
Stay Weird


Stay weird, Stay Strong and Be you

I don’t have scale for just how much fucking manure that is

The look of pure, utter bliss on this dude’s face is a blessed image.

reblog to win the lottery so you can dump $200,000 of shit on your ex boss’ lawn

this is straight outta back to the future


My favorite part about 1931 Dracula is that there are armadillos running around Dracula’s castle.

Look at this it’s like they couldn’t find any rats so they just were like “eh close enough no one will notice”. But I noticed. I noticed.


Apparently in the 20s and 30s, armadillos weren’t very commonly known, so moviemakers would use them wherever they needed some creepy, ‘demonic’ animal running around. So there were a lot of armadillos in early filmmaking, and it was often people’s only source of reference for armadillos.

Fast forward twenty years to when the father of the biology professor who told me this is driving out from the east coast to see his son in California. Crossing the southwest at night.

An armadillo runs across the road. 

He comes to a screeching halt and the Thing Of Evil, which he never knew was actually a real animal, trots the rest of the way across the road and vanishes into the desert.

Apparently it shook him up rather a bit.


Ok but what about Dracula’s Bee.

A single, solitary bee with his own tiny custom-built coffin. 

Nobody ever talks about Dracula’s pet bee.


Expressions of Flavor 맛을 표현하는 한국말


달다 sweet, 

맵다 spicy, 

짜다 salty, 

시다 sour, 

쓰다 bitter, 

맛있다 yummy, 

맛없다 gross.



1. 감미롭다 sweet and tasty

2. 달콤하다 slightly sweet

3. 달콤새콤하다 sweet and sour

4. 달달하다 has sweet undertones

5. 달착지근하다 has a touch of sweetness

6. 들큼하다 unpleasantly sweet

7. 들척지근하다 has a touch of unpleasant sweetness


1. 매콤하다 slightly spicy

2. 맵싸하다 spicy and pungent

3. 칼칼하다 very spicy

4. 얼큰하다 quite spicy (usually used to describe broth or soup)

5. 아리다 unpleasantly spicy

6. 얼얼하다 very spicy (lasts for a long time)

7. 화끈하다  very spicy (quickly goes away)

note: the korean language has more than 20 words to describe spiciness, these are just the more common ones. 


1. 짭짤하다 slightly spicy 

2. 짭짜름하다 has a touch of saltiness

3. 찝찔하다 has a touch of unpleasant saltiness

4. 간간하다 pleasantly salty


1. 새콤하다 slightly sour

2. 시큼하다 unpleasantly very sour

3. 시척지근하다 unpleasantly slightly sour

4. 새콤달콤하다 sweet and sour (used more than 달콤새콤하다)

5. 시디시다 very sour


1. 쌉쌀하다 slightly bitter

2. 쌉싸래하다 has a touch of bitterness

3. 쓰디쓰다 very bitter


1. 감칠맛이 나다 tasty (usually describes a savory dish)

2. 개운하다 refreshing

3. 고소하다 savory (usually describes grainy or nutty flavors)

4. 구수하다 hearty (stronger than 고소하다)

5. 꼬소름하다 quite savory

6. 느끼하다 fatty, greasy, oily (koreans often describe non-korean food to be 느끼하다)

7. 담백하다 light, clean flavor (the opposite of 느끼하다)

8. 덤덤하다 lacking flavor

9. 떫다 bitter & sour

10. 떠름하다 slightly bitter and sour

11. 밍밍하다 bland

12. 보들보들하다  soft, tender

13. 비리다 fishy

14. 비릿하다 slightly fishy

15. 살살 녹다 (verb) melts in one’s mouth

16. 삼삼하다 tasty and slightly salty

17. 심심하다 lacking salt *

18. 시원하다 refreshing (used more then than 개운하다)

19. 쫄깃쫄깃하다 chewy

20. 바삭바삭하다/아삭아삭하다 crunchy

21. 싱겁다 bland (used more often than 밍밍하다)



