
Ryūken Ishida

@solitaryquincy / solitaryquincy.tumblr.com

"There is no point in saving the dead. That's a Shinigami's job." Independent Ryūken Ishida RP Blog. Status: Single M!A: None All icons belong to me unless said otherwise.

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Having just hit my 450 mark I have to say: I am absolutely overwhelmed by the amount of followers I've gained since I started this blog. It means so much to me to have you all here day after day. I need it to be known that I love every single one of my followers, and everyone I follow.

I love to hop on my dash and watch you interact with each other, to interact with you personally, to read your writings, admire your fantastic, unique character portrayals, and to write with you myself. There are some of you that I have never even spoken to but I am overjoyed to see you on my dash just because your writing speaks to me on an emotional level. So without further rambling, and not in any particular order because I am lazy, my follow forever: x-custodis | ofmelancholia | inspirenjional | spoonofdeath | deceptiveserpent | isshxn | organdoom | wisteria-and-pine | ikkaku-marmalade | bi-no-shi | keikakudori | onepunchkill | tiger-braid | feral-pride | hanabiira | solitaryquincy | 5thcaptain | nwodsipu | kaze-taichou | narcisista--canibal | swallowing-snake | fuji-me | one-eyed-subordinate | marigolds-and-despair | h-e-i-k-a | soccerkurosaki | noburupuraido | thefabuloustrepadora | guremiii | go-ichi-go | theorangecaptain | coffinnailsandscientia | ichimxru | vermilionstains | hikari-no-ite | exitusberry | kukyo-na-hebi | nnoitragilga | yer-all-damn-brats | nnoitragilgaa | x-cute-d | tsumetai-kanashimi | okarih | drottinsvik | stoikosevgenis | smiling-sound-princess | swordxmaster | littlematchstickmomo | dr-rukia | sadistic--narcissist | digital-missiles | shunkoprincesssaginodairinin | chui-no-fuyu | teardropsonmyflyingv | busyoffofbasicinstinct | wittyneko | juushiro--ukitake | of-ash | vulgar-display-of-vanity | kodokuo | survivalisforthefittest | andra-sidan | txnshu | rokubantai-taicho | cuarrto | tenaciousbeauty | namatsubame | zangetsu-heika | zorn-gottes | anguinum | antenoru | flaxen--emperatriz | en--kralj | diamondvisored | super-kyuubantai-bee | gurandomasuta | prince-of-silence | princesa--serpiente | kreuzknight | boshi-no-geta | r-y-u-s-e-n-k-a | thefiftysixarrancar | storm-flake | kawaiidollhouse | fingerheater | lunaeterea | ohagireaper | dai-rokushidan | nogodformenlikeus | lunadiluciatheatricasymphonia | rukondistrictkingabarai | tiburonhime | furst-des-lichts | a-fetching-taicho | espada-cifer-ulquiorra | bloodyhandsangel | loyalhealer | iustitiacaecaest | fukutaichbro | storm-knight | kyoki-no-keshin | praktikos-emporo | purple-eyed-maidens | thewhitemperor | timor-pugna | master-cifer | blutigen-arroganz | kuchiki-bya | bite-me-fight-me | rangikusan | nihilism-is-my-death | blood-stained-justice | captain-byakuya-kuchiki

(**Disclaimer: I probably left out a lot of you by mistake. I am first and foremost an airhead. If you don't see yourself please don't take offense and know that I love you just the same as everyone listed above. I tried to keep personals and multiples off the list, although a few probably made it on because I wasn't paying attention.)



Opinion on;

Character in general: I don't really like IchigoHow they play them: You play him very well, one of the Ichigo's I hope to interact with in the futureThe Mun: Never talked to him/her

Do I:

RP with them: Never haveWant to RP with them: Of course

What is my;

Overall Opinion:

You cool, ily.


Send me a url and I'll answer the following;;

Opinion on;

Character in general: How they play them: The Mun:

Do I:

RP with them: Want to RP with them:

What is my;

Overall Opinion:

**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty




"...You weren't paying attention to a word I said, were you?"


"Them 'Asauchi' are made by one person, which is me. That's 'Tōshin' Nimaiya Ōetsu for ya!"

-Independant Nimaiya Ōetsu roleplay blog -A few months of RP experience -Multi-ship -Icon, single-liner, para, multi-para -OC/AU/Crack/Crossover friendly -No smut; Blood, gore etc. will be accepted -Friendly mun

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