

@ccatastrophe3 / ccatastrophe3.tumblr.com

20. IL. lady. model. altruist. songbird. freethinker. nicotine addict. logophile.

How do you ask for help, without actually asking for help?

He hurt me, I hurt him, and in the end, we asked each other why we were in pain.

We forgot to validate each other’s feelings (via drinkt0forget)


One of the most important things I have learned from loving you is that I am capable of loving that deeply. So even though you don’t want me to love you that way, someday I will find someone who is not afraid of how much I can love. Even though I can only imagine loving you now, at least now I know that loving like this is possible.

Dignity /ˈdignitē/ noun 1. The moment you realize that the person you cared for has nothing intellectually or spiritually to offer you, but a headache. 2. The moment you realize God had greater plans for you that don’t involve crying at night or sad Pinterest quotes. 3. The moment you stop comparing yourself to others because it undermines your worth, education and your parent’s wisdom. 4. The moment you live your dreams, not because of what it will prove or get you, but because that is all you want to do. People’s opinions don’t matter. 5. The moment you realize that no one is your enemy, except yourself. 6. The moment you realize that you can have everything you want in life. However, it takes timing, the right heart, the right actions, the right passion and a willingness to risk it all. If it is not yours, it is because you really didn’t want it, need it or God prevented it. 7. The moment you realize the ghost of your ancestors stood between you and the person you loved. They really don’t want you mucking up the family line with someone that acts anything less than honorable. 8. The moment you realize that happiness was never about getting a person. They are only a helpmate towards achieving your life mission. 9. The moment you believe that love is not about losing or winning. It is just a few moments in time, followed by an eternity of situations to grow from. 10. The moment you realize that you were always the right person. Only ignorant people walk away from greatness.

Shannon L. Alder (via femmefatalewithasoul)

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

Frank Herbert, Dune (via picsandquotes)


a ferocious beast

i will reblog these everytime i see them because she is just such a precious little ball of predatory fury

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