
* The Power Craft Girls *

@power-craft-girls / power-craft-girls.tumblr.com

We're 3 girls that make cute stuff! Buy it! We'll give you cookies! :3

there is no heterosexual explanation for this.


What happens!!?? I want this romance…. so cute

Ummm im here for vintage lesbians


i’m sure someone probably commented on this post already but this is calamity jane, they eventually move into a tiny cabin together and sing a song about how “a woman’s touch” can fix anything. i watched this movie daily when i was about 7 and now i’m a dyke

my butch lesbian professor who is well into her sixties had told me that this was her first real exposure to the concept that a woman could not only be attracted to other women, but be butch while doing it. she said this movie propelled her into her sexuality with a sense of pride and remains a cornerstone of her coming-out journey. in short, representation matters and always has. 

Reblogging for Calamity Jane, actual lesbian disaster.

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anyway switch to Firefox


Earlier some kids said I looked like a witch, but then some other kids said I looked like Minnie Mouse. I’m Witchy Mouse. 

Also I got a snake. He’s dead. And plastic. 


Animacómic 2015!

Es este fin de semana y ya está confirmado! Las Power Craft Girls volvemos a la carga! Esta vez sólo asistirá Kat, con un ayudante de útima hora, pero seguimos teniendo cosas tan chulas como el año pasado :D

Muchos colgantes, pulseras, cosas para colgar en tu habitación y hasta pequeños duendes de polvo para que te los lleves y te hagan compañía!

No olvidéis visitarnos en la zona de Stand Artesanales!!


Carnival, carnaval~~~!!!

Esperamos que os lo paseis bien estos carnavales ;) Quien será la reina del carnaval canario este año?


Esta noche es Nochebuena y mañana Navidad...

blablabla ya sabéis el resto... si no OS lo inventáis :)


Minecraft handmade keychans/magnets, made with hama midi:

Enderman: 4€

Pickaxe/sword/axe ( in any material: gold, metal or diamond) : 3€

Bucket of lava/water: 3€



Fuck, fuck fuck. Mother mother fuck, yo, ‘wanna a sweet piece of me and that fat ass called Silent Bob?

Jay: 4€

Silent Bob: 4€

The badass couple: 7€

Available in keychans and magnets

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