

@ofdaisy / ofdaisy.tumblr.com

nothing matters; the importance of nothing

I hate the “open floor plan” that everyone is obsessed with in houses now. I want nooks and crannies and bizarre floor plans. I don’t need to be able to see what someone is doing on the other side of the house. I want places to hide and lurk and dwell in the shadows. I am the beast who awaits in the labyrinth

Open floor plans are a relic of post-war "we can consume as much as we want with no consequences" optimism. You know why old houses are full of doors and corridors and such? Because you can trap heat in just the rooms you are using, and not have to heat the whole house (likely sending it up through your high, barely-insulated, exposed-rafter ceiling in the process).

Consign open plan housing to the dustbin along with gas guzzling boat cars and other relics of the pre-oil-crisis era. Go green, go labyrinthine. With doors.

“Responsibility to yourself means refusing to let others do your thinking, talking, and naming for you; it means learning to respect and use your own brains and instincts; hence, grappling with hard work. It means that you do not treat your body as a commodity with which to purchase superficial intimacy or economic security; for our bodies to be treated as objects, our minds are in mortal danger. It means insisting that those to whom you give your friendship and love are able to respect your mind. It means being able to say, with Charlotte Brönte’s Jane Eyre: “I have an inward treasure born with me, which can keep me alive if all the extraneous delights should be withheld or offered only at a price I cannot afford to give.””

Adrienne Rich, “Claiming an Education” (1977), On Lies, Secrets, and Silence (via sadladypoetssociety)


I’m both pro herbal medicine and pro vaccination because you can treat burns with aloe vera juice and sore throats with lavender infused honey but you can’t rid a country of polio with plants. 


Don’t forget kids, jewelweed is a natural counteragent to poison ivy rashes but it won’t do shit against whooping cough

Mint for nausea, valerian and chamomile for sleep, antibiotics for fucking infections.


educational and salty. i like it.


they could have fully made out on camera tongue and all and it still wouldn't have been as gay as whatever the fuck that "you stupid bitch! that i hate!!" "fuck you" interaction was


And yet, the mainstream media has been framing this as Iran, for no reason (other than ohhh evil Iran), just decided to launch attacks on Israel.

Almost no mention that Israel blatantly violated the Geneva convention or that Iran said that they would refrain from retaliating if Israel and the U.S. agreed to a ceasefire.

And the Biden administration is going right along with this, they are so far beyond morally bankrupt at this point and I am utterly disgusted to call myself an American.

Shame on Joe Biden, his administration and any Democrat who, for the past 6 months, have had a roll in leading us to where we are now, the risk of a wider regional war, and 35,000 Palestinians murdered all because they have so little humanity that the lives of Palestinians mean less than nothing to them.

There is a special place in hell for these ghouls and I hope they never know a moment of peace for the rest of their miserable, despicable lives.


Her name was Saly, she was five years old. She was like any child, she probably liked to play with her toys, she was probably learning to read, she probably like to spend time with her family and friends.

Maybe she would have been a doctor, or a farmer, or a engineer. Maybe she would have advanced the field of physics or medicine, written a best seller novel or stared in a major movie production; Or she might have had a quieter life, the world might have never known her name, but her friends and family would have and that might have been enough.

But no one will ever know now because Israel took those lives away from her, the tens of thousands of possibles that lay before each child burning like candle lights in cool summer night sniffed out in an instant. A last story shared by thousands of Palestinian children in Gaza.


Never forget that this would not be happening had Biden reined in Israel in October '23 instead of giving them a blank check to attack anyone they please. At the very least there should have been consequences for Israel bombing an embassy.

Instead Biden promised iron clad support for Israel. We're now facing the possibility of a huge regional war that will devastate the lives of tens of millions of civilians in West Asia

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