

@rnbey / rnbey.tumblr.com

I’m here for rihyonce bieber

So I’m reading a letter where Alexander is describing Philip as a baby, and it’s so fucking funny

He refers to him as a “little stranger” and writes how he was not “sufficiently aquatinted” with his son before like. Ofc you weren’t HES A BABY

“The most agreeable in his conversation and manners” He is 7 months old how the fuck do you know that at 7 months. Like I may not know much about babies but I don’t think they make full conversations and have amazing manners at that age. Maybe it’s just me idk.

“He has a method of waving his hand… that announces the future orator.” Ofc he waves his hand around he’s a baby all babies do that???

“He stands rather awkwardly and his legs not at all the delicate slimness of his fathers.” I once again remind you that he is SEVEN MONTHS OLD at the time when he is writing this letter. Just because he can’t walk then and doesn’t have slim legs doesn’t mean he won’t be a good dancer like?? He’s not even a year old yet OF COURSE HE WONT WALK WELL AND WILL BE A LITTLE CHUBBY

“He laughs too much.” HES A BABY DUDE HES GONNA LAUGH. Seriously is this his first ever interaction with a baby?? This letter makes it seem So. I really want to know if this was a normal way of describing your child/ first born back then or if Alexander just didn’t know a damn thing about babies and how they develop. Okay but in all Honesty the way he describes him is rather sweet though and you can tell how much he cares about him.

+ My friends responses


After two years of steady deliberation I have come to the conclusion that I now accept hailey baldwin as Justin biebers wife


Life Chronicles with Eva: Letting Go

So I haven’t written an entry on here in a while, truthfully, always one dilemma which is do I talk about what’s heavy on my noggin, and, maybe just maybe, reach out to someone who feels the way I do ultimately helping myself through sharing and opening up too or am I back to oversharing on the internet..again?

Listen once I get over my crippling fear of abandonment,  anxiety, insomnia, meme addiction and personality disorder, it is really and truly over for you bitches. I want to write but I want these words to be honest and to do that I have to start with accepting two truths for myself.  The first being that these words are my own and I am not writing for slam, or even you the audience, unless I am literally addressing you.

Two, is that I don’t want to write about the past anymore, I don’t want to talk about what they did to me in first person. I spent so long being angry at people who really don’t even care about me or worrying  about how I am feeling. I have spent years writing people into monuments when all  they saw me as was a speckle of dust. I am not who loves me, Ands that’s word to Fall out Boy. 

There is an inherit vulnerability in stating that things are not okay and it is quite frankly, for me, embarrassing I know that I shouldn’t feel this way, but I do- and we can’t just turn off our feelings no matter how hard we try…believe me I have tried.  However, I am a firm believer in ‘owning your shit’ and being able to accept personal responsibility, I guess growing up the way I did forced me to conceptualise and conform to the idea of self preservation and reliance.  


I hate the sin that I commit. When I lie, I am not proud to be a liar. If I steal, I am not proud to be a thief. When I cheat, the feeling is horrible and I do not boast in my cheating.

Christ came for sinners like you and I and until we change, REPENT of our sins with a sincere heart. A reprobate mind and unrepentant heart thinks that they will reap the benefits of Christ’s love. It doesn’t work that way. You can’t submit to Jesus when you’re fully submitted to the devil and proud of your sin. Pride in sin is death both physically and spiritually. There is no such thing as a gay Christian, does not exist. Neither in this lifetime or the next.

But there are ex-homosexuals who became Christians, just like there are ex-liars, fornicators, cheaters, thieves, murderers… “EX” is the key because when you come to Christ, you don’t stay in your sin. Jesus changes us. So do not buy into the lie that you will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven because Jesus died for your sins and you can live any way that you choose. Jesus conquered death/sin, not so you can hold onto it.

Repent and truly know Him…Repentance was Christ’s message for the world. Christ is love but He calls all men and women everywhere to repent. There will come a time where you won’t have the opportunity to change. There are no second chances once you die. Repent and He will wipe all your sins clean. 


This is the shit that absolutely pisses me off. Your job is to recruit souls (Matthew 28-19) not tell them they’re bad or not good enough. Judgement is ONLY for the Lord. (James 4:12)

First and foremost I am a Christian, I believe that Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the light. But I am also gay so the whole idea of not being able to love and serve God whilst being gay is just abhorrent. You are not the guardian of heaven gates to say who will and who will not enter the kingdom of God. I believe that I serve an omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent God. That means he knows who I am, he loves me and he is all too powerful.

“Five sparrows sell for two coins of small value, do they not? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. . . . Have no fear; you are worth more than many sparrows.”—Luke 12:6, 7. Meaning God cares, God LOVES. It doesn’t say god loves you if you’re like this. There is no terms and conditions to Gods love. While the Bible rejects lustful, key word being lustful, same-sex behavior, that’s very different from a condemnation of all gay people and relationships.

Pride, definition An inordinate self-esteem; an unreasonable feeling of superiority as to one’s talents, beauty, wealth, rank, and so forth; disdainful behavior or treatment; insolence or arrogance of demeanor; haughty bearing. Pride can, more rarely, have the good connotation of a sense of delight or elation arising from some act or possession. Some synonyms of pride are egotism, arrogance, haughtiness. (Source: Insight into the scriptures)

LGBT PRIDE: is a reclamation of light bodies. It was a march to raise awareness to all the people that were being killed for simply being. Pride is not about arrogance it’s not about I’m better than anyone it’s saying that I deserve to live, I deserve to love myself which is gods most important commandment. ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these." KEYWORDS LOVE YOURSELF. which is the aim of pride

All I know is the god I serve??? He is not hateful, he does not hold grudges and he does not turn away a spirit ready to come home.

richard madden  —  icons.

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‪EYE. AM. HOLLERING 😂😭😂😭😂😭😭😭‬


Zoie is something else I CANT stand him


self care is when you use wattpad and then realize you deserve ao3


beyoncé : lemme hear you say “heeeyyyyy mrs. carter”


beyoncé : say “heeyyyy mrs. carter”


“…and people who say “but i bought ur album” know that you got my album and you got what you payed for AN ALBUM!”

— Justin fed the fuck up Bieber (via nopressures)

Anonymous asked:

Girrrrrrrrrrl you got me fucked up !! If I ever meet Justin I ain't asking for a picture fuck that shit imma be asking for a threesome with Khalil bye

LMFAO 😂😂😂😩


This is funny

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