@fineisuppose / fineisuppose.tumblr.com

"Intelligence is the ability of a living creature to perform pointless or unnatural acts."

I love stranger things bc I really relate to a girl from a super fucked up background with tons of trauma finding solace in a DND group.


Whenever I take a long car ride I end up exhausted afterwards, and I'm always like "why am I so tired? I was just sitting around doing nothing all day."

But the answer, it turns out, is I was doing something. Riding in a car jars your body in many directions and requires constant microadjustments of your muscles just to stay in place and hold your normal posture. Because you're inside the car, inside the situation, it's easy not to notice all the extra work you're doing just to maintain the status quo.

There's all sorts of type of work that we think of as "free" that require spending energy: concentrating, making decisions, managing anxiety, maintaining hypervigilance in an unfriendly environment, dealing with stereotype threat, processing a lot of sensory input, repairing skin cells damaged sun exposure, trying to stay warm in a cold room.

The next time you think you're tired from "nothing", consider instead that you're probably in situation where you're doing a lot of unnoticed extra work just to stay in place.


opening my body's task manager to see what's taking up all my cpu


People's lives are so fucking boring. Including mine. I hate it, and I wish for more of it.


"I used to think that someone would get better because of my books.

No, nobody needs me!

In two days after I die, they'll start gobbling up someone else.

I wanted to change them, but it's they who've changed me. Making me in their own image.

The future used to be just a continuation of the present, with all the changes looming far behind the horizon.

Now the future and the present are one."


I’m so much more productive after the sun goes down. While the sun is up I feel the weight of having to do things and it just overwhelms me.

But when the sun has gone to bed suddenly my time is my own. I can do with it what I will and oftentimes that means the cleaning I’ve been meaning to do, the projects I’ve been putting off. They suddenly don’t seem overwhelming to me.

I like it when the sun goes down.

Ah, your ancestors were the ones who kept the night watch around the campfire

I’m sorry but this is genuinely the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.


in case you were wondering why I always post at 3am XD


This is why I work 12 hour overnight shifts now.


Family Christmas cards, but instead of posed photos in matching outfits, it's me in my scrubs half asleep on the couch while my daughter is mid air about to jump on me in the my hero academia shirt I got her and the Abraham Lincoln in a Christmas hat socks from my brother, with Harry Potter Legos and candy wrappers scattered around the floor.


So much fun to see how mainstream media tries to counteract one story with another. 🙄 Everything is messed up, guys.


"The bravest are surely those with the clearest vision of what is before them - glory, danger alike - yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it."

(It is only brave, when there's a choice you must make.)


If I died rn and my last four posts on this God forsaken site were the only things people had to remember my personality by, I think I'd die satisfied.


Me trying not to insult someone in a Twilight fandom by saying that they look more like ratatouille than Edward Cullen:

"I will not say what I'm thinking. I will not say what I'm thinking. I will not say what I'm thinking."


Sometimes I just want someone to say to me "damn, you're really smart." Bc I know I am, but for some reason I still need that external gratification.


Mountains and Memes: the modern version of Mice and Men.

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