
Napstablook is pretending to sleep

@musiclovingghost-blog / musiclovingghost-blog.tumblr.com

*hello... my name is Napstablook. *sorry to bother you... #AskAway #UndertaleFanon #RPBlog #AskBlog #SFWandNSFW #She/He/Them/WhateverYou'reHeadcanonIs #MeanPeopleWillBeBlockedAndReported #IDoNotOwnUndertale #Napstablook #AnyRoute #MunIsHighFunctioningAutistic #PleaseDontTakeAnythingISayPersonally #BadAtReadingSocialCues #IfISaySomethingWrongOrMeanPleaseLetMeKnow #AlsoPleaseExplainWhy

American Sorting Hat, which is just a beat up baseball cap: aight bro by the most righteous magics bestowed upon me i’ve scoped out ur brain and ur house is uh….. DRAGON ALPHA SIGMA DONG!!! lol

wizard bros of dragon alpha sigma dong: YOOOOOOOOOOOO 

freshman wizard: *crowdsurfs*


After you voted, on the of your right of your dash, you can click on the text that says “opt out of decision 2016″ and your dash will be back to normal! I’d appreciate it if people would reblog this so we don’t perpetuate the idea that once you’ve voted you’re stuck with it because that ISN’T TRUE. Again, vote, click on the text that says opt out on the right side of your dash and you’ll be good to go!


An important notice to the Undertail community:

Any users engaging in 18+ roleplays, art trades, and commissions with @roundskull (other names are the popular undertail account @Toughskull and ShortyTastic) are advised to cease such contact immediately. This user has admitted to being only 14 years of age. Please do not risk being investigated for soliciting a minor. Details below.

NOTE TO UNDERAGE USERS: I don’t hate you! You are curious about/embracing your sexuality and I respect that. But please know that there is a very real and dangerous difference between looking at porn on the internet and lying to engage in sexual content with adults. This post isn’t about you. You are all wonderful and I thoroughly respect and appreciate you. I just don’t want any 18+ interaction with you as that could label me as a sex offender for the rest of my life. 

I would like to preface this post with a small disclaimer: I absolutely despise callout culture. I tend towards polite discussion and giving all parties involved a fair chance to defend themselves. In this case, I have done so to no avail. 

The user in question has been contacted multiple times regarding not lying about their age. Despite this, they have been engaging in 18+ chats, art, trades, streams, and taking on adult commission work for some time now while stating that they are 18.

It is important to realize that this child is not only putting themselves in danger, but every adult whom they participate in 18+ content with.  

In many parts of the world, online chat and interaction of a sexual nature carries a very real threat of being charged for solicitation of a minor, regardless of if the minor involved has properly disclosed (or lied about) their age. 

All it takes is one angry parent or authority figure to see the content involved. The child does not get a say at that point as to whether charges will be filed. Tumblr is well-known for working with law enforcement officials in identifying users involved with child porn or content otherwise considered harmful to minors. 

We tried to solve this problem behind the scenes to protect all persons involved.  Roundskull/Toughskull/ShortyTastic has been warned that they are actively putting both themselves and other people in danger. Instead of apologizing and stopping, they are playing the victim card and continuing their activity.

Thus why I’m finding the need to make this post. 

People need to be warned that they are interacting with a 14-year-old who is claiming to be 18. 

Proof and current order of events can be found under the cut. Thank you and please remember: This is a child. They may be stubborn, but they are still young. Please just block them and move on if you decide to cease contact. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT send this user any messages of a threatening nature. 


