


My Vampires and Dark Slayer, just took over the world in 3098 days! #PlagueInc Get the game here http://s.ndemiccreations.com/plague/i/ba7159d1c0b7124b

Drac would hopefully be proud ;)


Hero Rats


I’ll always reblog hero rats!

this same species is also trained to identify tuberculosis in samples by smell, meaning they can test for TB at a rapid rate with a high accuracy :)

The organization that trains the rats is APOPO 

You can sponsor a rat and you will get adorable personalized emails telling you how well “your” rat is doing! I did this for my sister a few years ago and she’s still getting emails about Martok the HeroRat’s mine-clearing successes and called it the best gift ever.




Literature Posters: And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

“There is only one way in which that scheme could be accomplished. Mr Owen could only come to the island in one way. It is perfectly clear Mr Owen is one of us…”

Claes is just so-

he's so brilliant, I love him so much 🥺❤😂

And his Danish is so hot, PLEASE HAVE MERCY-



Got all excited when I saw this van, then realised it said Orac not Drac!


Reblog if you're not American

I get a lot of people assuming I’m from America when they meet me on tumblr. I wanna see how many people here aren’t American!

Is the same as Americans thinking I'm Australian when in fact I'm British?


Claes headcannon, he actually is a vampire, loves getting to 'play' Dracula gets up close and personal to lady who he sees at a cafe every day.


I??? Love??? This???

  • Season 2 revamp of Drac
  • And Claes loveesssss it
  • The first day of filming, he decides to find a little spot that he can retreat to
  • Because, ya know, this is 4 1/2 hours of content he needs to film and vampires have rights (reference FULLY intended)
  • He finds this cute lil coffee place not too far from the studio
  • It’s one of those very off the beaten track type places, with beanbags and those egg hammocks.
  • Turns out it’s pretty quiet, bar a few people.
  • You’re there the first day Claes turns up and you kinda become star struck
  • He smiles at you and you end up going over to him and offering to buy him a coffee.
  • “I don’t drink coffee, I’m afraid, though you can indulge me in your name”
  • And so you talk for a little while, before apologising that you needed to get back to your work on your laptop
  • Just like Dracula, he can hear your pulse
  • And when you spoke to him, it began to race
  • Endearing, really
  • And he sits and watches you
  • The next day, he returns to the cafe, rather fond of the egg hammock that he relaxed in last time, only to see you already reclining in it with your laptop
  • He can’t resist going over and speaking to you
  • You speak and joke before Claes takes a seat in the corner on some lovely fluffy cushions
  • After around ten minutes, you end up going to talk to him
  • You ask him what it’s like to play Drac and you don’t think much of his response
  • “It’s easy, he’s relatable”
  • A week or so goes by and you see Claes every single day
  • Every day, you offer to buy him certain drinks or baked goods and he always turns you down
  • You begin to wonder if he doesn’t want to be indebted to you
  • But, he always spends his time at the cafe with you, even if it’s for one minute or one hour
  • Claes finds a lot of his time is suddenly spent thinking about you
  • You were always at the cafe working and it was intruiging to him that someone could work so tirelessly
  • You were also one of the first people to treat him like Claes the person, instead of Claes the actor.
  • One time, you asked him if he really was a vampire
  • When he didn’t respond quite as quickly as you hoped, you laughed and told him that he had fang-like canines
  • How was he supposed to tell you that they were real...?
  • Every day without fail, you’d creep into his mind and he’d find himself wandering towards the cafe
  • One day, you aren’t there
  • And he freaks out just a little
  • Had you caught on that something was wrong with him?
  • After all, you were the one to point out that he didn’t look anywhere near his age
  • The next day, when you return to the cafe
  • Claes is already there, with your favourite drink and saving the egg hammock for you
  • “What happened to you yesterday? I missed your company.”
  • “I was sick. But it’s very sweet of you to miss me”
  • He smiles and when you reach out to grab the coffee, your fingers brush against his
  • Ice cold
  • It’s August... why are his hands cold?
  • “Are you getting sick yourself? You’re freezing.”
  • He leaves not long after, brushing off your question and you wonder if you pushed a boundary
  • He doesn’t show up the next day
  • Or the next
  • But the next night, you find yourself half asleep in the warmth of the shop - you have a deadline due and you know that if you go home, you’ll go straight to bed and that will be you
  • The little bell jingles on the door and you don’t bother looking up
  • “Night owl?”
  • He looks a little disheveled, hair messy, eyes a little... glossy
  • “I could ask you the same. Shouldn’t you be resting, you look like you’ve just finished a scene.”
  • “I’m okay. I’m not tired.”
  • “Are you sure?”
  • “I haven’t been tired in a long time”
  • Odd, but you keep tapping away on your laptop until the heat of his gaze makes you look back up at him
  • “I’m afraid I haven’t been completely honest with you”
  • He knows there’s no danger in telling you, the only waitress is in the back with her earphones in
  • He doesn’t know why he’s about to tell you his secret
  • “What do you mean? You aren’t Claes Bang?” You scoff
  • “No, though I suppose it is a rather personal matter”
  • You lean in, wanting to know this secret
  • “You asked me when we first met how it was to play Dracula, and I told you that it was easy...”
  • “No,” you gasp, “it’s actually difficult?”
  • The faux surprise in your voice makes him chuckle
  • “Not exactly... I’m...”
  • He locks his eyes with yours.
  • He wants to see your reaction
  • “I am a lot like Count Dracula.”
  • “Well, I suppose a lot of aspects of his character could be relatable to most people-“
  • “No, I’m a vampire.”
  • You literally lose all function
  • And then you burst into laughter
  • “Yeah, right, and I’m Father Christmas!”
  • “I’m serious.”
  • “There’s no such thing as vampires”
  • Your laugh dies off when you look at him again and he staring at you with a grave expression
  • No...
  • “If you would allow me, I can show you just how genuine I am”
  • You don’t know if it is the look in his eye, if it is the intoxication of his presence, but you find yourself abandoning your work and following him out of the cafe into the night

I'm so lucky, look what @my-fanfic-library wrote for me 😊


We have been through all of this before. I’ve tried to kill you. You’ve tried to kill me. But here we are in this room. Together. It means fate has different plans for us.

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