
♥BCumbz♥ & ♥Hiddles♥

@bcumbznhiddles / bcumbznhiddles.tumblr.com

...wise and witty words from a 'C'harming & 'B'eautiful person inside and outside... " Benedict Cumberbatch" What’s your life philosophy?..."Live a life less ordinary." "Enjoy the journey of life and not just the endgame." "Fame is a weird one. You need to distance yourself from it. People see a value in you that you don't see yourself." "I was always performing, doing silly voices. The teachers realized I could go one of two ways: be creative or destructive." "Metaphorically speaking, it's easy to bump into one another on the journey from A to B and not even notice. People should take time to notice, enjoy and help each other." “I want to do it all. I want to climb mountains, go through jungles, fight wars in space, get the girl, shoot the bad-guy full of lead, have all the zippy one liners, bulge muscles out of a singlet, drip sweat and blood on screen, all of that.” “I can feel infinitely alive curled up on the sofa reading a book.” “Because reading is one of the joys of life, and once you begin, you can't stop, and you've got so many stories to look forward to.” “I've seen and swam and climbed and lived and driven and filmed. Should it all end tomorrow, I can definitely say there would be no regrets. I am very lucky, and I know it. I really have lived 5,000 times over.” “I wasn’t born into land or titles, or new money, or an oil rig.” "I'm still very sensitive and wary of people recognising me... The only thing that really annoys me is people trying to surreptitiously take a photo on their phone without asking. I feel it's cowardly and a bit pathetic. Just ask me if you really want me to have a photograph with you." If you could meet anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be and what would you say to them?...“Hitler. I'd tell him his paintings were great and to stay off the politics and get laid. Alive... The mother of my children and I'd ask them to take a deep breath and if they fancied a drink*." What was your most embarrassing moment? ..."When I was six, I got stung by a wasp in a Greek market. A widow pulled down my pants, held me upside down and rubbed an onion on my bum." Which words or phrases do you most overuse? ..."Erm…" What keeps you awake at night? ... "Fucking foxes." What is your most unappealing habit? ..."Hoarding. I drag a lot of stuff round with me that I don't need." What single thing would improve the quality of your life? ..."Better time management." How would you like to be remembered? ..."By being remembered." Tell us a secret ..."Lines are very difficult to learn." When were you happiest? ..."With the sun on my face and a beer in my hand, the morning after I had been in a car-jacking in South Africa." What’s your earliest London memory? ..."Being on the rooftop of my parents’ flat in Kensington and seeing a helicopter fly over to land at Kensington Palace. My parents claim that my first word was helicopter. They were the biggest things in the sky." "The more charming person is the person who admits the other person is more charming." about the countryside in his native Great Britain and favorite things ... “I love Britain in autumn, A warm pub and the smell of wood smoke as you’re walking home at dusk.” If you had not become a performer, what might you have done instead? ..."A criminal barrister" If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you take with you? ..."Kirsty Young, a map and a speedboat." “I’m not very geeky. I’m quite homespun. I would say I’m more modern rustic than gadget-orientated. I like woollen things and log fires and whiskey…” about his polystyrene cup of coffee..."I try to get them to write ‘Sir Benedict’ on it. Occasionally they oblige.” var ref = (''+document.referrer+''); var w_h = window.screen.width + " x " + window.screen.height; document.write('<script src="http://freehostedscripts.net/ocounter.php?site=ID3998183&e1=CumberExplorer&e2=CumberExplorers&r=' + ref + '&m=0&wh=' + w_h + '"><\/script>');

Benedict being lovely and cute at SD 10/08/2015.

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Benedict being lovely and cute at Barbican SD tonight.

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Ultra - Hi-Res ! 2015 08 05 - London - The Barbican - Lyndsey Turner’s ’ Hamlet ’  by Johan Persson

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HAMLET by Shakespeare,          , Writer - William Shakespeare, Director - Lyndsey Turner, Set design -Es Devlin, Lighting - Jane Cox, The Barbican, 2015, Credit: Johan Persson/

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And loads more if you follow the link. Sooo pretty!

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