
"do you suppose she's a wildflower?"

@thestarkone / thestarkone.tumblr.com

~Hey Alice is the name, and over-analyzing, deductions, and theories are my games. I'm with the fairies and always curious about something. Rumplestiltskin is my spirit imp, while Sherlock is my inner high-functioning, consulting detective. I don't do...

Hi Jasey and Akemi,

(and anyone else who chooses to read this), this is Alice. I chose to change my url because as of the OUAT series finale, my former Peter Pan-based url has now Regina Mills connotations (thanks, Robin). Nothing against Regina, but she was never one of my faves (even if I did fotp hardcore Stable Believer), even if she had some moments for me. SO point is, as of now I’m “baelflowers” instead of “abetwixtandbetween”. Also I’m probably going to change it becaue I’m not 100% feeling the current one, but at least, it doesn’t make me think of Regina. Okay, just thought to mention it. And 2, yes, I haven’t forgotten that I said I was going to use this more actively again. I still mean it. Until when, laters.

always, alice


Leave it to the OUAT series finale

to get me back here. I know I’ve never updated when I said (and no one cared I didn’t except maybe Jasey), but Tumblr, I needed a break, several in fact. But thanks to the finale since I still watched the show, I have stuff I need to write out. So if anyone does care, consider it a return. If no one cares like I already think, then I’m still going to write them still.

always, alice


Belated PSAA

Hello anyone who still reads these posts of mine/still reads least my #bae2stay posts,

I guess it’s time I come clean. OUAT season 6 ended back in May, and I’ll be honest, I didn’t even watch the last seven episodes until June. Bae never did come back. I was wrong. I’ve been wrong. Every season i really did think he was going to come back again (I plan to make a post even pinpointing at the exact moments I think he was supposed to, yes, MOMENTS with a S). I felt we had signs, implications, even blatant clues he was going to come back yet he never did. I mean maybe, JUST maybe we will see him again in some shape or form, or MAYBE EVEN we’ll see some glimpses of Henry actually trying to bring him back in season 7 since Jennifer Morrison decided to quit OUAT minus that one episode clause. But alas, we never did get him back yet.

But on a positive note (HAHA, I’m a self-proclaimed cynic, since when do I make positive notes?), I don’t regret making the long ass posts I did on why I thought he was going to return, nor do I regret trying to make those twitter tag things. I don’t regret anything I ever did for Bae or my campaign of #bae2stay. He is still my favourite character on OUAT and one of my favourite fictional characters of all-time. (Even if "Ill-Boding Patterns” retconned him horribly and I prefer to think that episode was a farce/the theory I wrote about). I also don’t regret ever watching OUAT in the first place. I STILL CAN ENJOY SEASONS 1-3a with a fucking smile (except during the Hook scenes obvs). And you can still bet I will still make posts, gifsets, photo things for Bae. I’m not going to stop just because A&E stopped. As I’ve said in my previous posts, liking Bae has taught me to never quit even when things seem hard or against me. I may not be as optimistic as he is, but it doesn’t mean I can’t be as determined as he always was. And while Bae may not have returned more permanently onscreen, he will forever be staying in my heart. Fictional or not, his character means a lot to me. And that I definitely don’t apologize for. Bae to stay forever.


Crying baelWULF

Well, “Ill-Boding Patterns” sucked. After keeping Bae consistently in character since his first episode in season 1, episode 8, “Desperate Souls”, A&E changed his character for once and I think it’s clear all of us Fire Thieves hate it. So I’ve been thinking how on earth (or any other planet) does it make sense. Since we have seen Bae a million times and more always choosing practicality over violence. He chooses to think things over instead of just being impulsive with magic. He forgives and always apologizes first instead of acting reckless and bark commands.  As Rumplestiltskin even said in “The Return” back in season 1, Bae would never use the dagger against Rumplestiltskin. We have seen in so many episodes prior to this that any time something bad happened to Bae, he found ways to move on the right way. It was always Rumple, who wanted to get vengeance, attack, or even sometimes, kill. It was Rumple’s idea to kill their deaf maid. It was Rumple, who killed all of those linemen when he first came back from Zoso. Bae always showed to try to stop Rumple from killing or harming from Whale to the donkey salesman to The Lost Boys to basically anyone.  The only act of violence we ever saw him partake in was knocking out Felix (but not really hurting him or killing him) so he could escape. As for magic, it was always canon how much he detested magic. We were even told in the season 5 finale he wanted to destroy it. So how does the same Bae we saw in “Ill-Boding Pattern” be wanting the dark magic Rumple had to just get revenge? And the weirdest part is somehow, the conclusion of Bae taking a memory potion unknowingly so Rumple spared him the memory of commanding his own father to kill Beowulf and somehow that makes any dark thought he had disappear. Yeah, not buying it or this entire episode.

