
Life in The ER

@ermedicine / ermedicine.tumblr.com

The happenings and stories of a certified Black Cloud who used to work in an Emergency Room and is currently a fourth osteopathic medical student/soon to be EM resident. Any experience I do share conforms to HIPAA duh.

I am alive

Realized it’s been like two years since I’ve posted.

Residency is tough and I’m pretty burnt out but still enjoying what I do.

Feels weird - I started this blog in undergrad and now I’m one year away from being an attending. Fucking wild


As if 2020 couldn’t get worse, I have COVID.

I literally just have a cough. No fever. And I can still taste and smell. I’m fine for right now

I’ve sent a lot of people upstairs intubated, proned, and dying. Hopefully that doesn’t end up being me


I feel like I rarely post on here.

Life is going ok! I’m a second year resident now and getting the hang of it slowly.

Still getting off my ex but it’s getting much easier as time passes. Much easier than the last one.

Oh, and COVID was fucking terrible. 10/10 would not recommend.


Only I would get broken up with while I’m on the frontlines of a pandemic.

I am doing somewhat better.

I didn’t get cheated on this time. I’m more upset that we spent a month social distancing only to break up at the end of it when I could have been spending this month getting over him.

I’ll be ok. Just sucks for now.


Every layperson who believe they are speaking knowledgeably about COVID sits atop Mount Stulid. Please stop coming into our emergency departments with minimal symptoms demanding a test. I beg of you.

And to add: just because you have been to a doctors office does not mean you immediately understand everything about medicine.

Do I think I know anything about flying a plane because I’ve traveled on one 20+ times? No. So hush and stop acting like an insufferable human.


I have never hated medicine before....

And then I went to the wards.

Holy fuck I hate this. And this place. I am feeling 9 months of burnout all at once. I would quit medicine if this was my future.


Why do I like simultaneously want to break up with my boyfriend yet feel that I’m falling in love with him?????????

Is it because I’ve never experienced a normal relationship before?

Is it because I’m not being cheated on and don’t know how to survive without drama????

Is it because I’m genuinely afraid of being happy and am uncomfortable not being infantuated with someone who treats me like trash?


Also somehow managed to scoop up a boyfriend over the last month or so, so that’s a cool life update

And I’m on vacation. My first one in 7 months. Sooooo relaxing 😍

Anonymous asked:

We miss you! Hows everything going?

Hi! Things are going!

Reaidency is rough but I’m thoroughly having the time of my life. Definitely happy 😍



Me: I don’t wear figs because I’m not a vain idiot


I wear Figs ™

But, I’m also a vain idiot 😘


Did my first crash art line. Yassssss


I feel like I hardly post anymore!

Residency is going about as well as can be expected.

It’s challenging but I’m learning an incredible amount. I love my co residents. And tbh even tho I’m at a residency with a “malignant” rep from outsiders, I haven’t gotten that vibe at all. I guess I’ve drank the kool-aid.

I’m on my way to one of my first Adult ED shifts of residency! I’m pumped!!!


On call etiquette: don’t take a massive poop in the on call bathrooms.


I’ve been here three weeks and I’m already dating someone so that’s cool.


It’s actually not the hours, the intensity, or the bureaucracy. By far the worst thing about having a career in medicine is med school insta influencers.

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