
Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of rum

@swords-crossed / swords-crossed.tumblr.com

"Me? I'm dishonest And you can always trust a dishonest man to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you have to watch out for." -Captain Jack Sparrow There are only...
//################################################################### // Author: ricocheting.com // Version: v3.0 // Date: 2014-09-05 // Description: displays the amount of time until the "dateFuture" entered below. var CDown = function() { this.state=0;// if initialized this.counts=[];// array holding countdown date objects and id to print to {d:new Date(2013,11,18,18,54,36), id:"countbox1"} this.interval=null;// setInterval object } CDown.prototype = { init: function(){ this.state=1; var self=this; this.interval=window.setInterval(function(){self.tick();}, 1000); }, add: function(date,id){ this.counts.push({d:date,id:id}); this.tick(); if(this.state==0) this.init(); }, expire: function(idxs){ for(var x in idxs) { this.display(this.counts[idxs[x]], "Now!"); this.counts.splice(idxs[x], 1); } }, format: function(r){ var out=""; if(r.d != 0){out += r.d +" "+((r.d==1)?"day":"days")+", ";} return out.substr(0,out.length-2); }, math: function(work){ var y=w=d=h=m=s=ms=0; ms=(""+((work%1000)+1000)).substr(1,3); work=Math.floor(work/1000);//kill the "milliseconds" so just secs y=Math.floor(work/31536000);//years (no leapyear support) w=Math.floor(work/604800);//weeks d=Math.floor(work/86400);//days work=work%86400; h=Math.floor(work/3600);//hours m=Math.floor(work/60);//minutes s=Math.floor(work);//seconds return {y:y,w:w,d:d,h:h,m:m,s:s,ms:ms}; }, tick: function(){ var now=(new Date()).getTime(), expired=[],cnt=0,amount=0; if(this.counts) for(var idx=0,n=this.counts.length; idx<n; ++idx){ cnt=this.counts[idx]; amount=cnt.d.getTime()-now;//calc milliseconds between dates // if time is already past if(amount<0){ expired.push(idx); } // date is still good else{ this.display(cnt, this.format(this.math(amount))); } } // deal with any expired if(expired.length>0) this.expire(expired); // if no active counts, stop updating if(this.counts.length==0) window.clearTimeout(this.interval); }, display: function(cnt,msg){ document.getElementById(cnt.id).innerHTML=msg; } }; window.onload=function(){ var cdown = new CDown(); cdown.add(new Date(2017,4,26,0,00,00), "countbox1"); };
...until Dead Men Tell No Tales!

You will listen to me! LISTEN! The other ships will still be looking to us, to the Black Pearl, to lead, and what will they see? Frightened bilgerats aboard a derelict ship? No, no they will see free men and freedom! And what the enemy will see, they will see the flash of our cannons, and they will hear the ringing of our swords, and they will know what we can do! By the sweat of our brow and the strength of our backs and the courage in our hearts! Gentlemen, hoist the colors!

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (2007)  dir. Gore Verbinski


Same story, different versions. And all are true. See, it was a woman as changing and harsh and untamable as the sea. Him never stopped loving her. But the pain it caused was to much to live with, but not enough to cause him to die.


“You will listen to me! Listen! The other ships will still be looking to us, to the Black Pearl, to lead, and what will they see? Frightened bilgerats aboard a derelict ship? No, no they will see free men and freedom! And what the enemy will see, they will see the flash of our cannons, and they will hear the ringing of our swords, and they will know what we can do! By the sweat of our brow and the strength of our backs and the courage in our hearts! Gentlemen, hoist the colors! “


I’m not looking for trouble.

What a horrible way to live.

I have no sympathy for any of you feculent maggots and no more patience to pretend otherwise.

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