

@girlswithguns136 / girlswithguns136.tumblr.com

Anna Chels ♡ 18 ♡ Italy What will you find on this blog: Music, Pentatonix, Disney, Glee, Doctor Who, Fandoms I just really like basically, Food, Personal stuff, Cuteness, Whatever goes through my mind actually

It's been a rough week and I've been overthinking About Whose kisses I miss the most Was it the fold at the center of your lips Was it the rough thirst For dirt blonde hair For green eyes For love Whatever you were missing too.


OMG me and my friend went to sonic last night with the munchies and we spent so much money on food and she texted me today and asked if they charged my card bc they didnt charge hers and i called my card company and 😛 they didnt charge me 😁😁😁 when god puts a blessing on your life

Congratulations on the ‘blessing’ and the stolen food.

Congratulations that during all the strife elsewhere in the world, God was nice enough to bother to help you to rip off a mediocre burger chain.

Congratulations in all.

thank you.

So disappointed honestly, Good joke and all but it’s not funny when you steal from other’s people work, then counts don’t add up and those people are often deemed responsible for stealing. Always pay your food, always pay even after you forgot to if you can.

calm??? the fuck down???? it was sonics fault they didnt charge their card so how about you maybe shut up??? like my guy, sometimes money doesnt come easy for people holy shit

and they literally even said it was the NEXT DAY like i dont think it matters that fucking much calm down

Thank you very much for being vulgar hun, it is a general rule I follow because I worked (and maybe you did it too, who knows) in the field and know what how much shit some of us get. You could go out and do a robbery for all that I care, your life yur choice, I just don’t think this is right. Bye.


why do big dogs go boof.. 


they gotta push that bark thru their whole body and it just comes out like. a boof. yknow?

i see, the bigger the dog body the boofier the bark. are big dogs hollow?

yes. big dogs need all the space for warmth whereas little dogs have packed with righteous anger and unbridled rage


“When the weather gets cold in a few months you will complain about it then, so enjoy this heat” I will bitch about it now, I will bitch about it then, I will bitch about everything there is ever to bitch about, because guess what, Im a bitch

I feel like this needs to be Seussified. 

I will bitch about heat.  I will bitch about cold.  I will bitch about sunshine, and about growing old.  I will bitch about everything, inside and out. You will find there is nothing I can’t bitch about. 


I’m laughing so hard at this post right now omg.



I love it


So I was out to eat and this child(maybe 3 years old) in the booth next to us started crying loudly. The mom tried to calm him down but he started to go into tantrum mode and fussed even more. So she picked him up and walked out of the restaurant to a bench outside our window. We could hear her ask him, “look at me, what’s upsetting you?” To which he responded with more crying. So she says, “Well you’re clearly overwhelmed, so we’re going to sit out here and take a break until you can compose yourself and tell me what’s wrong.” Which is exactly what happened after a couple minutes. Anyways I just think it’s so good to speak to your children in a logical, respectful manner instead of shushing them and leaving them to deal with their stress alone.


kanye wrote gross lyrics and taylor approved of them, then lied in order to capitalize ON those lyrics but what i wanna focus on is how beyonce is so damn funny she’s like indirectly responsible for the feud by releasing single ladies, the song and video that created ww3 between two separate artists that have almost nothing to do with her and she doesn’t even fuckin care LMAO 


funny thing about talking about capitalism/communism is if you don’t explicitly say ‘capitalism’ or ‘communism’ and take out the marxist jargon people will agree with you 90% of the time

Just last night I got my amazingly conservative air marshal cousin to talk about how we need to break up the banks. Its amazing how anticapitalist people can get when you start from where they are and don’t use the phrases they’ve been trained to reject

It’s seriously ingrained in people to reject radical ideas without even examining them.

in the 1980s, in a survey, 50% of people thought the phrase “from each according to their ability, to each according to their need” was in the Constitution


Thank you for hitting all those nail Terry

You can tell he’s really been doing self-reflection in addition to research from how he frames his answer.


Terry is my manspo, truly Like…my man has been doing work.


Terry and the Rock are two men who have really talked about their personals struggles and growth. I’m here for it.

Nothing more attractive than a person who tells the truth, acknowledges their mistakes and grows from them.

Source: mic.com

Here’s something to chew on.


about me.jpg


In case you wanna read the article this quote is from: http://rolereboot.org/culture-and-politics/details/2016-05-daughter-know-ok-angry/

Adaptable girls find socially acceptable ways to internalize or channel their discomfort and ire, sometimes at great personal cost. Passive aggressive behavior, anxiety, and depression are common effects. Sarcasm, apathy, and meanness have all been linked to suppressed rage. Troublesome behaviors, such as lying, skipping school, bullying other people, even being socially awkward are often signs that a teenager is dealing with anger that they are unable to name as anger.
Girls, taught to ignore their anger, become disassociated from themselves.
Anger is so successfully sublimated that girls lose the ability to understand what it feels and looks like. Is her heart racing? Does she feel flushed or shaky? Does she clench her jaws at night? Is she breaking out in hives? Does she cry for no reason? Laugh inappropriately during difficult conversations? Fly off the handle over something that seems inconsequential? You can see where I’m going here…those crazy girl hormones, right? Better to just think of it as a phase.
For too many women, however, the phase never ends. It’s lives spent never expressing anger at all and believing that they don’t have the right or ability to do so without great risk.

Leaving toxic relationships whether it be platonic or romantic is so fucking difficult to do. If you managed to do that I just want 2 say that u are so fucking strong ok


BREAKING: Sacramento Nazi 

  #MatthewHeimbach #Sacramento #NoNazisInSac

Are they facing charges?

lmao probably not people are actually defending neo nazis

Okay Heimbach went to my school and is a real life terrorist. He started the White Student Union, he got a speaker who was talking about the eradication of nonwhites to come to our campus, and he threatened to start armed patrols on campus, which obviously means he would start attacking people of color. This was four years ago. He is still alive and kicking, organizing more shit like this and now he’s got Neo Nazis on his side. If anyone tells you that race relations are better now, they’re fucking lying or in denial.

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