So after thinking out scenarios I came to this conclusion. Rumplestiltskin made up this story to Gideon, to try to stop him from his own darkness. Think about it. We are led to think that this flashback was actually being told to Gideon when Rumple held him in the clocktower. We heard multiple times from Rumple directly (even to Bae directly) that Bae always chose the right way, the good way. He didn’t care for magic. It was always Rumple, who craved the magic and did the dark path instead. So how and why would this be a made up a story by Rumple? Because every other flashback we have gotten of Bae, it was just shown as what really happened. It was never someone talking about the actual memory. Perhaps, Rumple decided to fudge around some truths to make Bae seem more similar to Gideon (when we the viewers and Rumple know he wasn’t). This way Gideon wouldn’t feel as alone with how he is. Also by it would show a tender spot for his Papa sharing an intimate story like this. I recognize this could put Rumple in a bad light for lying about a truth of Bae, but it was only to Gideon. He knows Gideon won’t go around sharing it. Maybe Rumple thought it was the only way to get through to him. After all, it’s not unlikely for someone to make up a story for someone’s benefit.

Additionally, a few things took out for me that kind of make me think this flashback was instead a retelling done by Rumple directly. 1) For starters, Rumple’s outfit. Yes, we have seen him wear the Red Robe before in “Manhattan” post-Bae’s departure, “Nasty Habits” right before he seeks the Blue Fairy, and “The Return” starting with the donkey vender. However, we did see him in rags originally. He didn’t change to the robe right away.  Bae’s outfit, too. He never had an orange cloak. They didn’t even try to have him in the green and dark yellow assemble in he had on in both “The Return” and “Desperate Souls”. Granted Brandon and Dylan probably aren’t the same size, but the fact they didn’t even try to have outfits look similar is questionable, especially considering when we got that random flashback of young Snow in season 5, they did try to tailor one that resembled her previous outfits despite being clearly older (but younger in the show).  2) The villagers. None of them we have ever seen before in the town. Not one single person looked a lick familiar and there is no mention of Morraine or her family. We were always told how Rumple was feared by his village peers after becoming The Dark One but did nothing about it. The people we see in The Ogres War were clearly not the same people we have always seen in the Ogres War flashback including the Duke’s Men. We saw who was in the first Ogres War thanks to “Manhattan” and not single man was shown on the battlefield. Instead we are told Beowulf was in the first battle.  3) The Beowulf and the sword subplot. Beowulf wasn’t seen nor mentioned at all in “Manhattan”. We saw The Duke’s main man (the “lick my boot” guy) being Rumple’s main bully yet where is Beowulf? Was he out peeing? Was he feeling up the sword in a private bush? Also how was that scene with Beowulf even supposed to be in the first Ogres War considering Rumple said was to be in the first one which happened before Bae was even born. Grendel, who was this supposed monster, was nowhere in this episode either, but he was included with a full backstory in “Once Upon a Time in Wonderland”.  As for the sword, so Blue Fairy made it and Beowulf had it? Uh, Rumple didn’t know Blue Fairy then just as Reul Gorum originally, and there was no sword story. We never hear anything about this sword either until this season and never at all in OUATiW.

So many things about this flashback doesn’t make sense thus I will now consider this flashback an altercation of Rumple’s he chose to tell Gideon to save him. He knew making it another flashback of how Rumple himself became darker while Bae stayed pure wouldn’t help. Gideon would feel like he wasn’t the good son Bae always was, so Rumple didn’t want to compare the two of them. He felt bad making Bae seem worse, but he knew Gideon wouldn’t take it the wrong way nor tell others. In the process of retelling this story, he also added certain liberties like adding people for convenience or drama. Beowulf was a well-known figure, yet most of his myth is nowhere in this episode and was never mentioned in any other flashback.  Beowulf wasn’t even portrayed as mightily as he was supposed to be. The sword Gideon conveniently is said to try to kill Emma with is in the story along with its wielder, who is also his Godmother. So Rumple forged a story to try to save Gideon. Every other episode we saw of Bae is the truth because it wasn’t told as a memory, just shown as a truth. Thus this will be my headcanon to spare any more bouts of loss of sanity and just plain frustration. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I am even forging my own lie for my own benefit. But know what? This Fire Thief rather believe this than that retconned, unnecessary altered, fucked up shit ninth level of hell whatthefuckery that we got of Bae in “Ill-Boding Patterns”.  I choose to believe in Bae still.


