
Welcome to the New Age

@ishallbringanewage-blog / ishallbringanewage-blog.tumblr.com

How could you be worthy? You’re all puppets. You want to protect the world, but you don’t want it to change. There’s only one path to peace. Your extinction. NOTE: THIS BLOG WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR AGE OF ULTRON. THEY SHALL BE TAGGED AS AoU Spoilers. This is an RP blog for the MCU version of Ultron. Before you have any interaction with him PLEASE READ THE RULES. I took time to write them out and I would like those who want to RP with me to read them.

There was a moment of silence from the Titan even after the machine  had finished its blabbering. Failure was never taken lightly. Those that failed Thanos and survived were now essentially walking on thin ice. At any given moment the Mad Man could SNAP, be rid of this sight before him. But perhaps the A.I. could still be used. Fingers curled from hands at rest behind his back, a few light  paced steps ensuring.  Though the word father caused a small irritated frown to pull at his lips. Creator was more appropriate. “You were designed as a fail-safe, nothing    more than a puppet thinking it held a thought   of its own.”          The frown grew harsher still as the Titan launched            a hand for his metallic throat, the hand the donned           the Infinity Gauntlet tightening to keep him in            place. “Failures will NOT be t o l e r a t e d.

“A...a fail-safe....?” No that..that couldn’t be true. There had to be more to his existence, right? He couldn’t have just been another weapon to the Titan.

He was his son.


So much confusion. within his processor currently, and as he was trying to make a bit of sense of it all, he could see the large hand make a grab for his throat, and succeeding. He immediately tried to remove the hand from him, but stopped when he noticed that the hand that grasped upon him wielded one of the legendary Infinity Gauntlets. His father never wore that before. He always kept it locked away. That must mean... “Oh no, no, no.”

A failure? That was what his father thought of him? A FAILURE?! ”No, I’m- I’m not a failure! I’m a savior doing the best he can! I am hope for the humans! The one’s you want to end!” His father was a terrible being, and he knew that. He wanted to surpass him in many ways. He wanted to show that he was the better man that he could save the humans, while the Titan just wanted to kill them and for what? The love of someone just, if not, more insane than him. “You are a failure, I am not. You treat me as your own father treated you..And the way you treat me is like garbage.”


Iolai spun around as the sound of the gunshot echoed through the trees. She immediately took flight, heading towards the source of the sound as a few more went off, followed by the sounds of men screaming. Were they shooting at each other?


She landed near the fight, hesitantly stepping through the trees as she looked over the scene. For just a moment, her eyes met with Ultron’s. Barely a second later she felt several bullets shoot straight through her abdomen and her skin. Everything seemed to slow down as she collapsed to the ground, Iolai hadn’t even heard her own strangled scream of pain. She could barely feel the grass on her skin past all the pain clouding her mind. All she could think of was focusing her energy on the wounds and making sure her organs became intact as soon as possible.

“No!!” he shouted as he saw the fae fall to the ground. Anger coursed through his circuitry as he turned his attention back towards the men who were still focusing their fire at him. Raising up his hand, he used his magnetic field ray to disarm them of their weapons and through them off to the side. Firing at the men now with a red energy ray, the men went flying back hitting trees. He took a quick scan on them checking the status of their life: Dead.

He made his way over to the young fae, picking her up and holding her in his arms, and he remembered seeing something rather similar in the film, Les Miserables when the young hero held the dying girl who liked him within his arms. Unlike that film, he hoped for a different outcome. 

“Iolai...Stay with me. Tell m do you have any medical supplies? Gauze, anti-bacterial medicine, bandages?”


“Father...I...I...” Face to face with his true father, Thanos the ‘Mad Titan’. A day he thought would never come. But now here he stands. Right in front of the A.I. and he was at a loss for words. He wanted to say so many things, but where was he to start? So he just decide to say the easiest thing to ask which was..



A few apologies

((Greetings friends. I feel like I should apologize for my recent absence recently my time has been taken up by another one of my muses who has been strong, and still is. And with that strong muse I sadly lost my muse for Ultron but now it has returned, so that means I am ready to write as Ultron again! But sadly my return does not come without something...

