
Maggie would.

@maggiewould / maggiewould.tumblr.com

Assorted bullshit.

This is the conservative/christian sign for abortion. This is the sign used by those who are pro-life. This is a sign that is sexist, that demonizes abortion, that is anti women’s autonomy and female rights. It declares fetuses as full babies someone is throwing away. This sign can be genuinely triggering to deaf women who have had abortions.

If you want to go full-neutral, you can finger sign abortion. 

Or, the scientific version (pregnancy-remove) that is considered the leftist way –


Do not spread the pro-life version. Conservatives specifically try to push their ways to sign things as the default. You are unintentionally helping overpower deaf women’s rights advocates.


please fucking vote


Literally please vote, nobody likes Biden but our system is set up in such a way that not voting = voting for Trump. Just vote, please.

(In the democratic primary though, do whatever - put no preference, vote 3rd party, idc. But suck it up and vote for Biden in the general)


I know the US government acts like a corporation but it’s not.

Not voting isn’t the same as a boycott. Because you can’t bankrupt a government by not voting. All you get by not voting is less control over what the money is doing.

The money comes from taxes, not voting. Abstaining from voting does nothing to reduce the governments ability to get money and spend it on shit.

So yes, sometimes you vote to reduce harm because not voting WILL NOT REDUCE HARM.

It’s not a boycot. Abstaining doesn’t take power from the government. It just reduces the number of people they feel answerable to.


Not only do they not give a shit if you don't vote it's precisely what the most sadistic ones are hoping for.


the ignorant think that every event is 50:50 as it either happens or does not happen, but the wise know that you have ⅓ chance the event happens and ⅓ chance the event does not happen and ⅓ chance you’ve made a fundamental mistake in your probability calculations.

But then you add Kurt Angle to the mix


Can’t believe Bram Stoker once sent a 2000-word fan letter to Walt Whitman which included his exact height, weight and how much he loved his poems and wanted to be friends with him, and that Whitman wrote back saying he liked his letter and hoped they could meet some day, how cute is that

And then he finally got to meet him and Stoker said “I found him all that I had ever dreamed of, or wished for in him” HOW CUTE IS THAT

bram stroker just mailed walt whitman his grindr profile just like that huh


What if when we were born we were each assigned a Wikipedia page like a social security number would that be fucked up or what


do you mean a wikipedia page about us? or do you mean some baby is arbitrarily given the rights and responsibilities to update the paramecium article?

ok I did mean a Wikipedia page about us. But keep talking I like where you’re headed

What's your government-assigned Wikipedia page? (No rerolls. I am in charge of "1929 in Wales" now. Not a great year, some bad floods in November.)


"Strong Badass Women™️ for me are so bothersome to watch :/ thank God women and diversity /queerness automatically excludes each others so i don't have to be bothered by them when I watch a show with the 90% of male characters 😍

I love everything I'm hearing about OFMD, but I'm not going to watch it for this reason. I'm just so tired of men and centering men in stories and media and culture. I'm glad this show exists, there are many who need it. I'm just not one of them.


I love you, but hard disagree on this one. OFMD has a canon nonbinary character, played by a nonbinary actor, not to mention some honestly incredible badass female characters. I'm sick of narratives focusing on men too, but OFMD is just really really good, and I think there's a lot of nuance being missed here tbh.

Edited to add: obviously you don't have to watch it though! It's just very much more than A Show About Men.


"But rather than being a limitation, Butler argues that the incoherence of anti-gender ideology is actually one of its core strengths. Because the movement’s arguments are so malleable, transphobes are able to mobilize the right, the left, and everyone in between."


queer housing groups are a great place to meet people you would never, under any circumstances, want to live with.

queer housing groups are like:

“hi manhattan folx. we are both fresh out of school and looking to split rent 3/4s* with one (1) quiet femme roommate. wed prefer to live with someone who is not greek, cannot practice martial arts and was recently fired from their job.

we are looking for a quiet person because it is a MUST that you do not ever speak to my partner due to his inability to behave normally. if you need trouble him, you will pass messages beneath our bedroom door at precisely 3am on sundays only.

you mightve heard about us from our previous roommate, moon. she will be posting in various local groups saying we sold her ferret on craigslist. please PM me for more details.

we are looking for some who

  1. is not mentally ill
  2. is not disabled
  3. will not be seen or heard
  4. does not have friends
  5. will wash dishes for us

you would be living in a cardboard box in our living room. we have a washing machine and dryer but ask that you do not use it, instead going to the laundromat down the street and matching whatever you paid them to pay us as well.

we are both lawyers but one of us roams the streets at night wearing a mask with horns and performing vigilante justice. you must be able to perform first aid at all hours. (and of course comfy doing this xo.)

people with leopard geckos and capricorns need not apply.

*as in you pay ¾ of the rent.”

I saw a post in a queer housing group and they specified that they talk about sex openly in their house and all of the comments were warnings telling people not to move in there because the reason why they want people to speak about sex openly is because they’re trying to indoctrinate you into their sex cult.


I joined a queer housing group in Portland and left pretty quickly because of posts like this:

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