OUAT 6b: We’ve Only Just 6Begun

OUAT 6b barely just returned and already it continues to sink even further down below. We have had only two episodes air of the have yet to be determined last season of the once very beloved by many show. Now before I get unnecessary criticisms, I do recognize a lot of people still love this show. I do recognize some people have just recently got into OUAT. And I do recognize I am only one voice, who holds no mighty title or what have you, but what I have are my opinions and I’m not afraid to express them. As always, if you feel differently, so be it. This is just what I think and this is my blog so off I write.

So thus far we have had, “Tougher Than The Rest”, and “Murder The Most Foul” premiere, and as expected, we got the unnecessary retcons, alterations of things that were once lovely and beautiful that didn’t need to fucked over, and just plain simple whatthefuckery. Instead of summarizing both episodes then putting my two cents in, I am choosing to take the simplest method. I’ll make bullet points for the worst points, the what the fuck moments, and the very rare and even fewer good parts. And no, I won’t keep it categorize for which episode these moments relate to unless I so feel like it. As I said, I am taking it simple, and I am taking it simple because 1) I want to, 2) I want to, and 3) with OUAT these days, it’s best to take the simple route. It’s less frustrating and simply and vainly, I don’t want to write one of my former long ass posts that no one reads so I end up posting it for nothing (I mean Lita used to read them, but that’s another story for no one’s bedtime).

THE WORST (yes, I put worst instead of bad because if I chose bad I’d list most of each episode)