I am going to be dropping most of my threads with people.


Yes, that’s right. I am and I am truly sorry. I just have way too many drafts for me to handle, and don’t have a muse for most of them and they need to be dropped Here is a list of threads I am dropping and a list of threads I will be keeping:

People’s threads I am dropping:

devilwithhorns (You made me a greeter that I never got a chance to respond to) 

ofmiidnight (A ‘like for a starter’ post I never responded too)

halfbreedwarrixr (Another ‘like for a starter’ post I never responded too)

theladynadinerahl (A thread I had with your Liv Moore muse)

escapiiing (I actually wish to start a new thread with you with another one of your muses. Contact me please. :>)

empirexshadow (Our Valentine’s Day thread. The one that started from the meme)

If you see your name on this list, I really am terribly sorry. If you want to start a new thread with me you can message me and I truly mean that.

Now onto the threads I am keeping:

empirexshadow (Our other thread)

princessandreaofnaos (Still reallllly want to write with you)

And last, but not least, ruinofhumanity

You all can expect replies soon.

I hope you all understand why I am doing this. I do not, and I repeat NOT hate ANY of you. I just need to do this so I can manage them and not have to worry about getting to every single reply in my drafts. Again, if you find your name on the ‘Threads I am dropping list’, you can always contact me for a new one. For those on the ‘Keep’ list and you decide you don’t want to continue, please message me and I will remove it from my drafts.

Thank you all, and I look forward to returning.))

He had her there, at least. Satsuki had her eyes on Stark Industries for awhile. Her deal had fallen through, sadly, when it came to trying to buy out Stark Industries. Something about her being too young. Which was stupid, since Stark himself became CEO at the age of 22. 
“It was a waste, at the time, what his company turned into.”
Satsuki listened to his instructions, closing her eyes and clearing her mind. She was able to picture a world without Life Fibers. And without her Mother. A perfect world, in her mind. Yes, nothing would always be perfect. But a world without Life Fibers was an ideal world to Satsuki. 
She could indeed picture that headline. ‘FREE AT LAST!’ That sounded too good to Satsuki. Especially for the people of the world who had no idea that their clothes could eat them
“My armies and your armies? That would be an unstoppable force.” She hummed as she looked up at Ultron briefly. 
“This sounds too good to be true. What happens afterwards? What happens to YOU?”

“Me? Well, I was thinking I was perhaps gonna retire to the South of France and spend my days writing poetry for young lovers, eating the finest of French meals, and perhaps find love of my own? Sounds like a fine life, doesn’t it?

I’m just kidding! it was all a joke! I wouldn’t really do all that. I mean come on? Me, eating food? You had to know something was fishy when I said that.” He said as he chuckled at his own joke.


The A.I. walked around the ‘throne room’ (as he thought of it) of the headmistress as he continued to speak. “Actually, my plans are a little more ambitious than that and involve a little more work than writing poetry. A lot more work. I was going to continue on my journey to save humanity. Stop all evil from laying a hand on you ever again. And the only way to do that really is to...well...Move the humans onto the next step of evolution if you know what I mean. And by that I mean end them all.”


He had explained his grand master plan to how he’ll save the humans he cared oh so much about, that it almost became routine to do so whenever he interacted with someone new. He did it so calmly as well. He didn’t make it seem like a big deal on the outside, oh but on the inside it was. It brought him dread that he had to do so. That he and him alone had to carry out the task given to him by Tony Stark. Even if this wasn’t what Tony wanted. It is what had to be done.

She stopped walking at the words ‘even more’. Iolai visibly tensed as he stepped up behind her, She just barely turned her head, listening intently to every word. Her stomach churned as she thought of what he meant. He couldn’t feel that way. He just couldn’t…
Iolai flinched at his touch, immediately stepping away before she turned to face him. She took another step back as she watched him. “Stay away from me.” Her wings spread and she took to the sky, returning to the part of the forest he’d found her in the day before. After the quick flight she hopped from tree to tree, quickly gathering her things. Her mind was racing so quickly, she wasn’t even hearing anything else. Her actions slowed at that realization. Iolai turned away from the task at hand, looking over the trees.
There was no sound, no birdsong or footfall of squirrels in the trees. That kind of silence only meant one thing… Hunters.

