
Madison Montgomery

@madisoncrotchlesspanties-blog / madisoncrotchlesspanties-blog.tumblr.com

Crotchless Panties for everyone
Anonymous asked:

"How did you get this?" (headmistresssupreme)

"It’s nothing. Jesus. What are you? The paparazzi?" Madison said as she threw on a pair of Chanel sunglasses over the purple bruise that formed below her eye. 


"Don’t - Jesus Madison, you make it so difficult. It’s almost like you don’t want anyone to care about you,” the headmistress huffed, a little angry by now with the girl’s behavior. “And you obviously don’t care about yourself,” she muttered. She was immediately disappointed in herself for losing control and saying that to Madison, but in the back of mind she couldn’t help but think that maybe the teenager needed to hear it. 

"You're right. I don't need anyone to care about me, because I have myself. Everyone else is just lying..." She admitted carefully, then freezing as Cordelia lost her temper. "I care about myself!" Madison said quickly in defense. "If anything, I only care about myself...how dare you try to know who I am."

Anonymous asked:

"How did you get this?" (headmistresssupreme)

"It’s nothing. Jesus. What are you? The paparazzi?" Madison said as she threw on a pair of Chanel sunglasses over the purple bruise that formed below her eye. 


Don’t bring up my mother, she has nothing to do with this,” Cordelia snapped dangerously, dropping Madison’s wrist. One of her longest remaining students, the starlet had learned little under Cordelia’s care other than how to push her buttons, but at that she was, by now, an expert. 

Madison gave a deathly glare back at Cordelia, knowing how much that bothered her. If there was one thing Madison was good at, it was fucking with Cordelia. "Fine...I have a bruise because I ran into the door." She chuckled, obviously lying. Madison had really been out with her boyfriend all night, and her boyfriend wasn't the nicest of gentlemen.

Anonymous asked:

"How did you get this?" (headmistresssupreme)

"It’s nothing. Jesus. What are you? The paparazzi?" Madison said as she threw on a pair of Chanel sunglasses over the purple bruise that formed below her eye. 


"I don’t - Madison, I don’t pity you. You’re not dumb, I know you know this," the headmistress huffed, annoyance growing by the second. The girl had started to walk away but Cordelia caught her wrist a little less than gently, effectively stopping her. "I care about you. I care about you and I am the only person in this world right now who appears to want to protect you. I want you to be okay."

Madison whipped back around as her wrist was grabbed from behind. As much as she wanted to go off and smack Cordelia in the face, she was right. Cordelia was the only one that was providing her food, shelter, etc. "Whatever...you just want to be the mother your mom never was." She said harshly as she snatched away her wrist. 

Anonymous asked:

"How did you get this?" (headmistresssupreme)

"It’s nothing. Jesus. What are you? The paparazzi?" Madison said as she threw on a pair of Chanel sunglasses over the purple bruise that formed below her eye. 


"I’m not acting like I care, Madison. You know that,” Cordelia huffed, fighting the urge to roll her eyes at her student. “I’ve cared from the moment you walked in my doors, but sometimes it seems you just won’t let me.” 

"Why would I even think about letting you in? No body truly cares for anyone....you don't even care for you own mother. You just pity me. And I don't need your pity. 


Saw AU

Muse A and Muse B are trapped together and it comes down to either Muse A horribly mutilating themselves, possibly dying in the process to save both of them, or Muse B simply offering their life for Muse A. 

Anonymous asked:

"How did you get this?" (headmistresssupreme)

"It’s nothing. Jesus. What are you? The paparazzi?" Madison said as she threw on a pair of Chanel sunglasses over the purple bruise that formed below her eye. 


"I’m not the paparazzi, but when one of my girls has a black eye I tend to worry," Cordelia replied, looking turning from the counter to face Madison. "What happened?"

"It’s nothing, okay?" Madison said as she jolted away from Cordelia. "I took care of it." The blonde retorted as she took out a cigarette. "And don’t start acting like you care.."

Anonymous asked:

"How did you get this?" (headmistresssupreme)

"It’s nothing. Jesus. What are you? The paparazzi?" Madison said as she threw on a pair of Chanel sunglasses over the purple bruise that formed below her eye. 

“But taking care of you makes me happy. I wouldn’t mind being the only one working.” Lifting each of Madison’s legs she placed one on each side of the chair so the girl was completely exposed for her. She smirked when Madison finally complied with her request to take her shirt off. “So defiant …taking your time to do what I ask.” She teased. “I might have to spank you later.” She looked her angel over taking a few moments to just admire her body. “Damn you are gorgeous, angel.” With those words Jill moved forward placing soft kisses between Madison’s legs, letting her tongue trail between her lips. 
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