
Oh shit


Heyo, I'm Lola and I'm addicted to music and love weird shit

Anderson Cooper saving a boy in Haiti during a shooting. A slab of concrete was dropped of the boys head.

Anderson fucking Cooper, everyone. 

Some journalists like to be strictly observers. they don’t intervene, they don’t participate. they just document what they see, even if what they see is terrible. But the way I see it, journalists don’t exist in a vacuum. They are human beings, living and working in a very human environment. And that humanity is essential in relating to their stories. When you lose your humanity, you lose any kind of journalistic integrity you have left. 


this is the guy who found out one of his ancestors was killed by one of his slaves and was like “he had it coming”






hognoses are fucking ridiculous

ok. i had to look this up, because this seems just too ridiculous. and wiki does not disappoint: “… the hognose snake will often roll onto its back and play dead with its mouth open and tongue lolling, going as far as to emit a foul musk from the cloaca. Emission of cloacal musk is considerably less likely than in many other species. If the snake is rolled upright while in this state, it will often roll over again as if to insist that it is really dead.”


I want to point out this particular one is a baby. It’s still learning how LONG to play dead, that’s why it keeps waking up to check if it worked. It’s doing it’s best ok?


know what I hate? how uni’s have all of these “de-stress events” and preaching about mental health around exams but don’t actual want to fucking do anything about the shitty system of education they’ve created that literally makes kids have anxiety attacks and suicidal thoughts. yes education should be challenging, but it should not compromise your wellbeing for it. it’s like saying “yeah we realize the system is horrible, but here have free hot chocolate, it’ll make everything better”. the education system is flawed and broken and they know it, but they could care less. 

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