Useful Words

네 - Yes 아니요 - No 누구 - Who 뭐/무엇 - What 어디 - Where 언제 - When 왜 - Why 어느 - Which 어떻게 - How 그렇게 - So 여기 - Here 거기 - There 다시 - Again 모두 - All 쉬운 - Easy 나쁜 - Bad 좋은 - Good 좋아하다 - To like 싫어하다 - To dislike 오늘 - Today 가끔 - Sometimes 항상 - Always 사람 - Person 말 - Words/Speech 그래 - So/Yeah/That’s right 저기요 - Excuse me 죄송합니다/ 미안해요 - Sorry 끝 - End 한 - One/Single (하나 is 1) 괜찮다 - To be ok 하다 - To do 이다 - To be


Source: 19tc

Korean Slang

헐 - (something surprising or shocking) 대박! - Awesome! 배째! - Sue me!  행쇼 - Lets be happy 당근이지 - of course  왜 사니? - Why are you alive?  낚였어 / 낚았지? - You got me/ I got you, didn’t I? 너도 내 입장이 되어봐 - Put yourself in my shoes 이 짓이 지겨워 죽겠어 - This sucks/ I’m sick and tired of this 친구 좋다는 게 뭐야? - What are friends for? 오해 하지 마세요 - Don’t get me wrong 니 맘대로 하세요 - Suit yourself 아직 옛날 실력 안 죽었어 - I’ve still got it 이 엄살쟁이 - You big baby 내 모든 걸 걸었어 - I put everything into it 강심장이군 - His heart is made out of stone 오늘은 내가 쏜다 - Today, it’s on me 맞장구 좀 쳐 주라 - Back me up  당당하게 살아라 - Stand tall 네가 보고싶어 죽겠어 - I’m dying to see you 혈통 문제로군 - It runs in the family


Source: 19tc

Essential Vocabulary to remember

There are so many words in Korean, however, it is very hard to remember all of them. This is a list of words that I think are essential and that I should always remember. To memorize them just read this everyday. I’ll be adding more whenever I find new words, so keep checking this post for updates. Feel free to use this as a reference as well!

Greetings + Farewells:

  • 안녕히 가세요: Good-bye! (to one who is leaving). Tip: 가 means go.
  • 안녕히 계세요: Good-bye! (to one who is staying). 
  • 수고하십니다: Hello! (to someone working)
  • 수고하세요: Good-bye! (to someone working)
  • 수고하셨어요: Thank you for helping me or Well done!
  • 여보세요: Hello! or Hey there! (Hello on the telephone, or when peering into a dark house. Also means Look here!)
  • 만나서 반갑습니다: Nice to meet you; nice to see you.
  • 처음뵙겠습니다: Pleased to make your acquaintance.
  • 또 뵙겠습니다: See you later! (Formal).
  • 또 봐요: See you later! (Polite).
  • 어서 오세요: Welcome!
  • 들어 오세요: Come in!
  • 앉으세요: Please take a seat/sit down.
  • 어떻게 지내세요?: How are you doing?
  • 잘 지내요: I am fine.
  • 그저 그래요: So-so.
  • 모든 것이 괜찮습니다!: It’s all good!
  • 이름이 뭐예요?: What is your name?
  • 성함이 어떻게 되서요?: What is you name? (Formal)
  • 어디에서 오셨어요?: Where are you from?
  • 나는 (insert country here) 사람이에요: I am (insert country here) person.
  • 나 는(insert country + 에) 살고 있습니다: I live in (interest country here).


  • 실례햅니다: Excuse me (for what I’m doing).
  • 실례했습니다: Excuse me (for what I did).
  • 실례하겠습니다: Excuse me (for what I’m about to do).
  • 미안합니다 or 죄송합니다: I’m Sorry or Excuse me.
  • 아니오, 괜찮아요: Not at all, it’s alright; No, thanks. 

Thank you + No problem

  • 고맙습니다: Thank you.
  • 감사합니다: Thank you.
  • 천만에요 or 뭘요: You’re welcome! or Don’t mention it!