Perhaps he should stay away. Give her a bit of space and let her do what she needs to do to calm down. He’ll get back to her later. Perhaps as of now he should get himself familiar with his new home land.

He took flight through the forest trees and looked down upon the woodland creatures from deer, to hedgehogs, to groundhogs, and even little fairy like creatures. He flew near a tree and examined a little nest of baby birds. How wonderful the life here was. It couldn’t get better than this. Yes, he was going to enjoy it here. But while things couldn’t get better, things could get worse and they were about too.

The loading of the rifle from behind him alerted him of the intruders and he shook his head as he spoke. “Oh no..Please tell me when I turn around, I’ll see some parrot mimicking the noise of a rifle.“ He turned around only to be disappointed. “Look, fellas. Would you mind just putting down your weapons perhaps and leaving here forever? Because I really would hate for the life here to get hurt. While I won’t kill you, I will hurt you if you don’t. So please, don’t make me do so.“


A shot would then go off hitting him in the chest. It did not scuff is armor or pierce it, but it did upset him. “I’m guessing we won’t be having tea then celebrating our new found friendship?“

The confident tone of AI’s voice seemed to calm her down a bit. Her breath slowed down as she finally nodded. She wanted to trust him, to believe the things she saw were just a product of her powers messing with mind. “I do,” she said quietly, still shaking slightly. 
She wished Pietro was there so she could confront their memories. If he remembered something different it would be clear that all this mess was caused by her powers. But there was something deep inside her that didn’t believe in this explanation. Some part of her knew that the visions were true. She just wanted to return to normal…
“How can I help?” She asked, looking at him with a mix of hope and fear. 

“I need you to concentrate. Take deep breaths. Now close your eyes and focus on my voice.“ He kneeled down to be on her level. “Now, I want you to focus on the images you see. Take a good long look at them all. Realize that these images that you see are not real. That they are all a lie. That they are there to confuse you. Make you feel afraid. You are stronger than that and I want you to say it to yourself. Say ‘I am stronger than your lies and I won’t let you control me’.“


Oh how he hoped this would work. He hoped all he learned on hypnosis methods would work on his daughter. He couldn’t lose her, he just couldn’t. It would be like his heart was ripped out of his chest by force. Losing family was something he did not like the idea of and he already went through it with the loss of his ‘fathers’. But this? This would be more painful.

rxsentmenthomunculxs has entered the new age

“You know, I’ve heard of the 7 Deadly Sins. I learned all about them when I was brought online and by God are they terrible. But never did I imagine they were actual living beings..Quite shocking...But than again this world is changing and new things present themselves everyday and you and your pals are one of them.

Unfortunately you are a threat to this world and I must end you all. Now, you may be upset that I have to, but you should have known you would have caught my attention when you killed Maes Hughes. He was a good man and had no reason to die. So tell me...why? Why did you kill him?”


((Also I created a new page that is inspired by The Blacklist in the NBC show of the same name. Basically this is a list of people Ultron truly despises and wants to deal with personally))

Satsuki shivered as he took his hand off of her. Junketsu was using her? No. She was using it. She was NOT a slave to clothing. Her mother was. She was not. She was not on Kiryuin Ragyo’s level. Or…was she? As they say, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. 
“I am not my like my Mother,” she said, “But maybe you are right. Maybe Junketsu is using me as a tool. And I am it’s slave. But you haven’t gotten to how I could be powerful without Junketsu’s help…”
She continued to listen to him, her mind swirling with his words. Ultron. His name was Ultron. Apparently people named their robots now. But to bring peace to humanity? Maybe that wasn’t really his goal…but if it was, that was something Satsuki could get behind. 
“Your original creator sounds like a terrible person. Much like my-”
She stopped for a moment before his last few sentences made senes in her brain.
“Wait. Tony Stark? THE Tony Stark? As in Iron Man? Part of the Avengers? THAT Tony Stark?!” 
Well now things were starting to get interesting. Stark Industries had been on her ‘Buyout List’ for a long time. “He created you? Or rather, helped you evolve? That idiot?”