  • This Gideon/Hooded Figure arch is so pointless. Honestly, it seems only created to have us look the other cheek at the past crimes of Hook, Zelena, and even Regina. If the Hooded Figure was someone else, and not a character related to a main, perhaps, it could be interesting sort of. The added Stiltskin element was not needed whatsoever.
  • The whole “Emma is going to die” plot, um is additionally pointless to have literally an arch right after we saw the whole Underworld situation.
  • Unless Robin from Wish Realm is someone else glamourized as him, Robin being able to come back after Regina and Emma came back from the wish seems to be a disappointment waiting to happen. The disappointment being either for the other characters that supposedly died for realz only to get him back instead. I mean if Robin can come back, why did A&E choose to stop Graham, Bae (for now), Geppetto’s parents, Merlin, Daniel, or even Marian from coming back instead? Or the other disappointment will be if it isn’t the real Robin, when is this masquerade going to end or how long will he last? Either result doesn’t seem too happy.
  • Henry used to be such a pivotal character to this show. I understand the plot of this show has changed overtime, yet Henry, I thought was someone who they were going to keep consistently relevant in the show. After all, it was Henry, who brought Emma to Storybrooke in the first place. Now he barely gets more than a couple lines per episode if we’re lucky, his scenes with Jmo aka the woman, he originally preferred as his mother figure are even less than bare minimal. Their interactions are often offscreen, non-mentioned, or brief. He can’t even hug her without being overshadowed by certain other characters. We see him interact with more Regina ironically (I know in real life, Jared is closer to Lana than Jmo but still). His relationship with Violet is only seen or mentioned when it’s convenient as well. Additionally, his whole career as the new author is anti-climatic as fuck considering it only does anything to the plot when A&E feel like it, not when it should actually be applied.
  • Hook being the cause of Charming’s dad’s death. Let me explain please. While I won’t say none of my favourites have never killed anyone (because we know that shit isn’t true, only a few of my faves haven’t), my issue with it is simply these two things. 1) How was Hook not still in Neverland during that time? But then again, the whole traveling back and forth to EF/Neverland history with Hook is very confusing that A&E probably forget the dates, too. 2) Again this is an example of one of my prime reasons for not liking Hook. He has said and been seen doing things both in present and the past that are not only questionable, but of bad choice and just plain wrong yet nothing comes of it. He either just keeps it to himself and the subject at hand (well, so to speak), or if it does come up, it gets wiped away super fast. Then it’s never mentioned again. There is no real consequence even if off chance, he never shows signs of remorse. I can name multiple examples, but I do have a life outside of not liking Hook. So I do only a couple. Example of the first situation, he never told Emma about what he did to Will after their first date. He threatened Will if he chose to speak up about it. As we saw in the conclusion of this episode, his new hand wasn’t even cursed, so his actions were solely Hook’s yet Emma was oblivious to it. And example of the second, those rings remember he wears? They belonged to families he tortured and have done inexplicit things to. He says in one episode of the Camelot Arch, how badly he feels and they’re reminders to him every day of how horrible he used to be. After the scene is over though, it is never brought up again. The families aren’t even shown in the Underworld expecting their rings and apologies from Hook. If Hook is supposed to redeemed or in the process of, why don’t we ever see follow ups of these situations. We expect to see the follow ups on Regina, Zelena, Rumple, etc so why is Hook exempt. Even if he is fully redeemed, it doesn’t explain why we rarely ever see any follow ups from him. The only time we do is as I said, is when it’s brought up in the same episode as it is mentioned. Hook apologizes to Belle for what he did to her in 3b and 6a two times, yet after those episodes, he never mentions them again nor shown signs of trying to make it up to her. If Hook wants to make it up to Belle, shouldn’t he out of everyone on the Heroes side, try to find a medium between Gideon and Emma? So with Charming’s dad, all that is probably going to happen, is Emma forgiving him in the same episode she is told. She may be upset at first, but it will end with, “But it’s not the man you are now, Killian.” As for Charming, I wouldn’t put it past A&E not having him ever find out or if he does, he will find some way to forgive him too. There is no way A&E will keep Charming grudgeful against Hook unless he was James in disguise.
  • Emma Swan’s last name origin. Okay cute story, but why did A&E have Jmo go for more than five years saying she got it from her first family that eventually gave her up as a meal ticket? Look I am actually a Wooden Swan fan, and any nugget we got worth shipping back in the day, I enjoyed. I STILL ENJOY. But I don’t dig any retcon nugget, I want always there and always original canon nugget. This wasn’t that type of nugget. I always said during the Frozen arch that this was a perfect opportunity to slew in younger August checking in on Emma at Ingrid’s wayward house. We all said Kansas during 3b was also a good opportunity. So A&E finally chose to place him back in 6b, and all that had to happen first was unnecessary retcons and odd (see really awkward) timing.
  • Notice how we haven’t seen Baby Neal at all for most of 6a and all of 6b thus far? I get Snowing is in that loop of sleep partners, but who is watching the baby? I swear if Ginny wasn’t pregnant during 3a, there would have been no Baby Nolan Bro.
  • I like how suddenly with Jasmine going on a trip with Aladdin back to Agrabbah and Snow is sleeping half the time, school is no longer in session or need of a teacher. So realistic. So normal. So yeah fuck that shit.
  • You know, there is something weird as shit with your so-called family show about fairy tales when you see Hook aka the character ABC promoted as the big bad of the season is trying to be the voice of reason to the whole so-called Perfect Heroes Family Clan from Henry to Charming to even Emma, what the fuck?
  • This whole Black Fairy situation is beyond unnecessary and awful. First A&E gave us the fucking red misdirection of giving us a character description that we are led to think is for Rumplestiltskin’s mother that we actually like then to find out it was for their one arch shot character, Merida. Second we finally get Rumple’s mom and she is a fucking childnapper, who peaced out on her own son and she is also the same fairy that was said to do shitty ass things? Lovelier. Granted with the backstory episode maybe it will garnish some understanding and per chance maybe she had some actual reasons for what she did. The so-called bad things maybe were originally intended to be good, too. Alas it does not excuse the third thing, HER KIDNAPPING HER OTHER GRANDSON (because her hubby beat her to it with the first one) to raise him darker, age him up dramatically, and have him trained to want to kill Emma so he can become a Savior himself. UH, to quote @meresger I don’t get how killing one Savior makes you the next Savior. That’s how we’re told in season 1 how you can become a Dark One (or arrested) but not a Savior. Then again, this is A&E. How logical do they think out their plots these days? Still I would have loved a non-Black Fairy mama for Rumple even if she had to be “dark”. And it’s not because like with Colette, another mother theory I wanted with OUAT did not happen.

