
These Words Are My Diary Screaming Out Loud

@fallinlovewithapoet / fallinlovewithapoet.tumblr.com

I like to pretend I'm a poet sometimes.

It’s my fault that you hurt me. I forced you into the hurricane that was my life, and I begged you to stay when you told me that you couldn’t. I made a home inside you, tried to nestle within your bones. I found that there was a constant draft, the roof leaked, the stairs creaked. I patched up the holes with duct tape, I wore a coat to bed.

The idea of love is a funny thing. The love was never there, but I believed in the idea so hard that I thought that I could create it. You think that you can make someone love you, but you can’t.

In the end, I am always writing to ghosts. It’s been years since we’ve spoken, but I was driving to work at 6:30am and a song came on that sounded like you and I thought I’d write you this poem to let you know that

I’m okay

and I’m sorry

and I think about you sometimes

and I hope you’re okay too.

You live in another one of my lives. The one where I dance in the rain and kiss against brick walls and drink sticky red liquor. The one where I make mistakes and I make them with you. The me in this life would not recognize the me in that one. The me in this life would not recognize you, but I will still always be searching.

you, you, you | S.B.

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