
@pinkbackpacks /


No new years day will be like waking up to hollyweed on January 1, 2017

We will never experience this again.


that shit feels like it happened in 2012 and last month at the same time


fat women on tumblr dot gov: i think i deserve to live happily and not have ppl tell me i’m disgusting just for existing and making wild assumptions abt my health

the notes: let’s not forget skinny ppl matter too… they’re different problems but let’s not invalidate other women… sometimes i can’t find jeans that fit either… someone asked me if i was going to finish my burger once and i died


us Austen fans are always like *wistful sigh* where's my Mr Darcy? But you wanna know where the fuck he is????? You wanNA FUCKING KNOW? he's at home. avoiding all social situations, watching gossip girl with Georgiana and probably still recovering that time two weeks ago when the cashier said 'have a nice day' and he said 'no I'm fine thanks'. Where else would he fucking be?


i honestly dont get why people stopped reblogging things they like on here bc like what are you afraid of??? people thinking youre cringey?? guess what bitch! youre on tumblr! it's all cringey! reblog everything you like and do it shamelessly no one fuckin cares

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