

@bisexualgrimes-blog / bisexualgrimes-blog.tumblr.com

Ella. Aussie. Rick Grimes is my bisexual king. I like Star Wars. And bad jokes.

it’s almost 2015 can we PLEASE stop using the uterus and vagina as feminist symbols

It’s almost 2015, women are still killed, tortured, raped, and forced to bear children because of their uteruses and vaginas. Can we please not take “female” out of feminism?

I’m so sick of this hatred of the female body being promoted by “feminists”. Seriously fuck you. Your not being progressive your being a misogynist. Sex based oppression exists. Women are oppressed because of our uterus’s and vaginas. Anyone with a functioning brain knows this.

How about this? When men stop raping our vaginas and forcibly impregnating our uteruses and making laws to keep our uteruses pregnant so that we are forced to give birth out of our vaginas, then vaginas and uteruses might not be feminist symbols anymore. Till then, fuck all y’all trying to pretend our anatomy isn’t exactly why women are oppressed in the first place.


i hope all u ugly white feminists realize that the founders of the women’s march are a latina woman, a black woman, and a palestinian muslim woman. they didn’t create this march for all of you to talk about your pussies and spew cissexism. :^)


Absolutely agree with the cissexism point, it has no place in this march or any part of feminism, but given Trump’s comment on “grab them by the pussy”, cis woman are going to talk about their vagina to stand against Trump’s sexual assault and harassment considering it was a direct target against them and their body autonomy. 

I understand that but it just goes to show how invisible the trans community is even in the eyes of people who are supposed to be on “our” side.

Our “pussies” are under attack and are the reason for our oppression so you can continue to be mad on the internet about it. 

To my fellow women, stop hating yourselves for brownie points online from so called women who can’t support your own rights for one second. 


@ fellow cis women:

it is very very possible to discuss the ways in which vulvas, vaginas, etc are demeaned by society/the gov’t because of their association with femininity + womanhood without equating those body parts with womanhood itself. 

not all women have vaginas; not all people with vaginas are women; “pussy power” =/= “girl power”; etc etc etc.

@your tags: Cis women are oppressed because we are female. Because of our very genitals. If the signs at the march bother you, may be you ought to check your internalized misogyny.

There’s no hope for women in this postmodernist liberal feminist crap.

@ fellow sis women: 

your body is literally the source of your oppression. don’t let any man, woman, or any man who calls himself a woman make you feel ashamed for talking about it


Imagine caring so little about females that you don’t even clock “no uterus/vagina no opinion” as a prochoice slogan…

I think this every time! Like they see that slogan and they think that women are just saying “if you don’t have a vagina you don’t get any opinions on anything ever” and it’s so obviously.. just saying that women should be the only ones making choices about their bodies concerning reproductive rights… (and like, just saying “no uterus no opinion” is still inclusive to trans men too, so there’s literally no reason to get all bent out of shape about it! Unless you just hate female bodies that much!)


like conservatives already silence women from talking about our vulvas and our anatomy, why are you helping them? especially with trump in office? like get a fucking grip women who are proud of their pussies are not your enemies. jesus christ and you claim to be better feminists than the women you’re silencing 🙄🙄 so over mainstream/liberal feminism, you get nothing done


everyone using the women’s march as an excuse to complain about “”‘cissexism"“”“ (read: women protesting the government regulation of female bodies) is a bad person and I hate you


Honestly there’s only one word I can think of to describe the phenomenon of thinking lipstick and dresses makes you a woman while simultaneously caring precisely 0 about the forcible impregnation of women against their will and that word is privilege. 

Director Krennic: Lord Vader, have you ever considered toning it down just a bit?
Darth Vader, casting a 20 foot tall shadow while surrounded by golden glowing fog as he slowly descends the catwalk: I have no idea what you're talking about

Ok so i get that women are abused, and im very sorry that thats happening to them. But what does that have to do with transgender people? Yes we call you cis, but thats exactly the same as being called heterosexual. I just dont get why that is offending to you?


Because cis frames female privilege along the axis of sex, and one cannot be privileged along the same axis they are oppressed along. 99% of the world is ‘cis,’ it does not need that qualifier. 

