay? Is Narnia really just a homo-utopia where Lucy is also a lesbian and Edmund is a bisexual disaster and Susan was kicked out cuz she was too straight??? Can I make CS Lewis turn over in his grave with this new reading?


…I mean they literally were in the closet…



Reblog to make C.S. Lewis turn over in his grave


TBH, once the nuances were explained to him, I think he’d find it quite funny. 


People have written a lot of touchy-feely pieces on this subject but I thought I’d get right to the heart of the matter


[The artist, putting a simple cake next to a much fancier one: “Aw man, that guy’s cake is way better than mine.” The Audience, gleefully holding up a knife and fork “HOLY SHIT! TWO CAKES!”]

additions from the og artist (credit)


“Holy shit two cakes,” I mutter to myself as I do fucking anything these days, this post was a godsend


i know this will make me sound old and boring but once i’m home for the night i’m home. i don’t like upsetting my plans even when i don’t have any. yes it’s only 8pm but i spent the whole evening believing i’m not going anywhere, i cannot perceive or be perceived right now, try again later


“magic isnt real” — plants just grow out of the ground. for free. everywhere.


"It doesn't stop being magic just because you know how it works."

-Terry Pratchett


Meet Pando, not a forest but a single tree. Every trunk of the Quaking Aspen is genetically identical & connected by a single 80,000 year old root system, making it one of the largest and oldest living entities on Earth!

A god


the catholic old white guy asked me to explain lgbtq+ to him and it was honestly kind of funny

“okay! you have 15 seconds to explain non-binary to me if there are only male and female genders”

me: if you lost your genitals would you still feel like a man?


would you feel like a woman?


so you wouldn’t feel male or female

“yeah what’s your point?”

So, you wouldn’t fit into the gender binary of male or female? :)



“so non-binary just means not feeling male or female?”

Yeah basically

“so why do they use “they” so much”?

if you were a woman would you want to be called a man?


And the opposite?


Why why would you want someone to call you male or female if you’re not male or female then?”


it’s not a perfect way of thinking but i had 15 seconds and i think it got the point across


if someone challenges you to break through a wall within fifteen seconds, you use a wrecking ball, not precision tools. I think you did marvelously.

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