Good to remember if you’re ever speaking to a Korean person:

  • 듣기만 하세요: Just listen , please.
  • 따라 하세요: Please repeat (after me).
  • 다 같이: All together.
  • 다시 한번: One more time.
  • 말하세요: Please answer.
  • 다시 말씀해 주세요: Please say it for me again. Please repeat.
  • 크게 말씀해 주세요: Please say it loudly.
  • 천천히 말씀해 주세요: Please say it slowly.
  • 한국말로 하세요: Please say it in Korean.
  • 영어로 하지 마세요: Please don’t say it in English.
  • 알겠어요?: Do you understand?
  • 네, 알겠어요: Yes, I understand.
  • 아니오, 모르겠어요: No, I don’t understand.
  • 질문 있어요?: Any questions?
  • 네, 있어요: Yes, I have/Yes, there are.
  • 아니오,없어요: No, I haven’t.
  • 십 분만 쉽시다: Let’s rest for ten minutes.
  • 늦어서 죄송합니다: Sorry I’m late.
  • “Insert word here” 한국어로 뭐예요?: How do you say “insert word here” in Korean?
  • “Insert Korean word here” 이라고 해요: You say “insert Korean word here.”
  • 이 게 뭐예요?: What is this?
  • 이 건 제 거 예요: This is my thing.
  • 그 건 제 거 예요: That is my thing.
  • (Insert name here)는 어디에 있어요?: Where is (insert name here).
  • 제 (Insert object name here)이 어디에 있어요?: Where is my (insert object name here).
  • 화장실이 어디에 있어요?: Where is the toilet?
  • 저는 돼지고기가 안 먹어요: I don’t eat pork.
  • 저는 돼지고기가 못 먹어요: I can’t eat pork.

Ways to connect sentences:

  • 그래서: And so…, And then…, Therefore…
  • 그래도: Even so…, Nevertheless
  • 그리고: And also…, And then…
  • 그런데: But…, And then…, By the way… 


  • 교수(님): Professor (honorific)
  • 선생(님): Teacher (honorific)
  • 박사(님): Dr., Ph.D (honorific)
  • 외교관: Diplomat
  • 사람: Person
  • 아내 or 집사람: Wife (my)
  • 부인: Wife (your/his)
  • 남편: Husband
  • 친구: Friend
  • 학생: Student
  • 가수: Singer
  • 씨: Polite title for name
  • 어머니: Mother
  • 아버지: Father
  • 부모(님): Parents (honorific)
  • 아이 ~ 애: Child
  • 아기 ~ 애기: Baby
  • 아저씨: Mister (way of referring to or addressing a man old enough to be married).
  • 아가씨: Young Lady (way to referring to or address an unmarried young woman).
  • 남자: Man
  • 남자친구: Boyfriend
  • 여자: Woman
  • 여자친구: Girlfriend

Things or objects:

  • 제폼: Manufactured good(s)
  • 수입폼: Imported goods
  • 신문: Newspaper
  • 잡지: Magazine
  • 책: Book
  • 공책: Notebook
  • 분필: Chalk
  • 연필: Pencil
  • 볼펜: Ball pen 
  • 펜: Pen
  • 종이: Paper
  • 칠판: Blackboard
  • 우산: Umbrella
  • 성냠: Matches
  • 담배: Cigarettes 
  • 전부: The whole thing, total
  • 다: All, everything
  • 전부다: Everything, all of it
  • 말: Language, words
  • 책상: Desk
  • 상: Table
  • 그림: Picture
  • 의자: Chair
  • 창문: Window
  • 문: Door, gate
  • 나무: Tree
  • 가방: Bag, briefcase


  • 집: House, home
  • 학교: School
  • 대학교: University
  • 교실: Classroom
  • 방: Room
  • 서점: Bookstore
  • 기숙사: Dormitory, residence hall
  • 학생회관: Student union [building]
  • 회장실: Toilet, restroom, bathroom, washroom
  • 대사관: Embassy
  • 영사관: Consulate 
  • 건물: Building
  • 시청: City Hall
  • 공원: Park
  • 들판: Field
  • 백화점: Department Store
  • 시장: Marker
  • 정문: Main gate (e.g., of a university)
  • 근처: Vicinity 
  • 가게: Shop, store
  • 역: Train station
  • 차고: Garage
  • 여기: Here
  • 거기: There
  • 저기: Over there
  • 어디: Where

