
There is something kind of sweet about the way Tien voices his fear that Vegeta might go back to Frieza’s side in Super. Because historically, Tien is the fighter who likes Vegeta the least - he’s an alien, not a worthwhile challenge to Tien’s “strongest human alive” title, and more importantly he’s someone who savagely uprooted his entire life & the lives of his loved ones for no reason but petty amusement. That shit doesn’t just go away, right, no matter how many years of Murder Sobriety he gets under his belt.

But when Tien suggests that Vegeta might regress, as we’ve seen him do in the past, he doesn’t do so by arguing that Vegeta is an inherently evil man. Even though we’ve established that he has extremely good reason to believe so. Tien talks about how Vegeta served under Frieza for years, how the return of his old superior might be causing him to slip back into the psychological state of inferior, the one he abandoned while living on earth. Vegeta’s trauma was dehumanization trauma, right? And no matter how much Tien might dislike him, he doesn’t play into that worldview. He approaches the subject of Vegeta becoming a threat again through the lens of Vegeta’s thoughts and feelings, that very innate humanity which Frieza denied him all his life. It probably says more about Tien as a person than any one thing about Vegeta, but I still liked it. A soft epilogue, you could say.

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