I am many things that are oppressive/privileged: white, middle-class, heterosexual. I have no problem being called those things, because it is true! But being a woman isn’t a privilege. It never will be. 


like sorry but as long as abortion is still illegal in the majority of the world, as long as females are still being killed before and after birth for simply being female, as long as fgm is a common practice in a lot of the world, as long as doctors still don’t listen to/ignore women who talk about their medical issues, as long as women are being shamed and taught ignorant things about the realities of their periods & bodies in general, as long as all these things and more exist, sex-based oppression will always be relevant to feminism and rightfully should be the main focus. 


I can’t reblog the post because op blocked me but there’s a post going around to the tune of “this women’s march was organised by black, latina and palestinian women activists but white women just wanna be cissexist and talk about their pussies” and I’m actually furious.

1) Do you honestly think woc don’t have vulvas? That we are somehow unaffected by anti abortion laws and laws making it harder to access birth control? Do you think that our activist struggles are somehow unrelated to the exploitation of our bodies and reproductive labour? Do you honestly not think that a single woc has ever held a “get your rosaries off my ovaries” sign? lmao

2) Sentiments like these show a clear lack of knowledge (or maybe simply a lack of care) about our histories with regards to slavery and colonialism. There is a very long and painful history of black women’s bodies being used as a means of economic production during slavery, of native women being raped to further colonialist expansions in the americas, of poor immigrant latinas being sterilised in prisons. Our oppression differs from that of our men because of the exploitation of our reproductive capabilities so to act like any discussions of this is a “white thing” is so incredibly insulting especially considering the pain of our foremothers.

3) This is just neoracism. Racialized misogyny with an approved progressive stamp. It’s clear that our experiences, our histories and our realities mean nothing to these people as we are merely a prop in their antifeminist attempts to silence women and obscure the realities of our oppression.


Surely women should be allowed to talk about our own reproductive organs at a women’s march?!

Feminism that centres around having a vagina excludes trans women, which makes it poor feminism. Also vaginas aren’t automatically women’s reproductive organs, trans men exist, trans non-binary people exist, etc. There’s nothing wrong with loving your vagina, no, but there is something wrong with acting like vaginas are the only genitals that women have, and acting like only women can have vaginas. It’s a women’s march, which does not automatically make it a people with vaginas march. It should include all women.

Stop trying to silence women with vaginas. 

Anonymous asked:

So the womans march is like everywhere on tumblr and i was on this Popular black tumblr and they r trans or non-binary i believe and they were like why r all these woman talking about there pussies and this is cissexist and i wanted to freaking scream like how freaking misogynistic can u be to not know we are talking about r vaginas for a reason seeing as laws are gonna affect my gentials not some identity ugg just need to rant thanks

Wow! Honestly it’s so crazy how they believe that they are the progressive ones. They are just spouting the same old misogynistic bullshit that we have all heard. The women marching today were very aware of the issues that they faced. We knew that we faced these issues because of our vaginas and there was absolutely no sugar coating that. Tumblr is such a bizarre bubble and I don’t feel like many people have a solid grasp of reality.

Anonymous asked:

How would you define male and female?

To me? They are meaningless. I cannot for the life of me fathom what they are and what they mean. 


Black women wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and see black women. White women wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and see women. White men wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and see human beings.” — Michelle Haimoff.

The meaninglessness of biology in a world where female biology is overwhelmingly the target of anti-choice legislation, slavery, the withholding of education, forced/mandatory pregnancy, rape, murder, incest, paedophilia and mutilation, is a privilege that very few female human beings on this planet have access to. If you are able to say to biology, “you are meaningless” then you have no idea what it is like to be oppressed on the axis of biology, and ignoring it is a violent slap in the face of the women and girls all over the world who are oppressed on the basis of being born female. This cavalier attitude towards human biology and the behaviours that exist in response to it is dishonest, it is in denial, it is oppressive, and it is above all, misogynistic. It is also anti-intersectional, as it completely ignores how women of colour are further violated on the grounds of their biology. Saying that sexual biology is meaningless is on the same level of delusion as, “skin colour is meaningless” or “disability is meaningless” or “race is meaningless, I cannot for the life of me fathom it or what it means”. It is not meaningless. It is a biological reality, it is a group that people are born into and on this basis are subjected to horrific treatment that is specific to that particular group.


i’m dying is this true of most people who complain about “no uterus no opinion”…. is abortion so far off their personal radar they just think it’s some weird thing people are saying bc they like being in like a Womb Clique 

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