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An older piece I’m still not sure how I feel about? It’s been at that ‘is it done?’ stage for a few months. Figured I would just post and can always improve on later <3 Enjoy! -COEY! PRINT | PATREON _____


oh my god i'm cleaning out my desk and i found my first phone

it was a fucking house phone that i was so stoked to have because it was mine that i kept in my own room and i cannot believe technology has progressed at the speed of FUCKING light to the point where this is a hilarious artifact to have had in like 6th grade and now theres kindergarteners with iphones

How did you know if you dialed the right number

each button made a different tone so the numbers you dialed a lot became a subconscious melody in your head and if you hit the wrong button by accident it would sound like a wrong note in a song you know by heart


i can’t beleive that is a legitimate question in my lifetime

Other acceptable answer: the wrong person answers on the other end.

Another acceptable answer: the robot lady comes on the phone and tells you number doesn’t exist.


I’m not even fucking 30 yet why


Making your angst hurt: the power of lighthearted scenes. 

I’m incredibly disappointed with the trend in stories (especially ‘edgy’ YA novels) to bombard the reader with traumatic situations, angry characters, and relationship drama without ever first giving them a reason to root for a better future. As a reader…

  • I might care that the main siblings are fighting if they had first been shown to have at least one happy, healthy conversation. 
  • I might cry and rage with the protagonist if I knew they actually had the capacity to laugh and smile and be happy.
  • I might be hit by heavy and dark situations if there was some notion that it was possible for this world to have light and hope and joy to begin with.

Writers seem to forget that their reader’s eyes adjust to the dark. If you want to give your reader a truly bleak situation in a continually dim setting, you have to put them in pitch blackness. But if you just shine a light first, the sudden change makes the contrast appear substantial.

Show your readers what light means to your character before taking it away. Let the reader bond with the characters in their happy moments before (and in between) tearing them apart. Give readers a future to root for by putting sparks of that future into the past and the present. Make your character’s tears and anger mean something.

Not only will this give your dark and emotional scenes more impact, but it says something that we as humans desperately, desperately need to hear. 

Books with light amidst the darkness tell us that while things are hard and hurt, that we’re still allowed to breathe and hope and live and even laugh within the darkness.

We as humans need to hear this more often, because acting it out is the only way we stop from suffocating long enough to make a difference.

So write angst, and darkness, and gritty, painful stories, full of treacherous morally grey characters if you want to. But don’t forget to turn the light on occasionally.

Thanks Satan

Any time ;)


I’ve said it a bajillion times and I’ll say it a bajillion more: motive. 

It fixes 99% of writing problems. 

Scene is boring? Give the characters a motive. Character doesn’t feel real? Find their driving motives behind their worldview and actions. Tension missing? Find a motive and prevent the anyone from getting what they want. 

Dig into those passions, however big or small. Prevent characters from reaching it, make it glaringly, blindingly obvious what they, in their deepest parts of their soul, crave

Motive motive motive


Can I please get a new nurse?

how is this a universal experience?

male high school bullies: become cops

female high school bullies: become nurses


As a nursing student, I can attest to the amount of bullying and horrible behavior I’ve seen from fellow nursing students. One of the students in my school’s nursing program got kicked out because she was bullying her own patient…

My mom is also a nurse and she has both witnessed AND personally experienced bullying from her fellow nurses. My dad is a nurse as well and has had his own coworkers try to sabatoge him.

This is called “lateral/horizontal violence” and it’s sadly prevalent in the Nursing profession.

it goes as deep as the billing offices for hospitals too. i cant tell yall how much highschool drama my mom has had to deal with in 20 years of billing.



stop depriving non-white actors opportunities to act and get recognized!

Voice actors often don’t know who they’re reading for or what franchise they’re in (that’s what the strike was recently about, so they’d know whether they were in a small first time game or the 4th installment of a major franchise, if they were replacing a beloved voice actor, etc.) so please don’t harass the actors, until recently they legally didn’t have the right to know who they were reading for and were usually not told until months or even years later. 

Definitely go after casting, directors, and studios executives. Those are the people making the decisions. 

They still don’t have the right to know. They got fucking nothing out of that strike. They can know the code name (which might be a serial number or whatever) and if it’s a sequel. That’s it. That’s the extent of the “transparency” they won from the strike.


