

Veni, vidi, amavi

my favourite “lost in translation” moment was when my friend from Macedonia (who was pretty much fluent in English) and I were talking about a girl who sat behind us in class. She arrived almost immediately after he said her name, and reaching for “speak of the devil”, the first thing out of his mouth was

 “Oh look, it’s Satan”

and the look on her face was //priceless//


A thought about feminism vs equality.

A talk with a friend recently about the label of feminism got me thinking.

“What’s so wrong with calling yourself an equalist/egalitarian instead of feminist?”

And I think I got it.

Science literally shows us that men’s idea of equal generally isn’t equal at all. 

Like Dale Spender’s studies showing that men feel they talk 50% of the time in gender mixed groups when it’s actually more like 83% of the time. 

Or the Ipsus survey, showing that two thirds of men around the world feel we already have full equality, while less than half of women do.

(Not adding links, because if tumblr’s latest external link crap, ugh.)

But the bottom line here is, if you say you belive in equality but that you’re not a feminist, there’s no way for women to know if you actually believe in equality, or if you believe in equality from the skewed view of privileged men. 

Basically, we don’t know if by “equality” you mean “women don’t have problems and should shut up.”

If you say you’re a feminist, we can at the very least assume you realize that women are currently getting the short end of the stick. 


i’m so done with the way girls in twenties are treated. i’m so done with people who literally create timetable for us. 20- 24  find a guy, 24-26 make him propose to you, 27-29 get married. i’m so done. i’m do not want to get 2 a.m texts from my best friend who is freaking out that she is gonna die alone. i do not want see my 20 years old friend wasting her time on some guys who are not even interested in her. i do not want see us falling for every nice guy who does not look creepy. i do not want to see girls get sad or paranoid just bcos they do not fill in the schedule. you are ok. you should enjoy your life at its fullest and one day you will find 10/10 so do not pursue 6 just because you do not want to be single. it is ok and one day you will find someone. do not split your love with people who does not deserve it. keep it for yourself and when time will come you will know. i know it hurts. i know you wish u could just open part of yourself and release the buzzing love. but not every kind of love is romantic. show it to your family, friends, plants, yourself.


reblog if you’re *actually* active, trying to find more people to follow :)


I want to take a moment of pride month to honor and speak about Aphra Behn - a woman born in the 1600s who first wrote against slavery centuries before others were, who was actually lauded by her community for doing so, who is believed to have been of mixed race, who openly loved romantically both women and men, and who would often dress as a man to escort her women friends at night so they’d feel safer. She wrote against slavery, wrote against rape and the mistreatment of women sexually, about women’s right to sexual pleasure, about women being lovers with women, and men being lovers with men. She never gets spoken about, and I didn’t even learn about her until last year. An incredible lady and years ahead of her time and someone who I definitely think belongs being honored this month when we reflect on the many others who came before us and helped to pave the way for us and for our futures and our children’s futures.


harry: serves an absolutely incredible look with an iconic t-shirt and glasses on his face instead of being used as a headband

every photo: taken with a vibrating Texas Instruments TI-86 graphing calculator 


me when they think they’ve found the suspect on criminal minds but theres still 30 minutes left of the episode

an open letter to scifi creators: first of all, aliens do not subscribe to earth's western gender binary, so jot that down,
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