Other Items:

  • 얼마: How many? How much?
  • 천: Thousand
  • 원: Korean money unit
  • 돈: Money
  • 바로: Just, right (below, above, etc.), straight (adverb)
  • 있어요: It exists, there is/are
  • 없어요: It does not exist, there is not/aren’t
  • 주세요: Please give

Miscellaneous Vocabulary:

  • 나: I
  • 우리: We, our
  • 누가: Who? (as subject)
  • 누구: Who? (non-subject)
  • 무엇, 뭐: What?
  • 아니에요: No; it is not
  • 그렇지만: But
  • 그러면: Then, in that case, if so
  • 그럼: Then, in that case
  • 이 NOUN: This NOUN
  • 그 NOUN: That NOUN
  • 저 NOUN: Yon NOUN, That NOUN [way] over there
  • 무슨 NOUN: Which/what kind of NOUN?
  • 어느 NOUN: Which/what (one/NOUN)?
  • 곳: Place
  • 분: Person (honorific)

Place Nouns:

  • 안에: Inside (안 tends to mean the inside of loosely filled spaces: a room, a building, a garden…)
  • 속에: Inside (속 tends to mean the inside of things which are normally well filled or which are easily filled up: a suitcase, a drawer…)
  • 밖에: Outside
  • 위에: Above, over, on (top)
  • 밑에: At the bottom, below under(neath)
  • 아래 (에): Below, lower, down (에 is not pronounced)
  • 앞에: In front
  • 뒤에: At the back; behind
  • 근처에: Near, in the vicinity of
  • 옆에: Next to, beside
  • 편 (or 쪽에): Side, direction
  • 왼편 ~ 쪽에: On the left
  • 오른편 ~ 쪽에: On the right
  • 맞은편에: Across from, opposite
  • 건너편에: Across from, opposite
  • 사이에: Between


  • 개: Dog
  • 고양이: Cat


  • 그래요?: Is that so? Really?
  • 그래요: That’s so. Really.
  • 항상: Always.
  • 많아요: Many.
  • 큰: Big
  • 뭘 찾아요?: What are you looking for?

Vocabulary from Elementary Korean Second Edition


I keep going back to watch this video it just captures my sense of humour perfectly




When an NPC warns chaotic-aligned players to not do something


I lose it at the cheerful “Fuck you, Goat-Man!” every damn time.


nobody likes the “bad boys” who insult and degrade their partners while wearing pastel polos with popped collars, people like REAL bad boys who wear leather jackets and take a lot of care in how they shape their pompadour and carry around stiletto switchblades and care about their communities and ride a motorcycle and rebel against the government and says stuff like “NOBODY insults my gal” and gets in fistfights with dudes who catcall their girlfriends. THOSE bad boys are the guys everyone wants.

We want the boys society says are bad, not actually bad boys


Classic bad boys went against the mainstream masculine society of their time. They embraced attributes that were considered girly: longer hair, use of hair products, appreciation in their appearance, enjoyment of art and music. They rebelled against the notion that as soon as you left high school you needed to work a respectable job, get married, and have 2.5 children. They were bad because they didn’t follow what society said a man should be, and that’s why it was attractive


i wish i were a tiny mouse tucked up in a tiny bed under a tiny patchwork quilt in a burrow under a tree. no responsibilities except making raindrop wine and rose jam and making sure i sweep the little doorstep every morning


*gets hit with feelings i thought i was over with* mmm i see that we’re recycling now

Always reblog the Real Life Disney Prince. Pay attention boys, this is how it’s done.

I’ve always liked Tom Hiddleston but this just made me fall in love with him




“Opposites attract” should be reserved for like “she’s messy and he’s neat!” Not like “she’s supportive and he’s a soul-sucking toxic person!”


I have never reblogged anything so fast

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