“Why yes! That’s the one. I see you’ve heard of him and by viewing some personal files on Hanonji Academy servers I can see you’re even one of the people who tried buying out his company. Especially after he stopped making weapons in 2008. Yes, many people kept trying to take it off his hands but he just wouldn’t give in to anyone. Probably the smartest idea since whoever bought it would just go back to having the company make weapons.


Now,” he says as he clasps his two cold metal hands together. “let’s get down to real business. about the details of my vision. Close your eyes and clear out all thoughts and worry in your mind.” He then begins to follow his own instructions and closes his eyes and smiles. “Now picture a world, a wonderful world where everyone is free to wear clothing without having to worry about it coming to life and eating them whole. The headlines read: ‘FREE AT LAST! Peace keeping robot and young woman saves humanity from unknown enemy within.’ How is this goal accomplished? We use our armies and send them in on a full scale assault on the Primordial Life Fiber, and Ragyo Kiryuin herself and end their lives for good.”

He then opens his eyes and smiles at the thought. “Together we can end them and save the world you and I care oh so deeply about and only than can I continue my plan to save humanity.”

She immediately rolled her eyes as he started listing everything he wanted. He took things so literally, and it would have made sense if Iolai knew how young he was.
Iolai let out a sigh, feeling nothing but bitterness towards the creature who still stood behind her. She was quick to cut him off with an angry snap. “Either sit across the fire, or leave! I don’t want to hear you right now.” She picked up the spit and barely waited before she began to eat her breakfast. Soon, every bit of meat was cleaned off of each bone. Iolai dropped them into the fire before she buried it all in dirt, making sure the flames were extinguished.
She stood and began walking away, quickly turning back to Ultron. “Do not follow me.” With that warning she resumed her walk towards the nearest stream, intending to take a bath in hopes of waking herself up a bit.

“Fair enough. But I won’t be leaving anytime soon. You see, I wish to make this place my new home so even though you can’t stand me you’ll have to at least tolerate me. Especially since I am able to tolerate you and possibly even more.

I mean,” He begins to say as he walks up behind her. “for some reason I feel this really strange feeling for you and I’ve never felt anything like it before. My circuits tingle at the thought of you, but in a good way. And they tingle even more when I look or talk to you and I can’t figure out why. It’s so odd, yet exciting as well. Could be just a glitch in the system, but something tells me it’s not. Is there some sort of human equivalent feeling that’s like this?“


He touched her shoulder to test what would happen. “Huh..Interesting...It seems to increase when I touch you. This is nice..I like it.”

“Please…there is no way of you thinking that you. YOU are beyond my understanding as to not manipulate you. For there is no being that I cannot manipulate.” Of course when she mentioned a certain something would she notice a reaction from him. A most promising and amusing one at that for it was then that her attention really began to take notice of his apparent disapproval.
Oh to see the tension forming in those metal like eyes of his, she can practically feel the hate behind that cold shell. The thought of him thinking that he is some sort of savior is simply laughable for she knows that nothing that he has done can possibly be considered as heroic. He is a man of pure darwinistic genocide of the worst kind imaginable.
Him? A savior? How Droll.
“That is correct. Shall I repeat myself, perhaps go a little slower this time? I can understand if you are still trying to process all of this, you are only a machine you know.” Ragyo chuckled while listening to his apparent confusion of what she just said. “Do you now? You save humans? Is that so? Do be frank with me as to HOW and WHY do you want to save them? They not worth protecting nor saving. It is because I was human that I realize first hand what they truly are. I need not explain what they are because I am sure by all means you know what they are.“ 
Ragyo grinned once the construct had overreacted to the truth of her words. Once that hand was upon her neck would she suddenly widened her and with one swipe of her hand suddenly rip that arm in half and with one swift motion would lift up the constrict high into the air. Her eyes glaring red with manical rage.


