
Hipster INTJ

@hipsterintj / hipsterintj.tumblr.com

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I will be performing a Freya ritual and performing other dances with Divinity at this Vetrnaetr event on October 25th near Boulder, CO. Come just for the events, or camp on-location. Tickets and full event details at the link above.

In the Old Icelandic Calendar, winter begins on the Satyrday between Hunting 11th and 17th. Winter Nights celebrates the bounty of the harvest and honors Freya and the fertility and protective spirits called Disir, that She leads (often the Disir are seen as our female ancestors). Give glory to Freya and pour a libation of ale, milk, or mead into the soil an offering to the Disir and the Earth itself.
The festival is also called “Elf-Blessing”, “Dis-Blessing”, or “Frey-Blessing”, which tells us that it was especially a time of honoring the ancestral spirits, the spirits of the land, the Vanir, and the powers of fruitfulness, wisdom, and death.
It marks the turning of the year from summer to winter, the turning of our awareness from outside to inside. Among the Norse, the ritual was often led by the elder woman of a family - the ruler of the house and all within.
- Ubbe MacLean

Divinity Exotic Dance is a goddess-centered group of performers providing:

  • dance, fire spinning, and other flow arts performances
  • facilitation of rituals, tantra, and other spiritual practices
  • adult entertainment for private events.

You can find us at all these places: DivinityDance.com, FacebookInstagram, Twitter. Patreon and premium Snapchat coming soon!

Event Schedule:
5:00pm - Gates open, arrivals, greetings, merriment.
6:03pm - 6:45pm - Blessing/Vetrablot and opening ritual - honor the traditions, gods and goddesses of your Northern ancestors, and the ancestors themselves. Prepare to be smudged, blessed, and participate in-circle with reverence as we remember the old ways and anchor that light into our modern culture. Invocations and offerings at the Vetrnaetr - Winter Nights Altar.
6:45-7:30 Permaculture Lecture / Presentation for the Winter Nights/harvest season by award-winning local regenerative farmer & permaculture designer Nick DiDomenico, concluding with a Humanitree Human/Tree Planting Ritual where 3 participants will be chosen to be planted up their knees in Mother Earth, watered, blessed, and have the opportunity to meditate before being dug up and having a Linden tree, tree of the goddess Freyja, planted in their place.
Music/DJ schedule:
7:30 - music begins with Native Nate 8:15 - FathAUM 9:00 - DJ TEAFLOW w/ Divinity Dance performance! 9:45 - 11:00pm - Treaphort 11:00-12:30am - Buddha Bomb 12:30-2:00am - Totem w/Fierce Le Fay performance! 2:00am onwards - Commune, relax, and pray by the fires. Skol!

Reblog from my Norse Heathen side blog. I’ll be performing at this, so come check it out, or at least peep Divinity’s social media!

Anonymous asked:

Hi, have you got any good tips for an INTJ who really doesn't feel like being one anymore?

There’s not a whole lot you can do about your type. Short of trauma, heavy medication, or some sort of brain injury, your dominant cognitive processes are generally going to stay dominant. 

That doesn’t mean you’re doomed to always be the things you don’t like about yourself, however. Learning your type is a tool to help you improve yourself and navigate your relationships with others. Knowing your weaknesses is the first step in self improvement, but it will require conscious effort on your part. 

What has worked for me is actively seeking out things that I would otherwise want to avoid. Go along with things that don’t immediately interest you and then, after the fact, don’t just sit back and say, “Well, that sucked.” Find something positive to take from it, and think of ways you could have acted differently or improved upon the situation -- not in a self-flagellating kind of way, but in a post-game-recap kind of way so that you can do better next time. 

I would be curious to know why you don’t want to be an INTJ anymore. It’s possible you’re not an INTJ, but are instead another type that’s “in the grip” of their inferior functions or suffering from depression. 


I saw on a blog that if an INTJ expressed their feelings, they are only hypothesizing. As an INFJ with an INTJ boyfriend, does this mean that when he is expressing his love for me and how much he misses me when apart, or other expressions for that matter, are not "true"?


Not exactly.

INTJ’s, with their tertiary Fi, feel deeply. What they struggle with is expressing those feelings in a way that other people can understand. While they may recognize that they are having A Feeling, they may have difficulty consciously identifying what exactly that Feeling is, especially in the moment. If they do identify it, they may not be able to translate their internal emotional experience into words and actions. 

