

“He is lucky my FBI badge prevents me from kicking his ass all over the internet- his butt, I mean kick his butt.”
character aesthetic >> raven ramirez (csi: cyber) 

I was tagged by: @imjustchewinggum
Tag 20 followers you want to get to know better.
Name: Chiara
Nickname: Chiara? Chi...sometimes
Star Sign: Aries
Gender: Female 
Height: 5'5 Sexual Orientation: straight
Romantic Orientation: straight?
Favourite Colour: pink&black
Time Right Now: 21:23
Average Hours of Sleep: 7?
Last Thing I Googled: 1,65 m in feet 😂
Number of Blankets I Sleep Under: 1 
Favourite Fictional Character: Kensi Blye (idk probably if I had to pick one, but I'm totally not caught up on NCISLA) + Monica Geller and basically everyone from friends
Favourite Books: don't really read a lot
What Are You Wearing Right Now: turquoise Pj's 
Do You Post Any Form of Art (inc. comics, drawings + illustrations): naaaah I tag @thanks-fandxms and everyone who want to do it!

Anonymous asked:

Please write something where Jo thinks she might be pregnant and confides in Callie

Thanks for this prompt!  I love writing Jo in ortho so so so much and can’t wait until this becomes canon and not a product of fanfiction.

Stephanie held her tray in front of her and looked around the cafeteria in search of Jo.  She hadn’t seen her all day, but she knew that she’d be there.  No matter what, they always made it a point to have lunch together and it was rare for Jo to miss unless she was stuck in surgery or something like that.  She spotted her off in the corner near the trashcans and moseyed her way through a sea of tables and chairs to get to her.  Once she got to the table, she skillfully balanced the black tray in the middle of her palm as she pulled a chair out from underneath the table.  

At the sudden distraction, Jo looked up from her lifeless trance of staring into the styrofoam cup full of fizzy Dr. Pepper, and let an easy smile spread across her lips while Stephanie put her tray down and took the seat across from her.  As Steph situated herself in the chair, Jo bullied a stalk of broccoli across her plate with her fork and clenched her jaw, waiting for this most recent wave of nausea to pass.

Today wasn’t a good day, and more than anything, she wanted to be left alone.  She wanted to finish her last surgery, clock out for the day and spend the rest of the evening on the couch.  Her day was less than ideal and for what it was worth, she hoped that Steph could make it better. In her mind, it’d be hard for her to make it worse.


I was tagged by @stupidsexydameron, thanks! :) Name: Chiara Nickname: Chi (by like 6 people?) Sign/briggs: Aries, I have no idea what Briggs is Gender: Female Height: 5′5 Favourite colour: Pink and black Time right now: 9:30 pm Average hours of sleep: 7 or 8 during the week Number of blankets I sleep with: 1 Favourite fictional characters: what a question..that's a long list, let's name a few: Alex Karev, Jo Wilson, Chandler Bing, Monica Geller, Tony DiNozzo, Maura Isles, Kensi Blye, Teresa Lisbon, Jess Day, Joey Tribbiani, Rachel Greene, Callie Torress, Patrick Jane............so many more Favorite book: I don't read 😂 What I’m wearing right now: pyjamas and fluffy socks Rules: tag 20 followers you want to get to know better: EVERYBODY FEEL TAGGED ❤️ @thanks-fandxms


so much for german kids’ shows

He also likes puzzles

He had a singing career once, featuring three dead ladies as background dancers and the hit single ‘I’m saying no’.

My favorite Bernd-song is “Bernd’s Blues“

what i love most is the fact that KIKA (the most popular children’s channel in germany) uses bernd as their filler for when their program ends at night - so from like 8pm to 6am there’s a loop of a 15-minute clip with bernd in a weird environment (once it was a game show for a while, before that i think just a white realm of nothing that continuously got filled up with crap), just getting more and more annoyed while the computer keeps him trapped in some kind of strange game show.

every day from 8pm to 6am there’s a sarcastic loaf of bread arguing with GLaDOS on german tv.

Ugh I never watched it, he always creeped me out and I was always annoyed by him


Temporary Home: Part Two

Part two to Jo meeting Amber Karev for the first time.

“Have we…met?” she wondered aloud.  As soon as the last syllable rolled off her tongue, she realized how stupid of a question that was.  Of course they’d met before.  How else would she know her name enough to call her by it and sound so sure when she did?  

She immediately felt bad for having to ask the woman that stood in front of her for clarity, but she truly didn’t know who she was.  She didn’t recall knowing anyone from Seattle aside from her brother, but clearly, she was wrong.  Someone knew her and she couldn’t reciprocate the same courtesy.  

She studied Jo’s face in an attempt to find some kind of recognizable feature, and sighed in defeat when she couldn’t.  She just didn’t recognize her.  She thought that Jo looked to be about her age, so maybe she graduated with her back in Iowa.  It was a stretch, but if Alex ended up in Washington then it was possible for someone else from Iowa to end up there too.  Yeah, that was it.  She graduated from high school with this girl and being that her high school graduated 300 kids her year, it was normal for her to have forgotten a face or two.  It was a lousy explanation, but it was an explanation and that’s what she needed to not feel guilty.  

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