
Raging Feminace

@feminace / feminace.tumblr.com

Writer, gamer, ace, and unrepentant SJW. Also, penis. A whole lotta penis.

Gentle boys deserve so much love. Boys who speak softly. Boys who get frightened easily. Boys who aren’t good at standing up for themselves. Boys who get bullied for having traditionally ‘feminine’ hobbies or mannerisms. Boys who get told they’re not ‘macho’ enough.

You’re all amazing and never forget that


Deadass if you knew nothing about Yu Yu Hakusho looking at the promotional art you would think it was an anime about a male idol group hanging out.


i mean it’s true but there’s also not a 90′s anime in the world this statement doesn’t apply to.


brought to you by angelfire.com

wow that last one is gayer than the entire recorded history of gundam wing fanart combined

gayer than the hot cops?


Oh Gundam Wing, never change.


Don’t forget Samurai Troopers / Ronin Warriors 

Also bonus Western AU or whatever this is

Let’s not forget Weiß Kreuz with those boys in the flowershop

God I kinda miss the 90s lol


God, it’s like I’m 16 again.


This is why you need to do your research and your homework before committing to something like this. I oppose whaling, but fully support the indigenous whale hunts that take place in my country. Why? Because this is the food these people eat. They don’t have the same ability to buy food and materials that we take for granted. A gallon of milk can cost $11 (us) in some remote communities. Fishing, hunting, harvesting and preserving of the food they can gather is how a lot of people live in my state. In Canada it is the same in many areas. If you want to oppose the clubbing of baby seals for fur by large corporate groups, then I am in agreement, but when local indigenous peoples are doing something as a way of actively subsisting then maybe you need to take your world view and reexamine what you know, what you think you know, and what you believe.  A warm fuzzy feeling is not worth making indigenous people starve.

Don’t be an asshole.


It’s with PoC that I’ve seen it the most.

Like, the first time I saw it was when it was announced that Hermann Gottleib was married to a mixed WOC who was pregnant with his child.

And some asshole did a whole goddamn dissertation about how ‘well we don’t have to break up this awesome queer representation between Newt and Hermann just because Hermann is married! We can just simply write her being in love with someone else!’


I figured as much, hell, even Nostalgia Critic pulled this shit. He reviewed Blade this week and couldn’t get over how ~RARE~ and ~NOVEL~ it was that Blade and Dr. Jenson don’t hook up at the end of the movie, saying, I shit you not, “DON’T WORRY, TUMBLR WILL REMEDY THIS! QUICKLY, WRITE A REVISIONIST FANFIC WHERE THEY GET MARRIED AND HAVE 20 CHILDREN ALL OF DIFFERENT SEXUAL IDENTITIES! AND IF YOU CAN’T THINK OF 20 SEXUAL IDENTITIES, JUST MAKE THEM UP! WE KNOW YOU’RE GOOD AT THAT!”

It’s weird, in every Wesley Snipes movie he’s reviewed, he’s bashed Tumblr in some way.

Nevermind one of the most famous platonic partnership on TV was on SVU. Nevermind folks loving Elementary for that.

I’m tired of folks acting like this is in a vacuum


I just saw this beautiful girl on my walk to class! I love her message and that she is willing to stand in the rain for what she believes in. #stopculturalappropriation

reblogging twice bc she’s gorgeous


Dear sisters,

be whatever the fuck you want. today and forever.

be as carefree as you want

be as sexy with that booty as you want

be as incendiary as you want

be as much like a princess as you want

be as revolutionary as you want

be as natural as you want

be as fearless as you want

be as unapologetically excellent as you want

be as angry as you want

be as loved as you want

Happy international women’s day to all the black women out there struggling, mothering, loving, breathing, praying, dancing, resisting, laughing and BEING.

You are loved, you are worthy, you are magic.





Don’t trust fandom adults who

  • are waaaaaaaaaaay over-invested in protecting slashfic at the detriment of all others.
  • call any kind of criticism of racism/misogyny/transmisogyny/ableism “PUBLIC SHAMING”
  • argue that their white m/m slashfic is SUPER-IMPORTANT and all about ~queer representation~ when they’re straight themselves.
  • don’t think fandom has a race problem
  • don’t think fandom has a misogyny problem
  • lived through racefail (please please google this shit, you should know) and triggerwarnings debates but still complain about ~SJWS~
  • use the term SJW to begin with
  • complain all the time about young people
  • call mass-criticism of their racist tropes “dogpiling”
  • pretend like mass-criticism is MORE dangerous to fandom than racism
  • call criticism ‘an attack of free speech’ or ‘censorship’
  • act like black women don’t exist in media
  • complain about sjws taking entertainment too seriously
  • complain about young fans not ‘knowing their history or betters’
  • act like there’s no such thing as fandom racism, it’s just SENSITIVE PEOPLE
  • write 13 chapter ‘essays’ on the ao3 that are just patronizing wrist-slaps to younger fans who call out their fucking racist bullshit

Oh also

Act like m/m slash is beyond criticism because it’s “feminist” and helps hetero women ~explore their sexuality~

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