
in a hole in the ground...

@masterbloggins / masterbloggins.tumblr.com

Here there be hobbitses and dwarvsies, eldar and istari and maybe even a furnace with wings . . . that under a different sky was a great man who might one day be good

A very bizarre bird was photographed in Venezuela recently. Meet the Potoo, which is rarely seen in daylight. - Imgur


what the fuck is that


that looks like a god damn nightmare


are you fucking kidding me it sounds like a 18 year old boy complaining to his mother because she cut off the wifi

My little brother asked me what my favorite bird was and I whipped this post up so fast

Early video game designer: Okay, we’re just about done with this level
Video game designer’s manager: Great! Did you figure out what to put at the end?
designer: Yeah, we put this tough, nasty, mean, ugly monster that the player has to beat. We made sure killing the monster feels as rewarding as possible.
manager: Cool! So what’s it called?
designer: The boss.
manager: why’s it called that

“Since I’ve had to be without your sweetest presence, I have not wished to hear or see any other human being, but as the turtle-dove, having lost its mate, perches forever on its little dried up branch, so I lament endlessly till I shall enjoy your trust again. I look about and do not find my lover — she does not comfort me even with a single word.

Indeed when I reflect on the loveliness of your most joyful speech and aspect, I am utterly depressed, for I find nothing now that I could compare with your love, sweet beyond honey and honeycomb, compared with which the brightness of gold and silver is tarnished. What more?”


in middle earth, “big dick energy” is used almost exclusively by men

dwarves say “big beard energy”

hobbits say “big feet energy”

elves point in galadriel’s general direction

boromir: you say there is no strength left in the hearts of men, but I tell you the men of Gondor have the biggest dick energy there is!

aragorn: please stop talking 


my ideal taz/cr crossover is that it comes completely out of left field like the table is set as normal for the livestream and then half an hour in something goes horribly wrong and matt asks the guests to introduce themselves and the camera zooms out to show a plastic folding table at which sits all four mcelroys and they whip out the four worst character concepts imaginable and ask matt to explain the basic rules of d&d bc none of them actually know how to play

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