
strawberry french toast

@strawberry-french-toast / strawberry-french-toast.tumblr.com

I like breakfast food, the beatles, and daisies. 20 bellingham

The romanticization of mental illness has got to be one of the worst things about this site. Mental illness isn’t cute or quirky, it fucking sucks, it fucking kills people.

You put this in the “autism” tag but autism isn’t a mental illness. You don’t even know what you’re talking about.

It’s a mental disorder, which is similar and 90% of people wouldn’t know the difference between illness and disorder.

https://www.nami.org/Learn-More/Mental-Health-Conditions/Autism It’s a developmental disorder, not a mental disorder or illness. Those that have it are more likely to have mental illnesses but Autism isn’t a mental disorder.

Heavy sigh. A developmental condition is a type of mental condition. You all are completely missing the point. My point was that the romanticizing of mental problems is a bad thing. I don’t fucking care what you want to call it, that’s irrelevant, what’s relevant is that it’s being romanticized and it shouldn’t be because it fucking sucks to have. Seriously, who looks at my post, and instead of taking in it actual point, you decide to take in completely irrelevant classifications.

Except the “romanticizaction” of autism DOESN’T exist. I’m so very sorry that my refusal to spend my entire life hating myself because I’m autistic somehow offends you. But it offends me that allistics keep killing people like me.

Yes it does. People treat it like its a good thing to have. People treat it likes it’s trendy. Like its something to slap on to make yourself unique. People say they have it to make themselves “cute” and “quirky” and that’s what I’m complain about.

I’m not sure what mental gymnastics you had to go through to get “autistics should spend their entire lives in wallow and self pity” from “hey, could we stop treating serious conditions that seriously negatively impact people’s lives like they’re cool and quirky and cute?”

This post was not anti autistics, it was pro autistics. Pro actual autistics who are living with a very real and very serious (me included) problem, and anti those who pretend to have it to be cute and quirky and unique.

It also extends past autism, I’ve seen this happen to schizophrenia, bpd, bi polar, and others. Mostly bpd and autism

This post was for those living with real illnesses (me and some of my best friends included) who have to fight their illness every day, and put up with people thinking it’s cool to have a mental illness.

It is not cool to have a mental illness, it sucks. That was the point of this post.


I had this girl in my class and she was considered to be like really dumb. She’d ask a ton of doubts and questions in class, which everybody would consider to be “stupid"and “silly” and even the teachers would often taunt her but she’d never stop asking. But the thing was that she’d almost always top the class examinations and everyone was like???? They all thought she was cheating and stuff and obviously even the teachers were very biased because she wasn’t so ‘smart’ in class, and she was regularly accused of cheating. But nobody could prove that she was actually cheating but the whole class and teachers totally believed that she did. I’m pretty socially awkward so I never really talked to her, but she was leaving school this year and I was genuinely curious about how she was so good during exams and how she didn’t let everyone’s remarks affect her. She always used to sit and hang out with only one girl, and she told me that that friend of hers was severely socially anxious and she’d lag in studies because she couldn’t bring herself to ask doubts in class or ask for help from others. So they had this system where during lectures her friend would write down any question she had, and she would ask them for her. And I was just so touched??? Idk but it really changed the way I looked at people?? This girl endured taunts and jeers and borderline bullying for being “stupid” when she was actually really smart and could easily have refused to ask such doubts for her friend but she did?? And brushed off everything others would throw at her for her friend?? I was just, idk it just really changed me in some way.


If you want cute names for your partner just use ones on candles they’re so beautiful like pumpkin spice or Passion flower or midnight rose or vanilla bean


Do you ever just suddenly feel really shitty because you’re not particularly good at anything and you don’t know what you wanna do with your life and like you didn’t ask to be born and have to deal with all of this and yet here you are, confused and anxious and paying to exist on this trash planet

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