
None shall pass without MY permission!

@sirdidymusthebrave / sirdidymusthebrave.tumblr.com


Scandalized | umop-epis-dn

“I do not believe it me who is not getting the point.” Is he being completely serious? Does he not see the severity of the situation at all? Jareth is a brilliant man, for certain he must know what he is doing.

And that made the realization all the worse.

Children today are not required to mature fully so quickly as they once were and some of the youths Didymus had interacted with made this point more evident. In their day, fifteen was considered a legal adult. Fifteen is the very same age as his son, Maron. Looking at the lad’s innocent face and Didymus can clearly see how archaic that way of thinking is. His son, as so many his age and not much older, still has that look of childlike innocence about him. Don’t even get started on the way of thinking. Walking through the halls of the university, Didymus had heard snippets of many conversations that paralleled conversations shared upon the playground. ‘Do you think she likes me?’ ‘Omigawd! He liked my status! What do you think that means?’ ‘Ahhh! He said “’Sup.’” to me in chem lab! I can’t even!’ True, women in their day had similar discussions, but when a man was interested, he called upon the young woman. He made his intentions more clear than a “‘sup.”

“You cannot possibly compare what equated maturity in our day to today. Maturity was decided upon based on mortality rates. People were lucky to live until fifty, let alone forty, in our day! Children were forced to mature so that they can contribute the most in dire times and continue the circle of life. Today, people have been known to live past one hundred years of age. That is about double the life expectancy rate in our day. In addition, life is far easier than it was all those years ago. Medical care is better and starvation and drought are not as dire in most parts of the world. As a result, children are not required to mature as quickly as they once were. In our day, it was not uncommon for mere scraps of children to become parents at age twelve. Twelve! And in wedlock, no less! Do you still wish to measure your actions next to standards of a bygone time?”

He kept a level gaze upon the other, hands sternly placed upon his hips and eyebrows raised as if daring him to argue further.


Brows lowered and his jaw took on that edge that preceded either battle or childish rage. And in extreme cases, both. Jareth had never taken well to chastisement, not from anyone. Neither rank nor power nor leverage changed that, as well Didymus knew. By the end of the older man’s speech, his patience had long since given out. Slamming a palm irritably upon the dark grained wood of his desk, Jareth scowled up at the other, barking a short, “Enough of this!” Rising, he took on that posture that students and peasants and deans and kings alike had always found unsettling. Even from feet away, he loomed, casting an invisible shadow of aggression malice over the other.


REGARDLESS of what standard we are going by, these students are considered adults in their own right, capable of living, working, and existing as individuals. They have a right to their own choices, just as anyone else. I’d hope, even by your account, that twenty-somethings would suffice as actual independents. AND, Didymus, I’m not measuring anything, but if I were, it’d be by my own opinions, not any specific time or ideal.” His eyes narrowed further. “I will not suffer this lecturing! You’re not my superior, and you still haven’t said what I’m even being attacked for. Unless you plan to in the next thirty seconds, I suggest you take your implications and chastisements somewhere else!”

The room seemed to take on a slight shadow, despite the bright weather outside. Didymus knew this stance and environmental effect all too well, but it bothered him not. He remained still as stone and just as set in his stance as in his convictions. 

“Actual independents that still remain depended upon their parents! Does that truly count as independent?” Indeed, these students lived on their own in some degree and in some cases and others worked for their living, but, at the end of the day, when times became challenging it was a phone call to a parent that solved the situation once more. 

His visage reddened as his jaw clenched at the prospect of having to blurt out such immoral actions! Such talk was only acceptable in the barracks of young soldiers! And, then, only barely

Lips pursed, the redness not fading, and eyebrows lowered, Didymus exhaled a short burst of a sigh through his nose. 

“Your meetings with students leave much to be desired.” A slight pause before brown eyes widened at his own word choice. “Lack in morality!” He exclaimed, a sharp edge of nervous discomfort edging his words. “Gods! Not ‘desired,’ ‘lack morality’!” 


// . . . Well, my game plan to return failed XD For that I apologize. So much has happened since then, my dear star shines! To those I owe replies, you betcha I’m going to write them! To those who’d like to start a thread, my inbox is friendly :D I have missed writing and all of you so very much! I’m so excite to be able to come back! Hopefully, I’ll be around more often <3 If you’d like to know what I’ve been up to this whole time, I’ll write a blurb under a cut. Don’t wish to clutter any dashes ^^

So, many things have happened. I finished my last semester at school with flying colors and references for job hunting, I’m in the process of moving into a place of my own. Well, not really “my” own. That goofy surprise visitor with his flowers and chocolate from eight months ago and I are still together, moving in together, and planning a wedding! So much excite, my dear star shines! :D


