
Life according to....

@savthewalker / savthewalker.tumblr.com

Just the day to day stuff. Being a mom to a fantastic four year old.
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Maya Angelou (via psych-facts)


When people say we shouldn’t give living wages to minimum wage workers they’re basically saying those people’s kids shouldn’t have Christmas presents. They shouldn’t have birthdays or even basics like aluminum foil and paper towels. A car that works. Clothes that fit. Enough food. All those things become luxuries when you’re trying to live on minimum wage with kids.


Story of my life!


I respect the right to feed a child in public.

Whether it be breast milk or formula.

Through a bottle or from the tap.

Covered or uncovered.

I respect you, as the mother or the father to feed your child, no matter their age, no matter how you do it.

Because Mommy is forever. It’s such a powerful name. Mommy means “I trust you.” Mommy means “you will protect me.” Mommy is for shouting when you need someone dependable and for laughing with when you are excited; Mommy is for crying on and cuddling with when you are sad or giggling and hiding behind when you are embarrassed. Mommy is the fixer of boo-boos and the mender of broken hearts. Mommy is a comfort place, a safe place. Mommy means you are mine and I am yours and we are family.

Katie Davis (via jessirynn)

If you were to press your heart close up against somebody else’s heart eventually your hearts will start beating at the same time. And two little babies in an incubator, their hearts will beat at the same time. Love that. So if you have somebody in your life that is prone to anxiety, like myself, and if you happen to be a calm person, you could come up and hug me heart to heart and my heart hopefully would slow to yours. And I just love that idea. Or maybe yours would speed up to mine. But either way, we’ll be there together.

— Andrea Gibson (via psych-facts)

I will have to remember this next time my husband is feeling very anxious and his heart starts beating really fast.

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