
@negrek /

Any thing can be made, any sentence begun

The Phoenixdex's birthday was March 31st, so what better time to unveil the project I've been working on for the past... couple years?

Back in 2021 I thought it would be fun to draw rapscalion with the new canon farfetch'd evolution, sirfetch'd. For whatever reason I decided to do it in a digital colored pencil style, and then after I started learning to use traditional colored pencils and Phoenixsong came out with a new design for rapscalion, I thought to myself, "Hmm, wouldn't it be cool to redo that old pic in proper colored pencils?" (My first mistake.) "And then do one for my other favorite canon/fakemon pair!" (Thus are multiyear projects begun.)

But at long last we have them: rapscalion and sirfetch'd, plus mega ampharos and mega ramfere. (They're in a hair metal band!) The ramfere line got a cool redesign in the most recent dex update, but the mega hasn't been gotten to yet, so at least I managed to get this out while this is still the canon appearance!

Happy birthday @phoenixkratos, happy birthday Phoenixdex, and here's to many more to come! Super glad to see Nesubi out in the wild and looking forward to where you take it next!

In Orre, a rainbow glowed above a tower, and an age of shadow ended. In Johto, a tower fell in rainbow flames, and three new lives began. Wes has never believed in second chances, but perhaps in a place as strange as Johto, anything is possible.

My actual story for the Snagged! anniversary zine! Just a short little post-canon piece; the wordcount limit was 3k. (And I did actually make it, for you skeptics out there.)

Not super pleased with the title. I would really prefer something rainbow-themed, but I haven't been able to come up with anything at all in that vein!


Here is a free zine dedicated to pokemon colosseum and XD to celebrate its 20th anniversary! Thank you everyone who has contributed to and supported our zine!!!


It's Pokémon Colosseum's 20th anniversary!

... two weeks ago! I'm still putting my life back together after NaNo, but for anyone who hasn't already seen it, please enjoy this wonderful collection of Orre-themed art and writing. I wrote a little one-shot for it, too! This was my first time participating in a zine, and it was a lovely experience.

And happy (belated!) birthday to Pokémon Colosseum, still one of my favorite games in the franchise.


Salvage: A Pokémon Fanfiction of Change and Rebirth

You lost a lot when you died. Your life, for one, and your name and your family and even your humanity. What you gained was power, and a purpose to turn it towards. You may have died, but Mew hasn’t, not yet. And you’ll do whatever it takes to find her.

Genre: Action, Suspense, Original Trainer, Pokémorph Characters: OC, Mewtwo, Absol Rating: M (strong language, dark themes)

In Chapter 56…

"D-does," you stammer. Something deep in your lungs stabs like broken glass when you breathe in too fast. "Does it get better? Do I get to be happy again?" After a second you realize your mistake and demand, "Before we find Mew? Do I get to be happy before then, or only then? Not until...?"

Absol contemplates you, red gaze seeming to search for something within you. You have no idea what. "It gets better."

"When?" The word's torn out of you like a cry of pain. "When, when? When is it going to stop?"


Been a hot minute since I put a publication notice on Tumblr, hasn't it? I'm still writing this fic, anyway, lmao. Did they take away the option to preview posts since I was last here? Thanks, I hate it.

No drama in this chapter, anyhow. As per usual. :P


Hmm, so, so far, talking more about my writing here has been going... well. But, no reason not to do some now, if I have something to share.

I'm working on Chapter 54 now, which has really ballooned past what I'd been hoping for in terms of word count. I would really, truly love to keep the chapter under 10k, heh.

So, in pursuit of that, I've been deleting things! I thought I'd share a couple small snippets that I removed, which are both from The Big Shadow Pokémon Lore Dump part two. Hypno talks a bit about the experience of having been shadowed... where "a bit" is like more than 5,000 words. It's a bit of a problem. Anyway:

"How does Professor Krane's machine work? He told me about it, but it sounded really weird. You danced?"

"Danced?" Hypno tilts her head. "No, nothing like that. It's more... abstract than that, I suppose. The way it's supposed to work is the other pokémon, they have normal emotions, so by being exposed to them, you kind of remember how to feel things, too. Professor Krane likes to say that shadow pokémon have lost the ability to imagine things ever being different. To cure them, you have to show them another sort of life that they could have, whether that's with Celebi or with something else."

"Was there music, though?"

Hypno snorts. "Yes, I suppose there was music. It's a strange sort of virtual reality thing. Hard to describe if you've never been in a PC."

