
I, Milk

@light-of-the-seven / light-of-the-seven.tumblr.com

Healer LFG

Hey so my birthday is in two weeks and Christmas is coming soon and I haven’t worked in over two months.

I absolutely fucking hate having to do this, and this time it’s not even about rent. My dad continues to say that he’ll support me, after backing out of paying my tuition like he said he was going to, and complains every time I have to ask him for money. I’m also trying to get help for mental illnesses and being dicked around at every fucking turn. 

If you could find it in your heart and your bank account to spare some money, any amount of money, it would be extremely appreciated. I have no income and spend $35 a week getting to and from medical school, and have to eat somewhere in there as well.

I don’t want any gifts. I don’t want any crazy amount of money. I’m just trying to do something positive and non-destructive with my life and I just want to not have to worry about this menial bullshit while I have so many projects and exams to worry about.

Thanks for your time and consideration.

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