
Shelter for Lost Werewolves

@genderfluid-elvendork / genderfluid-elvendork.tumblr.com

Will, 23, she/they. Slytherin, short prideful ass, Gemini, Genderfluid, I always fall on my ass. Yes, I take prompts here. I'm sorry I wrote on your post, forgive me maybe? sidebar pictures @jammespotter

the Hogwarts teachers were my favourite part of the books remember in CoS when they were so sick of Lockhart that they chased him out of the staffroom by reminding him he’d said he could kill Slytherin’s monster in seconds, remember in OotP when they couldn’t tell Harry they approved of his interview so they did wildly extravagant favours for him, like giving him twenty house points for passing a watering can, or bursting into tears and announcing that he’d live a long and happy life? on that note remember how much McGonagall disliked Trelawney and all her little digs, and remember how she ran forward to brace Trelawney as she was being kicked out by Umbridge? remember how McGonagall ran out to defend Hagrid from trained Aurors with nothing but her words and took four Stunning Spells to the chest? remember when she told Peeves how to unscrew the chandelier? i could go on about McGonagall especially for days but i love all of them so much

Anonymous asked:

Your blog is super chill! (Sorry if that is weird but I like to make people happy) goodbye now

Hey Hi this is not weird!! Just unexpected since I haven’t been on here for a while  ^^” Thank you you really surprised me ♥


fun fact: the anon feature on asks is meant for shy people who want to send nice asks, not for disgusting people who have nothing better to do.


been thinking a lot lately about why so many of us are deeply attached to remus and for me, i think it’s because he was what i wanted from my teachers. he was practical; his lessons were fun and he was never cruel to students; he was supportive and gave harry extra instruction when he needed it but boundaries were mostly maintained, and you never doubted that remus was an adult, someone you could count on if you were in trouble and that would respect you and speak to you like a person but still knew you were a child and didn’t expect anything of you beyond that.

and then you add to that what fandom built, the hurt and the betrayal after sirius was gone, the marauders history that j.k. will never quite get right; the way he jokes and makes off-color innuendo that is just this side of subtle; the worn elbows on his jumpers and his abiding love of chocolate that means so much more than just recovering from a dementor encounter; the way he gets nauseous when he’s nervous and the way he was never quite able to let go of the hope that his friend did not betray him.

the books gave us this incredibly sympathetic adult that we believed would believe in us, and we took him and spun his history into this thing we knew he had to have, something quiet and aching that resulted in a man who would always be there if you needed him. it’s so important to me that remus’ history is traumatic and yet he became such a caring person, someone with so much love in his heart and who wants with every ounce of him to be good despite the darkness he didn’t ask for.

he became one of the most absurdly admirable people in canon, not just because he was kind and gentle and good, but also because he had every reason to be callous and cruel, and i think it means so much to us because we want that for ourselves.

My heart just melted. That’s exactly the reason why I’m so attached to him.


Inconsistencies in Harry Potter Movie Worldbuilding

Feel free to add to this post. :)


  • Books: Every spell has a specifically designed form and function. For example, Rictusempra is a Tickling Spell. Movies: Many spells - including Rictusempra, Expelliarmus, and the majority of spells cast at the Department of Mysteries in Order of the Phoenix - are indiscernible in effect beyond ‘FLASH-BANG-SOMEONE FLIES BACK TWENTY FEET.’
  • Movies: In the beginning of Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry performs underage magic in the from of Lumos. He is later expelled for performing… underage magic.
  • Books: Non-verbal spells are difficult and take a long time to learn. Movies: Everyone seems to do them often and with little difficulty.
  • Books: Wandless magic is almost never shown at all, unless cast by accident or by a very powerful wizard. Movies: Hermione (and possible other characters) is shown doing wandless magic.
  • Books: Expecto Patronum produces an animal shaped avatar, which can charge down Dementors and the like. Movies: Sometimes they’re just a big burst of light. Sometimes they take animal form. Sometimes they do something indistinct and leave trails behind.


  • Books: Avada Kedavra kills instantly and leaves an untouched corpse behind. Movies: Bellatrix Lestrange and Voldemort both appear to… explode. Despite the fact that previous victims of the same spell, in previous movies, did not explode.


  • Books: Unlike the younger generation during vacation time, many wizards are portrayed as completely oblivious of Muggle clothing. Robes are the norm for school and work. Movies: Children and adults, Pureblood and Muggleborn alike, wear Victorian-style or modern Muggle clothing.


  • Books: Apparition is simple teleportation from Point A to Point B. Movies: There is a lot of unexplained SFX involved. Shwoop. Fwoop. Doop.
  • Books: Voldemort flies without a broom, to the shock and horror of the Order. Movies: Apparently all the Death Eaters can fly, and do so while trailing copious… black smoke?
  • Books: Hermione states approximately nine thousand times that Apparition inside Hogwarts is impossible. Movies: Except for Snape, apparently.


  • Books: Animagi change in and out of their animal forms with all of their clothes. Consistently. Movies: In Chamber of Secrets and Prisoner of Azkaban, McGonagall, Sirius, and Peter change into human form with clothes on. Then Peter changes into Wormtail and leaves his clothes behind. After which Sirius changes into Padfoot and his clothes transform with him. Then in Order of the Phoenix Sirius changes into human form sans clothes again. -_-’


  • Books: Sirius knows that Lupin has no control over his transformation, and instantly tells the kids to run. Movies: Sirius very pointlessly urges Lupin to resist the change.
  • Books: A normal wolf with a few minor differences. Movies: Two-legged chihuahua of death.


  • Books: They wear hoods, glide across the ground, and cannot fly. Movies: They sometimes have hoods. Sometimes not. Sometimes they fly. Sometimes they do not.


  • Books: A Pensieve shows an individual’s memories and the surrounding setting. Movies: Snape’s memories in Deathly Hallows Part 2 somehow include events he was not present for.


  • Books: It’s a person’s head popping out of the fire. That’s it. A fire, and their head. Movies: They did it twice, and both closer resembled Calcifer from Howl’s Moving Castle than a fire-call.

Still not over “two-legged chihuahua of death”


Reblogging also for  “two-legged chihuahua of death”

Haha!! This is GOLD!!!


I always think about 4 year old remus lupin transforming for the first time and get really sad but then i think of him as a little puff ball werewolf who can’t even howl yet and I get really happy

finally a lycanthropy Remus post that doesn’t want to make me tear my heart out

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