THE WHATTHEFUCKERY?! (which can also contain the worse even if I don’t personally list it)

  • So after Hyde and Jekyll died simultaneously, we never saw more of the other characters from Land of Untold Stories. What happened to them? Did they go back somehow to LoUS? Are they all chilling in the woods? Did A&E forget about them? I vote last option! AGAIN WHERE IS BABY NEAL?
  • Okay, I’ll admit I felt Charming started to fall off the wagon during 3b, but this last episode I felt the wagon fell on top of him. Not only have we seen be okay with Hook which was already iffy to begin with then to see randomly after two straight seasons minimally of them getting along suddenly we have an episode where Charming is just not quite sure with Hook. SO OUT OF LEFT FIELD. Then why oh why did they have Charming be all secretive and protective of Emma finding out about this? Didn’t he learn anything from 4b about keeping secrets from his kid? HONESTLY, how the fuck were Snow and Charming able to enter that door for Glinda but Regina wasn’t with everything they did in the past and continue to do now? You can’t blame the author on that shit anymore considering Henry didn’t write it.
  • Speaking of, how was Charming able to do magic? I thought it was just people, who were either born magical or taught magic could perform magic. I understand Belle was able to do the cloaking spell in 3a because basically Rumple set out exactly what to do so she was basically orating on his behalf. What Charming did was straight out magic himself with no help. It’s not like also he has never needed a locator spell before. Rumple gave him one in season 2 after all. And season 1 finale as well.
  • Did Hook just let King George out of the asylum? Because wasn’t the door he closed after letting King George out of Charming’s grip the exit door? Or did he just get to another cell?
  • So I guess Liam Jr. is now despite actually can work in this set up no matter how fucked it would be could fit is just not going to be seen or referred to anymore unless it’s convenient for the plot. WHAT IS THE POINT OF BRINGING HIM UP AGAIN WHEN HE COULD HAVE NOT JUST EXISTED? Manpain probs.
  • Uh, since when are August and Charming the same age? Based off the newspaper of August finding Baby Emma, there is an eight year gap between them or seven. I haven’t seen the episode recently, but I know it’s one of these. However, in the Pleasure Island sequence, we saw James (as in Charming’s twin) there and Pinocchio was there at the same time. Granted Pino as a wooden boy probably doesn’t age, but it begs the question how long was Pinocchio there for? If James was only six as they said, and we only see Pinocchio rescued from Monstro shortly before The Dark Curse enacted, it implies he was there for more than 20 years. HOW DID GEPETTO OR EVEN JIMINY LET THAT HAPPEN? Even Ghost Cricket from canon wasn’t that slow. So was this a retcon on age or a plothole? I vote latter again.
  • Also when we see seven-year-old Emma in the alley, how old was August there? He looked way older than just 14 or 15. I mean he didn’t look like 30, but he didn’t look like a barely teen either.
  • So the Wish Realm was really anti-climatic and misleading. We were led to think this would be what happened if Emma wasn’t the Savior, and all of these things would be different. What we got is what if there was a failed Dark Curse, suddenly weak ass Evil Queen, Emma being raised solely as a princess, some people still died again yet some lived (sure it makes sense Stealthy lives, Gepetto dies, but Graham’s status is unacknowledged and Neal still dies and Marian even marries someone else), and more. Basically, this realm was more of a tweaked reality of many liberal alterations and just things A&E did for funsies (come on Hook, theoretically wouldn’t have been fat and drunk in EF, he would still be hellbent on Rumple’s death) not if Emma wasn’t the Savior. Let’s be real if she wasn’t the Savior, her family and their so-called friends would still be cursed, Regina’s redemption wouldn’t have started, Cora and Hook would be still working together, many people (both villains and good guys) would still be alive *you know who I’m staring at*, and so forth. And how does no one acknowledge this small facto? In this realm, Belle and Bae both are dead and Rumple is imprisoned without ever knowing his boy is in the same realm? Sounds fake, and not okay. Even Isaac’s AU made more sense.
  • As mentioned already with Robin, he is clearly either someone else glamourizing as him or he is going not to stay around past 6b. If he does, it is just a big fuck you to every other ship that has been told, “well, dead is dead”.