PLEASE READ && BOOST | skele-emergency

💀 : //
hey guys, its miles && this new post will have old && new information since things have happened a bit. 
those that don’t know me && are just now seeing this post floating because your mutual reblogged it ( or something ) i am mentally && physically disabled which makes it hard for me to work certain jobs ( if at all ) due to them.
i moved from Australia && in with my partners because of my emotionally abusive && toxic home environment.  
I found a job !! however, i won’t start until the 11th of march so i still need help in the span of donations because i will not get paid for another three weeks once i start && i’ve only got $230 in my bank which will be nothing once i pay my phone bill && maybe two other bills. 

the figures for my other bills are as follows: 




repeat after me...

roleplaying is a hobby. roleplaying is a hobby. roleplaying is a HOBBY.

it’s OKAY if you take awhile to reply.

it’s OKAY if you can’t find the muse for a thread or ask right now.

it’s OKAY if you can’t find the muse for a thread or ask ever.

it’s OKAY to drop threads.

it’s OKAY to be selective when roleplaying.

it’s OKAY to ship, or to not ship, something.

it’s OKAY to miss a reply.

it’s OKAY to take a break when life outside of tumblr calls.

use the bathroom!! take a shower!! take a nap!! go eat something!! get a drink!! take a break!! do things you probably need to do but haven’t done because of roleplaying!!



This Blog Does NOT RP SMUT with MINORS.


I don’t care how mature you think you are, or how well your write or portray your character. In fact, that’s completely beyond the point. Any adult that is caught exposing or engaging a minor in sexual content can be ARRESTED and PROSECUTED. Simply being charged, even if the case is later dropped or you’re found innocent, can having a horrible and lifelong impact on a persons existence. It can prevent a person from getting and keeping a job and housing, ruin friendships and relationships and generally fuck up a persons life. So don’t lie or trick or guilt or pressure someone into smut if you are under 18. It’s just not worth it.

And it should be generally unsaid that seeking or pressuring minors to smut is whole world of creepy and disgusting. Just don’t do it.

Im a minor but im still reblogging ^^


For all the fucking hype that Bernie Sanders gets you’d think he would have done better. You fucking shit heads sit here not voting meanwhile reblogging shit supporting Bernie. Your bitch ass blog isn’t going to make a difference you dickwad. YOU NEED TO GO OUT AND FUCKING VOTE.

in case you were wondering how badly we have fucking failed so far


get off your ass and vote. tell your mom to vote. remind your classmates to vote. and i s2g, TALK ABOUT BERNIE TO ANYONE WHO WILL LISTEN FOR TEN SECONDS TOGETHER. 

i understand you want to yell at children for being hypocritical and everything but know that tumblrs base is not only small, and filled with kids who are under 18, and a lot of bernies support base are college students who aren’t registered to vote in the place theyre currently going to class to, but maybe ease off the ass and yell angrily at people a little less. yes, this is stressful and terrifying. no one seems to be grasping the concept that THE POSSIBILITY OF DONALD TRUMP RUNNING THE COUNTRY FOR FOUR YEARS IS REAL. IT’S REAL AND IT’S HAPPENING AND WE WON’T BE ABLE TO GET OUT OF IT BECAUSE OF THESE DECISIONS.

The voter pool is dominated by people older than Bernies intended audience, and not only that, everyone knows Clinton. Bernies campaign NEEDS TO WIN. You need to go out and work for the country you want tomorrow. And you don’t even have to do a lot. You have to fill in a damn circle. There’s also mail-in voting if you’re out of state or country, look into that. YOU CAN VOTE. LOOK FOR WAYS YOU CAN VOTE. REGISTER DEMOCRAT. 

listen, if you want to vote, but youre not registered, you cant. it doesnt matter where you are or how badly you want to, your support of Bernie will go no where. people who want Hillary and Trump are people who have already been registered to vote for years. 

And if Bernies campaign fails? Better start praying to god that Hillary gets better because we’re all getting fucked if we get that reality-TV show billionaire clown in the big seat.

It’s not too late, but too late is coming painfully soon. Act now, act fast.

Please, for the love of god, for the love of this country and for the love of all the people Trump is going to get killed, deported, and incarcerated once he becomes president,


Also those google charts are misleading because they count superdelegates and the superdelegates have not actually voted as delegates yet they don’t vote until the convention and between now and then can change who they’re supporting at anytime and as many times as they want. And more than half the country hasn’t even had a chance to vote yet because they’re primary has not happened yet you can see primary dates and numbers with out the superdelegates here: http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/election-2016/delegate-targets/democrats/

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