One way INTJ’s cope with this is by mimicking emotional expressions they have seen in others. They develop a repertoire of socially appropriate scripts as responses or expressions. This could be verbal (saying the right thing) or non-verbal (putting on a the correct facial expression). If a situation becomes more complex and the INTJ runs out of scripts, it may appear, to the outside observer,  as if they have emotionally tuned out of the situation, but in fact they just don’t know how to proceed. 

To a Feeling type, what I’m describing may sound, as you said, as if these expressions are not “true,” or are somehow inauthentic. But this doesn’t, generally, come from a lack of authentic feeling, but instead from an inability to communicate those feelings in real time. 

Not all INTJs do this, and even those that do don’t do it all the time. INTJs may employ scripted responses to navigate small talk or encounters with people they don’t know well, but not use them with the people they are closest to. They’re also less necessary when talking about long-term states (i.e. being in love or missing someone) because the INTJ has time to analyze how they feel and formulate genuine ways of expressing those feelings. 

In short, I would not assume that what your boyfriend tells you about his feelings is somehow fake. I would guess that his feelings are probably very genuine, run deeper than you realize, and are very difficult for him to express but he’s figuring out how to do it for you. The way he’s saying it might be pre-scripted (though not necessarily,) but that doesn’t make them inauthentic. 

Anonymous asked:

Wanted to let you know that you're using "compliment" and "complement" the opposite way they should be used. "Compliment" is to give a positive statement to someone, whereas "complement" is when something pairs well with, and brings out something good, in another thing. That aside, great information here.

12 years of school, 5 years of university and I had no idea there were two different spellings of this word. You learn something new every day.

I’m not going to go back and fix previous posts, but will keep this in mind going forward.



I’ve been neglecting this blog, I realize. Part of that is because I was in a terrible INTJ facebook group that was making me bitter about INTJs in general and I was finding it difficult to have anything positive or interesting to say about the type. I left that discussion group, though, and I want to get back into the swing of posting here and having conversation with you lovely, non-terrible INTJs.

In the mean time, I just saw this clip for the first time in which Stephen Colbert took the MBTI and had to share. Enjoy, and I’ll be back soon.

Anonymous asked:

Hey that all thing you just reblogged is a scam. It's some kind of virus.

Thanks for the heads up. Post deleted. I actually didn’t reblog it, so I guess it’s time to change my passwords.

Anonymous asked:

I know it was forever ago, but do you remember where you got the original photo for this? /post/60714552289/ Google image search turned nothing up. Thanks!

I took that one myself. I switched to using only my own original photos awhile ago. Any photo that was not taken by me will have a source link (just click the image to be taken to the original), with the exception of submissions. 


INTJ’s and INFJ’s inferior or relief function is Extroverted Sensing, Se. INTJs like to sell themselves as brains, but there is a side to them that is very sensual and self-indulgent; this is their Se. This function works very subtly in the inferior position, more often augmenting ideas based in the dominant functions than acting on its own. IN_Js often don’t even realize that their sensory function is at play until it becomes overwhelming.

Se is at play when we use our senses to take in information from the world around us. While IN_Js are unlikely to pursue a life based on sensual experiences, such as adventure travelers or designers, they do tend to relish in the sensory world in smaller ways. For instance, an INTP could happily live in a concrete box provided it optimally met all their functional needs. An INTJ, however, may find themselves turning down a more logical choice over aesthetic details like arched doorways and track lighting. 

You might find that an IN_J’s bookshelf is not organized alphabetically by author, but rather by some zen system that only they understand. Their homes and wardrobes will hew to a particular aesthetic that, while not necessarily trendy, will be unique to their own personal style and sense of comfort. And while they’re not often foodies, they will take an almost sexual pleasure in their favorite foods and drinks. They’ll get finnicky over fonts and margins, have specialized personal grooming habits, and will treat themselves with indulgence in sensate pleasures. 

Unfortunately, because IN_Js are tuned into the external world but only in an inferior capacity, they become easily overwhelmed by it. They’ll quickly become over-stimulated in chaotic environments, are easily distracted by external stimuli, and are fairly intolerant of having their routines or personal environment altered by outside influences. 

