
Azul, Bleu, Blau, Blå, Forever Blue

@ritmo-colombiano / ritmo-colombiano.tumblr.com

Used to be ilovethosespanishfreckles. Kayla. American. Chelsea til I die. Trying to become fluent in Spanish and Portuguese and could always use some practice. Always eager to make new friends so come talk to me any time :)

god i fuckin love airports. who came up with that??? “yeah, planes land here and take off. what if we also made it a mall, and then removed everyone’s sense of time and space when they came inside?” it could be 8:33 in the morning in a time zone i have never experienced but it’s always Airport Time

the norms there are so bizarre. who cares. wear your bugs bunny sweats over a button down. who gives a shit? nobody’s going to yell at you for chugging four sprites. you just do that. that’s the void talking

me: “i’d like a toothpick please.”

god, probably: “great! that’ll be 18 dollars.”

me: “sounds about right. here’s my entire wallet”


Anyone else really hype for Nano this year?

Let’s be buddies

Anonymous asked:

Are there any official photos of Aziraphale wearing his hat in 40s London? He only wears it a few secs in epi 3, I was hoping there was a pic.

Hiya, no, I’m afraid I don’t know about any official photos :(.

I tried to take a screenshot at least :) :






excuse my lack of drawing skills


It has been almost six months already and people keep finding Easter eggs, I love this fandom

Preciso de alguém que me olhe nos olhos quando falo. Que ouça a minha tristeza com paciência e, ainda que não compreenda, respeite meus sentimentos. Preciso de alguém amigo o suficiente para dizer-me a verdade, mesmo sabendo, que posso odiá-lo por isso. Que teime em ser leal, simples e justo. Preciso de um amigo que me aceite como sou e que me ame de verdade.

Charles Chaplin (via alentador)

He wants to say I love you, nothing can hurt you but he thinks that is a lie, so he says in the end you’re dead, nothing can hurt you which seems to him a more promising beginning, more true.

Louise Glück, from “A Myth of Devotion”  (via amoebagrrrl)


The world’s tiniest dragon must defend his hoard, a single gold coin, from those who would steal it.

Suggestion: The dragon’s definition of “steal” is somewhat loose. It still allows the coin to be used and bartered and change hands–but on one condition: the dragon must be with it at all times.

They become a familiar sight in the marketplace.

“Here’s your change, ma'am. One gold piece.” The merchant holds out a palm, on top of which rests a tiny, brilliantly colored creature clutching a single gold coin.

“That’s a dragon,” you say dumbly. “One piece… and a dragon.”


You cautiously reach out and attempt to take your change. You tug. It holds. You tug harder. The dragon lets loose a tiny, protective growl.

“Ma'am–no, ma'am, you have to take the dragon, too.”


The seller notes your dubious expression. “Not from around here, are ya?” They shrug. “Them’s the rules. Take the coin, take the dragon.”

They wait expectantly. Wondering how the world has so suddenly gone mad, you slowly, slowly hold out your hand.

The dragon perks right up. It scampers from their palm to yours with the coin clamped in its jaws and scales your sleeve with sharp little claws.

“Have a nice day, ma'am,” the merchant says. “Spend him soon, now, you hear? At another booth, if you can. He likes to travel.”

From its perch upon your shoulder, the dragon lets out a happy trill.


Bonus: the coin eventually passes to the rogue in a group of travelling adventurers. The dragon becomes the mascot of the entire group, and they lay out a small pile of coins for him to sleep on every night, clutching his coin like a teddy bear.


why can’t people understand that you can still be a “girly girl” and like soccer? Like what is so hard to believe? I like makeup and clothes and all that shit I’m just like you, but I still enjoy soccer very much , and no it’s not because the players are hot it’s because I enjoy this sport and who plays in it .

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