

@gaymosexuqueer / gaymosexuqueer.tumblr.com

Malcolm. 25. ATL to NYC. Afrocentric. Avid Theatre Enthusiast.

I’m so thankful I had a childhood before social media took over


Can i get a step by step on how to do this?

So far for me it’s been something like:

1. Become aware of how and when you tearing yourself down.

2. Now that you can catch yourself doing it. Offer counters to the negative self talk. A really useful thing I read was to talk to yourself almost the way you would child. Gentle and patient. Even when they fuck up.

3. Take time to celebrate your small accomplishments. You’ve been attacking yourself for every little mistake. Apply that same fervor to the positive things in your life. Did the dishes even though you didn’t want to? Fuck yeah! Got up and took shower? YES!!! You are taking positive steps to feeling better. Celebrate it.

4. Make lists of things you’re good at/ like about yourself. The first time I did this the only two things in my list we’re that I liked my hair and I had good friends. It was start.

5. Don’t beat yourself up if you screw up steps 1-4. It’s counter productive. When I catch myself calling my self stupid for some mistake or other my response now is,“We don’t talk to ourselves like that anymore. What’s something constructive that could actually help solve the problem.”

Most of the time that seems to work. Not always. But more and more Everytime.

I hope any of that made sense.

Thank you Emilia Clarke for your beautiful portrayal of Queen Daenerys Targaryen. Stormborn of the House Targaryen,the First of her Name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. Lady of Dragonstone, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons

There needs to be a phrase for “I acknowledge your apology and appreciate it but it does not make things better.” instead of just saying “It’s okay.” all the time. 

I acknowledge your apology and appreciate it but it does not make things better


there are actors that people refer to as shapeshifters bc theyve played in so many movies in which they look nothing like their other parts and then. there’s michael sheen.

I see this and I raise you: Stanley Tucci


It took me years to connect all his roles, they’re so wildly different. His talent prevents him from being more appreciated because nobody realizes it’s him everytime

In a way, isn’t the dream? You get to be an A-List Hollywood Star without all the baggage. You’re respected within the industry, you make millions, possess autonomy and can flex creative control over the projects you’re cast in, but at the end of the day you can walk down the street with your family no different from everybody else?

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