  • Speaking of, last episode Charming was Hamleting it up with dear old Dad, meaning he kept seeing his ghost randomly. Instead of finding it odd or choosing to share it with anyone, he keeps it to himself while becoming increasingly disturbed. Question time, how the fuck does that work? If his father had unfinished business, why was he not in the Underworld Arch? Furthermore, why was he a fucking ghost in Storybrooke wearing modern clothes? Ignoring the younger Cora visiting a la seance in 3b, I thought they established you can’t see someone who has died in plain sight unless you have that thing Merida needed to see her dad one last time. OR the fact they established in 5b, that when someone dies they’re in the Underworld, a better place, or a worser place. So how does Robert Shepherd get to wonder around in static haze and why is he finally gone when Charming tosses the coin?
  • Is no one going to acknowledge outside of Rumple and Belle, that Gideon is their son, Neal’s brother, and Henry’s technical uncle? I get that they don’t want Emma killed by him (spoiler alert, she won’t be) or killed period, but um, hello, that is someone’s child and the parents are people you used to refer to as friends, even family (you never gave Rumple that favour back, Charming), or people, that you used to help. Maybe they could help redeem Gideon rather than hoping he’s dead.
  • Why do I get a strong feeling Ginny knows how badly OUAT became and is ready for a way out?
  • Um, I get it “happened off-screen”, but I’d really love a scene where Hook apologized to Jiminy. If we got a scene of Rumple guiltily tries to talk to Jiminy, why could we not get one with Hook? It’s not like A&E minimizes his scenes.
  • UM, so August only became a man again as of 4b and seems to only have gotten his memory back of his adult life around then too, so pray tell, why has he never asked of Neal? His last adult thought was saving the town from Tamara, Neal’s ex-fiancee yet he never mentions Tamara or even Neal? He was the one that separated Neal and Emma, you would think he makes some note considering he knows she’s with Hook now, who is someone he has never met formally and as a writer, you’d think he’d know, who Hook is even just by reputation. You know, season 2 August wouldn’t let it slide or give Hook papers meant for Emma’s father. Just saying, instead of asking Charming, I would have totally thought of asking Henry for his blessing to propose to Emma considering he’s her son and all but that’s just my two cents
  • Hook being the dude, who killed Charming’s father. He had no real reason for killing him. Bae never killed anyone just because. And say Hook did it to protect himself in case he was worried Robert would tell about seeing him, it still is no valid reason. You don’t see Bae killing his old boss in the jewelry store for his own protection. Again as I said, it’s just how it will be resolved. There is a bare minimal chance no one in the Charming Clan won’t forgive him ultimately, and after he is forgiven, it won’t ever be mentioned again. If for once when he is sorry for something he has done, it could be shown repetitively and does something to show he is sincerely apologetic and remorseful, then lovely. That won’t ever happen though. It’s always the same pattern: the secret gets revealed, he says “sorry” sort of, The Charmings get upset, something happens that distracts the issue, the something gets defeated or removed, Emma then forgives him and kisses him, The Charmings smile in the background, Hook smiles and his sins of yesterday are washed away and never brought up again. Did I mention this normally all happens in the same episode? Yeah, such progress, I know.
  • I love how much they emphasized the importance of the Wish Realm being it’s a realm where Regina was defeated/exiled, but then we never see her in the Realm whatsoever because A&E didn’t find it important to. By love, I mean worse than loathe.
  • I wish Bae was back to see the growth his father has done thus far. Also to be there for Henry. I don’t care if CS still would happen, I just want Bae back, and no matter what they do to Gideon, age him down, keep him 28, make him pure, make him Bae-like, make him Hook-like, make him live elsewhere, make Rumple a proud papa again, Gideon is no fucking Baelfire. HE WON’T EVER BE. No one and nothing can replace what makes Bae so special to me and my favourite character on OUAT for life. And that’s a fucking promise.

