
I think sometimes cbt is a load of bullshit but once in a while you'll just effortlessly parry a thought that's trying to make you spiral and it feels so good. I've done it like 4 times tonight.

Did you mean CBD or are you talking about cock and ball torture

Yes if you beat the shit out of your nutsack you won't ever feel sad again. This is medical advice.

Hold on I'm gonna try this


the most compelling thing a guy can ever say is to another guy and it's "i wish you were a girl" . like record scratch. wow the implications that this phrase has. i think it needs its own bechdel test

Vulgate Cycle: Lancelot Part II


life advice in a dystopian world: cherish

I feel so many things growing - my individuality, my confidence; I feel lines of my character growing stronger. I’m really sprouting, springing up, with mixed feelings of tenderness and bitterness, faith and disillusion, hardness and softness. I have never felt so clearly that my self is - obscurely and stubbornly - self-made.

- Anaïs Nin, Linotte

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