
Does It Make You Feel Alive?

@drunkencraic-blog / drunkencraic-blog.tumblr.com

All things One Direction. Niall Horan enthusiast. Send in your preferences. Story ideas. Any pictures you want to see. Youtube videos. Directioners unite because honestly what else could make you feel anymore alive?

Thank you for always being so kind and thoughtful, for putting a smile on your face for us even when you don’t have to, for being strong and noble and brave throughout all this. Thank you for being you and caring about the world we live in. I love you very much.

Happy Birthday, Liam!!!


If PEOPLE magazine and EOnline are reporting a hiatus, I believe it. I know what you're thinking how the fuck can I? But I follow media closely and those are the only two outlets I can genuinely say know their shit and who I trust. If they didn't, they would have retracted it immediately. I've been following them for forever but with that being said, I'm happy they're reaching a point where they're able to take time for themselves. They've done five albums in five years. Have been on four world tours. Have won countless awards. Let's put ourselves in their shoes. Could we be away from home, our families and our friends for months at a time? Could we fathom being so exhausted yet having to perform an absorbent amount of songs every night? I know I wouldn't be able too. I commend those boys. I idolize them for their work ethic. They are Directioners number one fans. They wouldn't do this if it wasn't absolutely necessary. Change is good. Change is growth. Change is worth it. Maybe I'm at a place personally to understand how scary change is but also how rewarding it can be. I've learned to do things on my own and succeed. I've learned that I have to take risks to fail. And they need to learn that too. Failure is scary but it's such a learning experience. They deserve that as much as we do. Also, let's think of what they've done for us. They've given us more than a fandom but a family. Half of us wouldn't be friends with some people if it weren't for these boys. Think of all the friends you've made. All the people you've interacted with globally. How many people you have to lean on when things get tough. We've learned that working together is better than working apart. We've learned how powerful we are and how much we can make a difference. So let's let them have their time apart. Maybe we need it too. Time to find our love for them again like we had the first time we heard them sing. Let's take the time to appreciate them more. Let's take the time to grow as a fandom. It's just a break guys. Sometimes we need it. They're growing and so are we. And just like the other special people in our lives, let's let them experience change. Let's help them grow. We owe that to them. We also owe it to ourselves. If anyone needs someone to talk to about this. Always know my messages are open! We got this guys. It's not the end. OT4: here to stay.


I find it incredibly unlikely for One Direction to not tour a fifth album when they've been doing it this long. But, if they don't I won't be upset because they deserve time off. They haven't stopped in five years and I know it's sad, but they're human and this fandoms love for them goes beyond the music. We love them as if they were our friends and family. And don't we only want what's best for people closest to us? It's not the end guys. People deserve a vacation to pursue other things. It's all going to be fine. Just wait for the boys to confirm or deny. Don't work yourselves up over a rumour as of right now. All the love xo

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