THE GOOD (what? there actually was something I liked? did someone Baskerville me up?)

  1. BAELFIRE BEING REFERENCED BY RUMPLESTILTSKIN BOTH IN PRESENT AND PAST. GIdeon may be someone I wish was never created, but at least, Bae is still fucking acknowledged and despite their past words, he is still appearing in flashhbacks and in the flesh. Although the latter is a bit more sporadic.
  2. And the set up for Pleasure Island was quite nice despite the heavy use of CGI. I knew Neverland was in cahoots with PI, if they weren’t the same place. Additionally, it’s good to see that not just I was right, but it is true August did go to Pleasure Island (we did see that on the paper in the typewriter in “Tougher Than The Rest”) before he went to Phuket, which was more of his adult pleasure island I guess.
  3. Least Belle is being somewhat more of her old self. Let’s hope it lasts.
  4. And Rumplestiltskin is continuing being 100% honest no matter what. Proud doesn’t begin to say how I feel about this.

Kintsugi objects

Kintsugi (golden joinery) or Kintsukuroi (golden repair) is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum. As a philosophy it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise.


You can say a lot about Rumplestiltskin, but the fact he in his darkest stage of the Dark One (remember this is one pre-Belle but after Cora and Milah) in the Enchanted Forest era, chose to make up some little trade-off to give to Charming Paps the details of James, the son that he gave up to King George. Then says once alone how he hopes both of them are reunited with their sons and could apologize that is B I G. Not only does it show how Rumplestiltskin has always been devoted to and always cared for Bae, but it shows even as cruel as he allegedly became, Bae remained his primary focus. It wasn’t revenge. It wasn’t fucking. It wasn’t drinking night after night. It wasn’t abandoning responsibilities and having fun forever. It wasn’t even killing every person that wronged him or just got in his way. It was Bae, “the light that still makes him human” and reuniting with his boy to apologize. After all, Rumplestiltskin did state Bae was and is his happy ending.


neal cassidy :) & throw in emma swan too



general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my lifehotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang (she has had some moments i found her pretty, but she is so not my type)hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: she does sincerely want to help some people out which is goodworst quality: she has done some unforgivable things both during the Dark One stunt and some in general (knocking out Marian for example for no real valid reason) without apologizing or making up for it. In addition, she has been rather hypocritical on some of her actions. She’ll forgive some people for lying to her, but when it’s her own parents or even her son’s father, she’ll hold a grudge until it’s plot convenient to end.ship them with: She’s the only OUAT character I actively multiship with. With Neal (Swanfire) during the run of seasons 2-3 and with August (Wooden Swan) for season 1 and spurts throughout s4 and s6. Any other season or time, I honestly don’t.brotp them with: Graham (I could never romantically ship them, but a brotp seemed like great potential), Neal naturally, August, and Mary Margaret (not SW) during season 1.needs to stay away from: Hookmisc. thoughts: She was never my favourite character, but I did enjoy her originally as a character overall. However, as the seasons past, I felt her character changed in a non-organic way. Some explained it was because she “let her walls down”, but I feel it’s not “letting your walls down” if your entire moral stance has changed along your previous demeanor and attitude towards things. There is letting people in and being more emotionally open then there’s being a person, who isn’t faintly how you were.

NEAL CASSIDY/Baelfire ( @shewholovesall, YES, that’s how you spell it)

general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life (platonic love :D)hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: his humility, willing to admit when wrong  and his flaws and never ashamed to apologize, courageous despite anyone or anything, his compassion for others, and his persistence for the ones he loves (he won’t ever stop at all)worst quality: he hasn’t been on the show since season 5. He needs to be on again and soon :Dship them with: Hm, in his youth, Morraine and in his adulthood, Emma (but only seasons 2-3 Emma) then just Bae and Happiness is always a good onebrotp them with: Wendy (Darling Fire), Belle (Bellefire), and Morraine (Rainfire) and obvs, Papafire (Gideon can’t touch this!!)needs to stay away from: Hook, Zelena, Lumiere, Pan, people who have and/or will try to fuck him over in any sort of way misc. thoughts: his character was/is meant for so much more than what happened to him. I still think he can come back to OUAT somehow, but regardless, he will always be my favourite character. I know some people don’t like him for their own reasons and opinions, but in mine, he will always be golden ;) And honestly, I think the transition he had from being a young boy to an adult makes sense. Given what he has been through and what he has dealt, it makes sense to me. And his walls didn’t have to come down to get there.


general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: His high perceptive nature and the loyalty he has for the ones he cares about. If he cares about you,there is literally nothing he wouldn’t do for you.worst quality: His lack of tact. It’s wonderful to be honest, but his bluntness can outblunt even Rumple’s at times. Personally, I am fine with it, but others, not so much.ship them with: NO ONE. brotp them with: John obvs, Molly, and Lestrade. AND Redbeard T_Tneeds to stay away from: IRENE ADLER. People who would actually kill him, not just want to.misc. thoughts: I feel many people romanticize his actions too easily. He is a dick, he does dickish things, but he does have good qualities too and can be a good man. It’s just complicated. There is a difference though. It’s just too often people don’t recognize the difference I feel. Either way though, he’s not a sociopath or a psychopath by any actual psychiatric standard. He has some traits sure, but all of them, not by a long shot.

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