
Lyssea's Silly Art

@lysseaarts / lysseaarts.tumblr.com

The strange and silly art made by Lyssea. Main blog is located at lyssea.tumblr.com

This was supposed to be a picture for umbrora-glow as a bit of fanart, but I kinda felt like I messed up too much when I went back to shade it.

So have what I got made, and I’ll make Glowy something else another day. Because Glowy deserves a good deal of art ‘cause Glowy’s awesome.

Late evening reblog


Behold, fanart for the wonderful avaomod! Their pony persona using one of those mixing-tables.

I should note that the pony is actually a pegasus, but after a few hours of trying to draw wings I gave up. I am so sorry ^^’

But yes, go follow Avaomod, amaze at their stuff!


Forgot to reblog this one here.

Behold my very first, all-mine picture! I did everything on this one!

You may continue whatever it was you were doing


Having seen This Cute Sketch, and having been drawn into the world of coloring by Morty, I decided to color that sketch. This is the result.

All credits for actual art goes to avaomod and their lovely art, with extra thanks for letting me do this and letting me publish it.

I have done nothing but the colors.


Ahahahahaha done x_x

The pictures above are, in order

  • The original sketch I got from chrysalis-army
  • Colored but unshaded picture ( this took surprisingly long time…
  • All the shadows used for the picture ( Some things look quite clean and nice, others… not )
  • The finished picture.

I learned a lot from this picture. Much being ‘Shadowing stuff is a -pain-’ and ‘be more careful in future crotch-areas’ ( that’s something I did not expect to say in this context ). Also I am not good with highlights.

Now to make the next one which is… just as detailed.


( I would like to point out that this sketch was colored with permission ( and on request even ) by chrysalis-army . Don’t color other people’s work without permission, darlings )

Also, feedback is -most- welcome!


Some random stuff. We have a few faces ( and one see-through ), a MIB Brain Chip ( and an injection-dart ), and some random stuff.


More doodles to see if I could hold a pen!

Top left is... I have no clue. I just added lines to the paper at random.

Next is a random face. I tried to shade, but it looks awful. Better luck next time.

Next is a random turret.

A pony! Well, a quickly outlined skeleton and base for it. Ponies are hard.

Some... random leg? Again, I was just doodling about.

Lastly there's some icon of a sun over hills. No real reason to it.


First of the new art! All art as now is new, unless stated otherwise.

This thing I just made with random things, just to see if I knew how to hold a pen still.

My usual water-bottle. It's a type with a very big cap.

I tried to make some kind of swirly swirl-thing, but I messed up.

Last thing was supposed to be a quick drawing of a human head, but overly obvious lines and stuff ruined that... so I just added random stuff until I got distracted by something shiny.


I have issues.

But yes, this was how things used to be two-three years ago. I had a mobile phone capable of two(!) alarms, a normal alarmclock, and a third thing with an alarm. And it was on the table at the other side of the room.

On the upside, I know for sure that I can get from “Sleeping” to “Out the door, dressed and ready” in less then five minutes. Hungry and with no time to get myself to look acceptable, yes, but still on time. Luckily you can get yourself mostly ready at the Uni if you pack food and stuff the evening before ( I did ).

These days… it’s worse xD


This was supposed to be [name] when thinking about [thing].

Yeah I have no idea what her name was or what the issue was anymore, it’s been like a year and a half since I made this ^.^;

Curse of reposting old stuff.



"Star Pink" refers to a joke from a page… which is not posted officially. If I find the art I might post it up some day.

It is also supposed to be Tikal the Druid in cat-form.

Beside him we got Mielle in elf-form.

Lastly we got a dressed Nomine.


Doodles during class!

We have a bear, drawn without references.

We have something inspired by the second Who-episode of the new series.

A floating cloak. I like cloaks.

Thing inspired by one of the undead bosses is Icecrown.

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