//So, my game plan was to pop on, talk to friends, and write replies . . . Some of that was accomplished . . . that “some” didn’t extend to replies . . . I was interrupted by a goofy surprise bearing flowers and chocolate XD I hope to do better tomorrow after work. Until then, starshines! <3

Unfortunately, starshines, I have to sleep. Yay for 5:30 wake up calls - said no one ever :’D I’ll do my best to return tomorrow. Good night, sweet dreams, and have a wonderful day, my dears!
"I thank thee." He paused a moment, mind searching for the right words. "Taking another, though unwanted they may be, is unsettling, my king. I pray that thee try and see it from another light. Though the child be wished away, they get a second chance - a new life - where the babe may be wanted." He paused a moment, formulating his next words. "It is no negative reflection upon thee, Thine Majesty, that the child’s caregiver wish such a thing. ‘Tis the way of the land. To give home to the unwanted of the Aboveground. Though unwanted from whence the child came, the child may lead a full and pleasant life here."
Though given permission to speak what he willed, a small twinge of anxiety pulled at the back of the squire’s mind. Permission may have been granted, but it did not mean that what he had to say would not offend.

        Cold eyes stared impassively down at the squire, betraying little save courteous attention for the information given. But behind the almost neutral expression, frantic thoughts raced wildly. Didymus did not understand, did not realize! Jareth had been banished here to be guardian and guide to the abandoned and unwanted from the above, yes. But he was finding that to be nearly impossible.        How was he to protect children who hated him for stealing them away and did not understand that he was powerless to do otherwise? How was he to tolerate stolen babes who wailed and cried for hour upon endless hour for caregivers who abandoned them? For fools and idiots who were  r o t t i n g  in oubliettes for their sins?         He couldn’t! Wouldn’t!       ”Pleasant?” the young King repeated the word, saying it as though the term disgusted him. “What is pleasant about living down here? About knowing one is unwanted and damned to spend their days among monsters they can’t possibly understand?” The questions were harsh, but with desperation, not anger.       For Jareth was searching for validation, justification for the crime so recently committed. Of course, when he’d done it, it had not been for the child, of course not. No, that would make the transgression a mercy, a noble gesture. And it had been anything but. No, it had been fury and a selfish desire for revenge that had made him do it—-        —-Made him change them. 

Perhaps it was knightly bravado that banished the twinge of anxiety and replace it with a look as hard and unflinching as the king’s. Perhaps it was the bashfulness of youth.

“What difference dost the scenery and creatures make? If one is unwanted from whence it came and further unwanted in its new home, what difference is there? Thine Majesty, unfamiliar dost not a monster make. A dark soul makest a monster and both realms hold their fair share.”

When this time passes - should Didymus live to see it - he should think himself a bold fool for what had just spilled - albeit, well articulated - past his lips. He is of no high political station, not even a knight or higher ranking military official. He is nothing more than a squire. The underling of a knight. He is nothing more than a glorified servant with high prospects at the end of his journey and this glorified servant just spoke frankly to the King. 

May the king - and the gods - have mercy on this foolish and brash youth.


+1 sirdidymusthebrave

Following suit, Sir Didymus crossed the threshold to his home and closed the door. The great room, in which the pair were standing, was much larger than the house let on from the outside. Tall walls adorned with knightly and hunting memorabilia led to a tall vaulted ceiling with great beams supporting the structure. The stone floor was worn smooth over the years, but still sturdy, well kept, and surprisingly clean despite the conditions of the land on which the home sat. Two arm chairs sat before a great hearth and past them was the kitchen with an oak table and chairs, a smaller fireplace, various pots, pans, and cupboards undoubtedly well-stocked. To their left against the wall was a sturdy and well built wooden staircase leading to the opened bit of hallway above the kitchen. Two doors were visible, but hallways continued off on either side.

A door to their right swung open and a white and grey shaggy head peered around the corner. Spying Sarah, the canine abounded forward greeting her with head nuzzles and slobbery kisses upon her hands.

“Ambrosius! Thine enthusiasm is none too proper! Thou wilt settle down this instant!” As the knight had commanded, so his trusty steed obeyed, but still his shaggy head nuzzled Sarah’s hand and leg. He, like his master, was most pleased to see the return of their lady.

“My lady, my apologies. Might thou wish-est to wash thine hands after,” he turned a meaningful look to Ambrosius before continuing, “so improper a greeting?”


Sarah took in the inside of the beautiful building, she hadn’t expected the scene in front of her but she at lest had expected for Sir Didymus to live in a nice place. She was surprised to find the tall ceiling but the furniture was beautiful and resembled the style of both Didymus and the Underground. It was a very charming place, leaving her naturally feeling relaxed and comfortable.

At the sound of rushing paws against the floor she turned her head in a startled state before smiling and accepting the affection Ambrosius gave her. Leaning down a bit she pet the canine thoroughly while cuing her affections and making she to mention she had missed him as well. “That’s alright Sir Didymus, I could never ask for a better greeting from your noble steed. It’s good to be around friends..” Sarah smiled at the both of them. She really had missed them.