And a second extract from the same conversation, but with differet context. I've written multiple versions of this scene, and a big part of editing is trying to cut them all together into something coherent! This bit was a little too lighthearted for the current version of the scene:

"But you could do cool shadow attacks," you point out.

"I suppose that's true," Hypno says with a genuine smile this time. "There are positives to every situation, I suppose. I think I'll take being able to, oh, I don't know, laugh and experience joy and all those sorts of things over some cool-looking fire, but maybe I'm just boring."

"I do not think anyone who has been shadow can *ever be boring."*

"Well, I'll just have to do my best to prove you wrong about that," Hypno says. She stands up and dusts herself off, taking both her empty bottle and the full one for Noctowl. "Let's get back, then. I'm sure the other two will be missing us."

Just some little snippets for now... We'll see if I can motivate myself to do a more substantive post sometime soon!


Pokemon Scarlet/Violet Character Names Explained

Fun fact! The characters in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet are all named after various plants. Yes, all of them. The localizations for their English names did their best to stay true to this, but sometimes their namesake is not always obvious in the English names.

So I thought I'd collect them all and summarize them in a post! You can find all these on a Wiki, but I thought it would be handy to have them all in one place. Warning: this is an image-heavy post.

Team Star Bosses

Giacomo (ピーニャ Piña) - Pineapple: Giacomo is derived from the pineapple's scientific name (Ananas comosus). It's easy to guess why Giacomo was named after the pineapple, with his spikey hair. (Also, yeah, pineapples don't grow on trees, a lot of people don't know that.)

Mela (メロコ Meloco) - Peach Tree: You'd think Mela would be named after the pepper plant, but no, she is named after the Spanish word for peach. Go figure. (Fun fact, it is Rika the Ground-type user who is named after the pepper!)


Today is March 12, sir Terry Pratchett Memorial Day, a day that is important for me to remember. This man, his books, helped me a lot in my childhood and are helping me up to this day. Therefore, every year I draw a lilac - this is a kind of a way to say "thank you" to a person who unfortunately will never hear it. But the world will hear his name once again, and a man is not dead while his name is still spoken.


welp. Definitely intended to answer that last ask privately, was very confused when it showed up getting notes. This is why we don't tumbl after midnight, folks.

In any case, I've fixed the problem with the PMD quiz; it was the comment system, as usual, causing problems. I also corrected a problem that was causing the CAPTCHA to malfunction.

The site very obviously needs a lot of TLC and updates at this point. Which is sad! I've been neglecting it for a long time. And I have no idea when I'd be able to make the time for it, honestly--I have way too much on my plate as it is. Nonetheless, bug reports are appreciated, and I'll do my best to keep things at least functional for as long as possible.


One of my new year's resolutions was to talk about Salvage a little bit more. Chapter commentaries are fun, but they're pretty high-effort, and I think I'd like to put some shorter, but more frequent updates out there, too. I've been doing regular word sprints on Discord and posting a little about what I did during each, but it would be nice to put something a little more permanent out there, too.

I recently posted Salvage Chapter 52 (working on that update post and commentary, heh), and after a break to work on a one-shot for a bit, I started in on 53 tonight. This chapter has four scenes, and I'd already written the last (and most important) one. Since 52 is actually a smash-up of what used to be 52 + 53, I'd actually put that final scene in a document for Chapter 54. First order of business was just to rename that and then go out and find any other relevant bits I'd written.

I was thinking I'd written two of the scenes for the chapter, and that there was one in particular that was an important one and would likely be tough to pull off. But it turns out I actually wrote at least some version of all three remaining scenes for NaNo last year! I had absolutely no memory of this. And pulling them all into one doc, they only added up to about 6k words! A nice, manageable chapter size, though I expect I'll end up adding a bit before we reach the final total.

While thinking over this chapter I also adjusted some of my plans for the upcoming arc as well. Previously, I'd expected this arc to run through Chapter 59. Then I combined chapters 52 and 53, moving it up to 58. But looking at things again tonight, I think I'm going to need to insert another chapter--things take a turn too quickly late in the arc, I think. So the ending's moved back to 59 again! It's quite close, honestly, but it feels so far away.

...this "quick update" turned out to be something substantial enough that it could be published on Dreamwidth, didn't it? Oy vey.


Ten Years of Salvage

Way back on November 1st. 2012, I started posting my third novel-length fanfic to FFN. Ten years later, a lot has changed, but I in fact still posting that same novel-length fanfic to FFN! It's been quite a ride, so I figured I'd take this opportunity to indulge in a bit of reflection. (Read more ...) comments x-posted to Negrek | comment there

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