When IN_Js are significantly stressed, they’ll find themselves in what Naomi Quenk refers to as “in the grip” of inferior Se. IN_Js turn to the sensate to cope with stress. This is what makes INTJs the most likely of all the types to use exercise as stress relief, but it can also lead to over-indulgence of sensual pleasures. Over-eating, unusual promiscuity, and binge drinking are all habits IN_Js are likely to turn to when life hands them lemons. They become incredibly agitated by outside stimuli, reacting explosively to relatively minor offenses. They may also become obsessed with external data, perhaps reorganizing their entire house or tracking every calorie they ingest, right down to sticks of gum and vitamins. If the stress goes on too long without finding a healthy solution, these habits may become ingrained, making IN_J’s vulnerable to chronic obsessions, addictions, and eating disorders.

I’ve previously linked to the section of Quent’s book, Was That Really Me?, which discusses INTJs and INFJs operating out of Se under stress. Here it is again for those looking for a more in depth explanation of how IN_Js act when they’re “in the grip.” 


Have you stopped using this blog?


No, I have not stopped using this blog.

I moved across the country in April this year and spent about 5 months shuffling between temporary housing and was even completely homeless for about 2 weeks. Then when I finally did get a stable living situation I didn't have internet for nearly a month. I also had some personal issues going on that I won't get into, and was job hunting which turned into working for a start up business in the midst of all this. Updating my blogs fell pretty much to the bottom of my list of priorities. I apologize for the complete radio silence, but now I'm actually settled and I'm trying to get back in the swing of my previous projects. 

If, for some inexplicable reason, you want to keep up with me outside of the MBTI world, you can follow my personal tumblr here. It gets updated somewhat regularly because I can post on it from my phone while riding the bus or while drinking alone in my apartment.


INTJs and ISTJs tertiary or relief function is Introverted Feeling, Fi. This function is a bit quieter for these types than for Fi dominants or supporting. It works behind the scenes, often leaving the user unaware that a Feeling function is even in play. In the tertiary position, Fi is responsible for creating deep and lasting emotional connections and creating a moral compass. 

Don't let INTJs or ISTJs fool you into thinking they're emotionless. It's just that they apply their emotions very selectively. Fi, in these types, is not flighty reactive emotions, but instead builds bonds that endure.This is what cultivates deep and lasting friendships, fuels their passions, and cultivates their immutable (though highly personalized) code of ethics. They may never cry during a movie, for instance, but may be completely devastated at the finale of a TV show they've been following for many years. 

Much like how you have to wait for ESFPs to process their emotions before they can think logically, INTJs and ISTJs must process thoughts and experiences practically and analytically before they can truly experience the emotional core of a situation. If a loved one were to die, for instance, they may not experience their emotional response to this until after the funeral is over, the will has been read, and any other loose ends have been settled. There is a delayed response between something happening and the tertiary Fi processing it.

While it keeps our INTJs and ISTJs level-headed, there is a downside to this. Often, they are the last to know what they are feeling, leaving their loved ones to roll their eyes until their I_TJ catches on. They may become overwhelmed and unable to react in highly emotionally charged situations. Their romantic partner may do something hurtful, and they won't get upset over it until hours, days, even months later, leaving their partner to feel like the I_TJ won't let go of old wounds. Speaking of which, these types do in fact take quite a long time to recover from loss, betrayal, and other hurts from those with whom they have formed deep bonds. This is also where judgement comes from -- not the J function, but thinking less of others for not measuring up to the I_TJ's sense of values. 


Related Note: The latest episode of the AskINTJ Podcast is up! You can listen to it here, download it here, or subscribe to it on iTunes.

Unrelated Note: I have recently noticed that the images from this blog have been shared on facebook, pinterest, and other websites. That would be great, except many of these people are cropping out the source watermark. I've always tried to keep this source annotation off to the side so as to not take away from the image, but now I'm going to have to start putting it in a more central location. I hate having to do this, but, well, this is why we can't have nice things.


Recently this blog and AskINTJ have stagnated, not because I've lost interest in them, but because the current format has become limiting. The amount of messages waiting for me to respond have become a bit overwhelming and it's keeping me from posting other things on this blog. 

As such, I've decided to start responding to most of the asks I receive in a podcast. This blog will not change: I'll still make image posts and respond to some asks on this page. However, in addition to what already happens here, I'll be a posting a (hopefully weekly) podcast over on AskINTJ in which I will answer several questions from the ask box and discuss any general MBTI topics that I think may be of interest.

Posted here is the first episode of the AskINTJ podcast, but future episodes will only be posted on AskINTJ. I've also submitted the podcast to iTunes, but it will be a little while until it's live there. Until then, you can listen to it on the Tumblr page or download the episode here.

Source: hipcast.com
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