“As thou wish-est, my lady.” Though he appeared displeased with Ambrosius, the canine only displayed the joy both felt within them at the return of their beloved lady. No more pleasant a surprise could be had.

“If thou wish-est not to wash, could I fetch my lady some refreshment? We hath a fully stocked kitchen with teas, ales, wines, and treats of varying sorts.” He paused and gave a wink with a smirk. “I had been to market just yesterday.” 


“Ah, yes! I do believe I have heard of thine name mentioned among the castle’s keepers.” He quirked a single, bushy brow in question to the lad’s near slip of the tongue, but did not out outwardly question. “‘Tis a pleasure to make thine acquaintance, Young Squire Dodger!” He gave a slight dip of his chin in an informal bow.

“Now, my boy, to ready thine stance for a duel, thou must start with one foot a-front the other. This front foot shall be the same side as the hand that shall hold thine blade. I believe that shall be your left, yes?” He gave a small smile, referencing his initial statement. “It shall look similar to this.” Diadems, also a primarily left handed individual, stood with his left foot forward, knee slightly bent and toe pointing straight, and his right leg straight behind with the foot horizontal. The position of his legs resembled a moderate lunge. “Before any activity, duel or spar, this shall be thine starting position. Remember to keep the forward toe pointing straight and thine back foot turned horizontally behind thee. It shall serve as thine anchor. The forward facing toe allows for easier steps forward, which we shall get to momentarily. Give the starting stance a try, lad.” 


No matter how many times Didymus has trained squires or given pointers to goblin youth, he shall never tire of it. Working with a young person and instilling knowledge he had learned when he was a youth shall always be one of his more favored occupational aspects. 


“Folks was talking about me?” Dodger asked, an odd feeling fluttering in his gut. It made sense what folks would be talking–he had escaped into the maze only to be brought back by the Goblin King relatively unharmed, which as near as he could figure, hadn’t happened before. But still, folks talking about him hadn’t ever been a good thing before, so he decided not to think on it now. “You too, sir, I mean, Sir Didymus.” And he returned the bow, though not quite as elegantly.

It took a little bit of work for Dodger to sort through what the man was saying, but fortunately the knight also demonstrated what he wanted at the same time, which helped. Carefully mimicking the knight, he settled down into the slight lunge Didymus had been rattling on about, leaning to the side to make sure his feet were doing as they were supposed to. He looked up to beam at the knight, pleased that he seemed to have the position aright. 

“That it?”

Didymus watched the lad in silent anticipation, a smirk playing his lips as the lad did his best to mimic the stance. He could see the gears and cogs working within the youth’s mind to make connections between explanation, cognition, and action and expectantly awaited the results.

“Indeed, my lad!” The knight exclaimed, straightening out of his stance to walk around the boy to check the finite aspects of his dueling stance. “A job well done! All thou hast to do is straighten thine back,” he placed a paw upon the boy’s shoulder and gave a gentle push to guide him to a straighter stance. “Thine feet are in fine order, simply straighten thine forward toe,” he gave a slight tap of his foot to the lad’s shoe in the direction he believed it be pointed toward. Coming full circle, he faced the lad again. “The reason for the footing is to be balanced upon one’s feet while still able to move. If thine feet are firmly planted upon the ground, I should not be able to knock the over with a shove.” To make his point, he placed a paw upon the front of the lad’s shoulder and gave a decent shove, not enough to knock the la over, but would surely test his balance. Should he stumble, his weight was not properly distributed. Should he barely move, his footing is strong and stable, allowing the pair to move forward in their lesson.


Labyrinth RP Masterlist (UPDATED August 11, 2015)



Other Labyrinth Characters:

  • labyrinthwiseman - the Wiseman with the obnoxious talking hat
  • sparkybchill - Sparky a Fiery, a member of the chilliest bunch in the land
  • fireysofthelabyrinth - All of the Fierys … Wanna have a GOOD TIME? 



Non-RP blogs that are pretty cool:

I think I’ve gotten everyone I know of. If there’s a URL change I did’t find, let me know! PLEASE! I’ve taken links off because I was directed to the “cannot find” page. If that’s due to a URL change and I’ve missed it, please tell me :)


as an rper, i don’t mind having an rp partner who takes forever replying to stuff, or isn’t always spamming me with headcanons and aus and drowning in feels with me 24/7. it’s totally fine if sometimes your muse goes dormant and i definitely get it and you don’t have to be enthusiastic all the time with me. i get that sometimes muses are unbelievably loud but during other times they just refuse to cooperate. as long as you’re still passionate about the character that you’re playing and you’re still into our plot, then it’s cool with me. 

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