
Hi, How Are Ya

@olivetreehouse / olivetreehouse.tumblr.com

ollie | 20-something | latin | sometimes I draw, sometimes not.

omg hell yeah!!! this is huge

my job tried to get me to sign a 2 year non compete and i argued it down to 6 months plus the money to cover being unemployed

over and over again I've seen non competes used to retaliate against women who quit, like i have a friend who was sued for getting a new job in her field and unemployed for years, another who quit a job and never told anyone where she went, literally disappeared to not get dragged through the courts. (bc the companies don't care if the new place you're at is really a competitor, they can drag you through the courts for years in frivolous suits so you can't keep a job, just out of spite)

like fr i quit a job where a coworker told me not to tell certain people where I was going, or ask them for a reference because they'd give a bad one so i couldn't leave

i don't think ppl get how some industries with an old school mentality (hi rail aviation and nuke) still quietly use "old school" labor practices.

also this so ruins the "not technically a monopoly" strategy I've seen CEOs use; as soon as a competitor emerges, buy them and make their employees sign non competes and NDAs. Then you have a market segment to yourself and can set the prices, or even availability of shit to buy vs rent, as you please.

like this is actually a huge thing if you're trying to start a business in terms of actually being able to get employees. because sometimes big companies will hire people and have them sign non competes just to stifle competition and prevent the small company from hiring


thinking about how when you experience a lot of shame in your formative years (indirectly, directly, as abuse or just as an extant part of your environment) it becomes really difficult to be perceived by other people in general. the mere concept of someone watching me do anything, whether it's a totally normal activity or something unfamiliar of embarrassing, whether I'm working in an excel spreadsheet or being horny on main, it just makes my skin crawl and my brain turn to static because I cannot convince myself that it's okay to be seen and experienced. because to exist is to be ashamed and embarrassed of myself, whether I'm failing at something or not, because my instinctive reaction to anyone commenting on ANYTHING I'm doing is to crawl into a hole and die. it's such a bizarre and dehumanizing feeling to just not be able to exist without constantly thinking about how you are being Perceived. ceaseless watcher give me a god damn break.


Everyone should follow what's happening at Columbia right now. This is the largest protest there since 1968, and the admin just stripped several students of healthcare and housing.

The NYPD arrested over 108 students camping on the South Lawn yesterday. Now, thousands have joined the demonstration. As Israel prepares to commit genocide, Palestinian and Jewish students are taking the lead in protesting institutional complicity around the world.

Stop-motion is an animation technique in which objects are physically manipulated in small increments. By capturing 24 frames per second, the object comes to life
The movement of each character, the speed at which they move, and lighting are all taken into account. Everything is crafted and captured manually, frame by frame. By doing everything manually, the handmade nature of this series exudes warmth filled with the unique charm only stop-motion can provide.
As the process requires extreme precision, each animator can only create up to 4 to 5 seconds of footage a day. Approximately 86,000 individual images were required to create this series.

this post is for broccoli fans ONLY 🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦🥦 broccoli i love you


if you got an additional line of income that guaranteed your basic needs would be met, (notes below)


- the money can come from whatever source you'd like to imagine. UBI, sugar daddy, magically delivered in unmarked bills onto your dining table overnight by elves, blackmailing jeff bezos, wherever

- it will keep coming indefinitely

- basic needs: housing, food, medical care, clothes, etc. You would not be rich, but you would have enough. It will rise with inflation and such, to have the same purchasing power as before.

- any money you earn at your job (or anywhere) is on top of the basic needs money. How much you get is not affected by how much you make elsewhere

- vacation doesn’t necessarily mean you go anywhere; you just don't need to go to work

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