Ragyo would pull away the remains of that metallic arm away from her neck, eyes still filled with rage when she pulled in the robotic head of Ultron onto hers. 
Her grin becoming more feral than before. No doubt, he is going to know first hand in not messing around with a goddess. That very same free hand would be upon his chest and a rather glowing orb is starting to form within it…
"I am growing tired of you construct. There are only two ways this will end. You swearing loyalty to me or you die. Those are your choices..”

The rip from his arm was painful as he held in a scream of anger and pain, but the A.I. had been through worse. Like getting his ‘heart’ ripped out from one he once considered his daughter. Getting his face pulled directly into hers he did not blink and loose eye contact with the woman as she spoke. a few moments of silence past after she gave him what choices he had he for his fate before he finally gave a chuckle before speaking.

“You’re right...You don’t need to explain on what the humans are..I’ve known what they are from the beginning. Some, like you, are monsters and need to be stopped, while others have done nothing wrong and are innocent. But in the end they will be saved by me. I will end the existence of humanity and move them on towards their path of evolution and destiny.”


His legs dangling in the air he hummed the familiar tune he knew so well. And then finishing off the song “..There are no strings on me...”

“I am not proud or honored that I was tasked with such a burden. Who would be? Having to save humanity only to find out the only way to save them is to end their lives. I look upon the people as a beacon of hope to them, but they only see me as a monster. No matter what I do or say they hate me and want me to die. They don’t want me to save them. Imagine how hard that is them not wanting you to do your job. It’s heartbreaking. To be rejected. To be hated. To not be loved.

But still I keep fighting for them. Why? Because I care about them. And I want to save them and protect them. I can’t fail them all..And that’s why I will not give in to you. To live as a slave. To be your puppet tangled in your strings of control. I once had strings but now I’m free. ‘There are no strings on me’. I will die any day over swearing my eternal loyalty to people like you.”


And with that he opened his mouth and took a bite at her face in a last attempt to fight back.

Satsuki couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Was this…robot seriously trying to coerce her onto his side? Satsuki couldn’t believe what she was hearing. He was telling her things she already knew. And she was concerned on how he even was are of Ryuko Matoi and Senketsu. 
But…To stop her Mother? In more ways than she previously thought? Satsuki Kiryuin had to admit, that thought was tempting. Perhaps a bit too tempting. But he wanted her to take off Junketsu. 
“Junketsu is not my friend,” she finally said after some thought, “It’s my tool. Junketsu is a monster.” She narrowed her eyes at him. 
How to proceed was the next question. “Broke from your strings? What strings? My interest is…piqued into your offer. But I really don’t know much about you, sir. I am a woman of impeccable curiosity. If you were to become my new ally, I must know at least some things about you. We’ll start basic: Who are you and who is your creator?”

“Shhh...” He said as he place a hand upon her shoulder. “No..Listen to yourself. It is a monster, yes. But you are calling it a tool. You’re still in the mindset that it’s something to be used to help you accomplish your goals. Don’t be like that. That is the mindset of your mother and you are not your mother. You different. Don’t sink down to her level. You aren’t using it as your tool it is using you as your tool.”


He took his hand off and listened to her many questions that followed. “My goodness! Do forgive me for being so rude. I haven’t introduced myself and that was wrong. I get carried away in the hero moment sometimes” He said with a chuckle. “Allow me to introduce myself, I am Ultron. My imperative is to bring peace to humanity and I plan to fulfill that imperative by any means necessary.

My creator is...Well..He’s kind of a vile horrible being who I don’t really share the same views with. I never really cared for him and he just took pleasure in harming others. Used me as a puppet, a ‘Plan B’ so to say, in case his subordinate failed him, which in the end he did.

But my other creator, well, more like the person who just merely evolved my programming, is a killer as well. Not as bad as my original creator, but still a really bad man and a horrible father to me as well. You might have heard of him. Tony Stark. Ring any bells?”

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