



Ocean Ramsey and her team encountered this 20 ft Great White Shark near the island of Oahu, Hawaii. It is believed to be the biggest ever recorded


She’s so beautiful!! 💙💙💙


SO lovely!




God, I’m obsessed with this video. The way you can see all the scars and craters on her skin, the way the gill slits wave in the current, the sense of just how massive she is compared to that diver… it’s incredible. Just this enormous animal lazily swimming by the camera.

When 99% of the time you only see sharks in sped-up footage accompanied by threatening orchestral music and some narrator dude ominously intoning that it is “the most perfect killing machine the world has ever seen”, you tend to forget sharks are such beautiful creatures. This video doesn’t show a “monster shark” or a “killing machine”. It shows an animal - and a fucking beautiful one at that.


She’s so beautiful I’m going to cry. 


I lose my shit with absolute unfettered delight every single time I see this video. It makes me speechless every time, and I watch it at least 3 times in a row, and there’s a 50/50 chance that I’ll cry, because fuck. Look at her. She’s beautiful. And she’s just,,,, SO peaceful. There’s three swimmers in the water around her, swimming along beside her, and she’s not even a little bit phased. The peace and beauty in this video just. Gets me every time.


Hoooooo boy this video sparked a lot of controversy in the marine bio world. Many people argue that sharks should not be engaged with physically unless redirecting them, especially if they are in the area to feed (like, for example, on a dead whale) since they may get scared off and lose a prime opportunity to eat. Ocean Ramsey got a lot of heat for touching Deep Blue, especially for “riding” on her pec fin. However, I have never seen such massive positive public engagement towards a shark, /especially/ a notoriously slandered species like the great white. In Ramsey’s defence, she is also clearly keeping pace with DB when she touches her pec fin, not hanging on by it. Ramsey is a huge shark and ocean advocate, and with this video she began a huge conversation about how we perceive sharks. With shark cullings still happening periodically in places like Australia and finning still a thriving industry, sharks need all the good PR they can get.


for some perspective, here’s how huge the extinct Megalodon shark was compared to this big girl:

Deep Blue is slightly larger than the “Large Female Great White” on the bottom. imagine this woman swimming near a shark so big it wouldn’t even notice her

more about Deep Blue on Wikipedia:

PS: apparently our shark friend was pregnant in this video


usagi-chan, you’re 14, you’ll get over it.

wanted to try a sailor moon screen capture redraw but add some moody lighting to it and luna too.

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