As a perfect example of this controversy, if you haven’t looked up interviews surrounding Laura Bailey as Nadine Ross, it’s worth it.

Laura Bailey herself explained that when she auditioned for the role, she was given no information about what the character looked like. It was only after she was hired and arrived for recording that she was shown concept art and discovered the character was a WOC. She was uncomfortable about the situation.

Meanwhile, Neil Druckmann revealed that they were already working on concept art of the character when they hired Laura Bailey. They finalized the character’s design as a WOC after they’d hired a white voice actress, so that was a conscious decision. He was also very flippant about the situation as a whole.

Like people above have said: Yes, whitewashed casting is a legitimate and real issue. But unlike actors in film and stage, voice actors are often totally blind to what they’re auditioning for. They get fucked by NDAs and legal red tape bullshit. Go after the casting directors and execs and high-position game devs that knowingly make these decisions. 

Reblogging for that info

Call out the studios making these decisions, but leave the actors alone. There’s nothing they can do about it short of breaching the contract and paying thousands in fines to the company that put them in that shitty position in the first place. Game companies are horrendously exploitative of performers and artists and need to be called out.



trump’s 1 year anniversary of being president is starting off with the government shutting down that’s the perfect representation of how american politics has been going for the past year

The government got shut down when Obama was president as well.

It’s not new.

Stop blowing it out of proportion.

It’s not a rare occurrence.

When the government shutdown under the Obama administration it was a divided government. Which made more sense because under a divided government it’s harder to compromise.

Here we are, 2018, and the Republicans control ALL branches of the government. They still failed to compromise and negotiate.

This is most definitely a rare occurrence. Very rare.


Here we are, once again. Not even a full 12 months later, and yet another Republican shutdown.


This is actually the third government shut-down this year. The third. There was the first in January, an additional one in February, and now we’re rounding out the year with a third shut-down. There was only one during the entire eight years Obama was President. There have only been nine total shut-downs in the entire history of America. Trump is responsible for a third of all government shut-downs and this has all happened in one year and it is only his second year in office. Is that alarming? That should be really fucking alarming.

The Nazis are ruining America, are we shocked?




good news, you can! the company’s called Tony’s Chocolonely and their entire purpose is to make slave-free chocolate and reform the chocolate industry.

Whole Foods carries it. If you don’t want to support an Amazon-owned company, World Market carries it. You can also buy it directly from the company. 

It’s the best chocolate I’ve ever had and it’s 100% slave free. Tony’s Chocolonely works really hard to push for transparency within the chocolate industry and actually has and is following an action plan to eliminate slavery within cocoa production. They’re good people who make good chocolate.


Crazy how the main three chocolate companies in the US are all terrible


Makes sense


Into the Spider Verse and Miles’s Dad

There are so many great moments in this movie, so it’s easy for one particular thing to get lost in the shuffle, but…

The scene where Mr. Morales is talking to his silent son is great, but the most important moment for me is where he says “I love you. You don’t need to say it back.”

…so many parents feel entitled to the love of their child. They feel they inherently deserve it. They remind them that “I put food on your table and a roof over your head!” as if this wasn’t the bare minimum required by law and human decency to care for the life you’ve created. They get so angry when they feel their kids aren’t loving them enough, or are “disrespectful” or “mouthing off” because they view this child as an extension of their ego rather than a fully-formed human being with their own lives and dreams. 

Officer Morales is NOT that kind of parent. The film takes the funny, awkard, trailer-bait moment from early in the film…and transforms it into something poignant.

Officer Morales is just offering his son emotional support, period. No strings attached. No guilt. No expectation of reciprocated love. No social status or respectability bullshit or “I did my best” or “you have opportunities I never dreamed of!”

There’s more that I’d like to articulate, there’s something I’d get across to you if I knew how, and please I’d welcome elaboration/context in the reblogs, but the best I can do is saying that he is willing to love his son while understanding that his son might not love him back.


Rami Malek is really an icon….there he goes playing main character on a critically acclaimed hacker show….there he is alongside Ben Stiller as a cute pharaoh……there he is in some horror game about wendigos and serial killers or whatever Until Dawn was…….there he is as Freddie Mercury…….what can’t this man do


this is vampire rami malek from twilight erasure 


holy shit he voiced someone in legend of korra too 

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